Saturday, July 27, 2019

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

If you are an empath, then you understand it can be so hard sometimes just to exist. In this post, I will be discussing how you can protect yourself as an empath.

Protection Bubble

There is a visualization meditation that you can do every day which is very effective. You can visualize a protective bubble around your body which will block all negative energy from reaching you.

Do this by closing your eyes and calming down your mind. Then start to visualize a bubble that is all around your body. It would be in an oval shape at the edge of your aura. You can make it any color, but I suggest blue, iridescent, or white. Those are my favorite protection colors to use.

Anything you visualize becomes real to you. If it's an energy, then it manifests immediately. That's why this meditation works so well. Once you start to see the bubble around you, the energy forms and it becomes a barrier of protection.


Meditation in general is a great way to raise your vibration, cleanse your aura, and dissolve negative energy that may be around you. You should meditate every day for at least 20 minutes for best results.

Holding onto crystals while meditating will be even more effective. The best protection crystals are black tourmaline, tourmalinated quartz, or shungite. Holding these crystals in your hand will draw the negative energy out of your body and into the crystal.

You can even wear these crystals as necklaces or other jewelry to help bring that protection energy with you when you are around others.


Smudging is a great way to clear a space of negative energy and protect yourself. The best items to use for smudging are palo santo and sage. You can purchase these items at gem shops or online.

If you want the best potency, don't just use the incense. Go for bundles or dried white sage. I feel that white sage gives the best vibrations compared to the other types of sage. This is from my own personal experience.

Sea Salt

Sea salt is a great tool for cleansing your body and your home from negative energy. Taking a salt bath is great for cleansing your whole aura. If you are interested in using salt for cleansing, I have written further information about that here.

I hope these empath protection tips help you out.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Do Subliminals Work?

So today I'm going to talk a little bit about subliminals and how you can use them to enhance the law of attraction.

What Causes The Law Of Attraction To Fail?

Actually, it could be a few things that cause you to fail with the law of attraction and I'll write more about that later, but right now I want to focus on limiting beliefs.

We all have limiting beliefs. These are subconscious beliefs that we can't have or do a certain thing. These beliefs are usually learned throughout our lifetime, and especially in childhood. If you grew up poor, you may have a limiting belief that you can't have lots of money for example.

These limiting beliefs will sabotage any efforts you make with manifestation. You can try and try to manifest something, but if your core beliefs are limiting you, it will stop you every single time. This is a very hard pattern to come out of.

But there is a solution.

I spoke about affirmations before, and they are a solution to changing your beliefs but they may not work for everyone.

You see, there are certain people that are not easily manipulated or hypnotized. Those people would find it hard to use affirmations because there is a barrier there. We have to find a way to get past that. And that's where subliminals come along.

What Are Subliminals?

Subliminals are audio or visuals that are just below our perception level. So you wouldn't necessarily hear or see it. The audio is too low to consciously notice, and the images flash so quickly that you don't even see it. But your brain still perceives it on a subconscious level.

Now I'm not going to get too far into the science because I am definitely not a scientist, but I have read about subliminals and used them myself.

They have the ability to change the way you think. You can use subliminals to make positive changes to your life and get rid of negative beliefs that are holding you back from the things you want.

Are Subliminals Safe?

Well, they can be safe or unsafe depending on the content of the subliminal. You have to trust the creator of the subliminal.

There are a lot of audio subliminal recordings available online for free on Youtube. But it's best to be very careful of who you trust, as some of these people that upload this content may not be trustworthy. You really don't know what's in a subliminal.

I ran into this issue myself. I don't remember the channel name, but I remember it was a big thing where people were experiencing demonic things and very deranged thought patterns after listening to the subliminals on that channel. Then some other people came out and exposed them for having hidden evil messages. All I'm saying is these things do happen.

The best thing you can do is look at all the content and try to feel out the vibe of the channel. Is there any questionable content on the channel? Are there many comments from people that experienced bad things after listening? Then take precautions.

Another option is to actually buy subliminal audios from a reputable company. When you pay for something, the person selling it is much more likely to give you a good quality product that isn't full of some weird, evil stuff. So keep that in mind as an option.

Plus, if you are buying the subliminal, you can ask them to customize messages just for you so you can be as specific as you need to be.

Do I Recommend Subliminals?

I most certainly encourage you to use them if you are trying to manifest things but keep running into a brick wall. It can help you get over your disbelief and get you to a place where you are able to manifest the things you want better.

Keep in mind that it takes discipline. You have to listen to subliminals day after day, several times per day. This is not a quick fix. It can take a few months for results to start to show up.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How I Manifested What I Wanted

This is a personal experience I'd like to share today: How I manifested what I wanted. I will go into detail about what I did and the outcome and how long it took.

The Target

This story took place a couple of years ago.

I had been wondering if the law of attraction was actually real. I was unsure, and trying to figure out if we really do have the ability to manifest what we want into our lives. I had my doubts, but decided to do an experiment.

I decided to try to manifest something small and cheap, because part of manifesting is believing you could have that thing. So of course it's really hard to sit there and believe that a million dollars is going to fall into my lap. There was no way I could use a large sum of money as my target for manifestation, because I simply did not have enough faith to do that.

So I chose a chocolate cake. I was going to manifest a chocolate cake into my life. It seemed like an easy enough target for me to practice with.

The Method

I looked up a bunch of images of chocolate cake. This helped me with being able to visualize my target. So I closed my eyes, visualized the chocolate cake. Then I imagined taking a bite. I imaged what it tasted like and what it felt like in my mouth to eat it.

I did this a few times. I meant to do it every day until I was successful, but I just kind of forgot about it. I really didn't put in much effort at all.

The Manifestation

It took about 10 days. I was handed a pre-made to-go plate with food in it from a friend. I opened it and there was a slice of chocolate cake.

The odds of me getting the plate with chocolate cake was only 33% because the other two plates had vanilla and strawberry cake. I just so happened to get the one with chocolate in it.

So I was pretty thrilled. I successfully manifested what I wanted and it didn't take that much effort either. I believe it worked so well because I knew what chocolate cake felt like and I could visualize it in great detail. Plus, it was very believable that I would receive the cake.

Now, if I were trying to manifest a lot of money, that would be a lot harder because I've never had a million dollars so I can't visualize what that feels like.

However, I do believe it's possible to do so. It just takes a lot of effort. I believe if you start with small things and build up your faith, then the larger things become more possible. Once you manifest several smaller things, you can work your way up and up until you manifest something bigger.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How To Manifest Anything Quickly

In this post, we will be discussing how you can manifest anything quickly. If you have been struggling with the law of attraction, use this article as a guide to help you.

First Things First

Before you try to manifest, you should have a pretty clear idea of what you want. Be as specific as you can, while being true to your authentic desires. You need to know what it is that you will be asking for.

So get out a pen and paper and write down what you want to manifest in your life.


The first technique is to vividly visualize the things you want. The more detailed your visualizations are, the better.

So if you are wanting a car, then imagine yourself walking up to the car that you want. Picture yourself with the keys to your car and really feel what those keys would feel like. Open the door and sit down. Feel what the seats feel like. Place your hands on the steering wheel and feel that as well. Smell the car.

Being able to use your senses during a visualization makes it more real and will help a lot with bringing it into your reality. So be as detailed as you can and actually try to feel, smell, taste, and hear the things you are looking at.

This may require getting into a meditative state, so be prepared to meditate each day.

Vision Board

Create a vision board with pictures of all the things you want. You can go online or look through magazines and find pictures. Then glue them together in a collage.

Look at the vision board each day when you need inspiration. It will help you with your visualizations as well, because if you look at the photos often, you will be able to recreate it in your mind more easily.

Hang the vision board up on your wall as a daily reminder of the goals you are working towards.

Practice Gratitude

This is huge. If you are not already practicing gratitude, it is necessary for manifestation. Every single day take a moment to truly feel thankful for the things you already have. You can find at least one thing to be thankful for. If you have a roof over your head, that's something to be thankful for. If you ate at least one meal today, you should be thankful.

I cannot stress this enough. It is very important to practice this every day. It's a powerful manifestation technique that gives a lot of results.

In order for this to work, you have to truly feel thankful. It's not enough to just close your eyes and halfway feel thankful. No, you really need to feel how thankful you are. In order to get in the mood, try to remember a time when you went without. Remember what it felt like to not have what you needed and remember how thankful you were once that time was over and you could get the things you needed.

For example, if you were broke and couldn't buy groceries so you went without much food for a couple of days. Remember what that was like to help you truly feel grateful.


I wrote an article about what affirmations are and how to practice them already, but I wanted to add that to this post because it's a great way to manifest anything into your life.

When you speak something over and over, you begin to believe it. Once you believe it, it's only a matter of time before it shows up in your reality. This goes for both good and bad things.

You are already doing this every day. Every single day you already have thoughts in your head that shape your reality. If they are negative thoughts, well then that's not good. You have to turn things around for yourself and it begins with your thoughts and feelings.

Practice affirmations daily for the things you are trying to achieve.

So I hope this article was helpful for anyone who is trying to manifest quickly.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

How To Change Your Life With Affirmations

In this post, I will be discussing how you can use affirmations to literally change your life. Are you ready?

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive phrases. Some examples of affirmations are:

  • I am happy
  • I am loved
  • I feel amazing
  • I create my reality
When you say affirmations, you are basically saying something that you want to be true. You may not believe the affirmation at first. It may feel ridiculous when you say it, but if you practice every single day you will actually change your subconscious thoughts.

You are slowly working to reprogram your brain to create the things you want with affirmations. This is exciting. And I'm going to give you the best tips for using them.

How Do Affirmations Work?

Your brain is like a computer. It gets programmed from birth. If you were brought up in a loving and supportive home, you probably had a pretty healthy self esteem as a child and did pretty well in school. If you were in an abusive and neglectful home, you likely suffered socially and had trouble in school.

Whatever abusive things were said to you, you began to believe, because it was repeated so much. Now it's programmed in your subconscious mind and likely shows up in your life in many negative ways. So how do you fix this?

Well, one way you can turn your life around is through reprogramming your mind to believe healthy and positive things about yourself and about life.

Do Affirmations Actually Work?

In my experience, YES they do work even on the most damaged individuals. If you say something enough, you start to believe it. The only way to know what impact affirmations will have on your life is to actually practice them. I'm going to tell you how you can do that.

Remember that you can practice more than one method. You can even do all the methods I talk about. The more methods you do each day, the more powerful the effect it will have on your life.

Write Them Down

One way to practice affirmations is to write them down every day. Get a piece of paper and write down your list of affirmations every morning. If you are a person who learns from writing things down, this is an especially helpful way for you to get the affirmations into your head.

Remember, do not use negative words in your affirmations. Stay away from saying "never" "can't" "won't" "don't" or any other negatives. Your subconscious mind cannot understand those phrases. Instead of talking about what you don't want, talk about what you do want.

For example, instead of saying, "I never worry," you should say, "My mind is calm" or "I am safe."

Say Them Out Loud

Saying affirmations out loud can help you as well. Have a list of affirmations and just recite them every day, at least once per day. It's as simple as that.

You can even look yourself in the eyes in a mirror and recite your affirmations. This may feel weird or seem silly at first, but it's a good way to practice.

Youtube Videos

Listening to affirmations or watching affirmation videos can help you as well. Some of the videos have very nice images to go along with the affirmations, which can help your brain receive the message more easily.

Search for affirmation videos on youtube and you will not find a shortage of them. There are so many. You can even put in the keywords you are looking for in order to find the best ones for you.

Remember to practice affirmations daily for the best results and use as many methods of practice as you can.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

What Happens If You Meditate For 3 Hours A Day

What happens when you meditate 3 hours every day? If you're wondering, I've got the answer.

I began meditating for 3-4 hours daily in 2012.

Why did I do it? Well, I was in an almost constant state of fear and worry. If I wasn't panicking, I was dealing with the aftermath. I never had a moment to recover fully before another one came on. It was pure hell living like that. My thoughts were literally torturing me.

I decided to research natural ways I could calm myself down, and meditation came up. So every single time I panicked, I would go meditate. I ended up meditating for 3 to 4 hours every day because that's how often I had problems.

It wasn't like I just set out to meditate that much. I felt like my body needed it. Meditation was just a way for me to relax a little and try to accept things that I felt were scary and out of my control. It was the only coping mechanism I had at the time.

I would lay down and play a meditation from Youtube. There were tons of different ones. I really liked to use guided meditations because the speaker guiding me was very calming to me at the time. I would also use didgeridoo music, beach wave sounds, rain sounds, etc. I switched it up.

I didn't know much about meditation or spirituality at the time. I had read a few things the previous year, but then life got in the way and I didn't really think much of it. So when things started to happen, I was very confused.

First of all, I noticed a pressure around my head at different times throughout the day. Back then, I didn't really know what it was. While the pressure was around my head, I would feel pure bliss and euphoria for a moment. Now I understand that I had opened my crown chakra and that's what I was feeling.

Another thing I noticed was my ability to see energy. I saw blue orbs and one time I saw a white blob of energy float from one corner of the ceiling to another corner, then disappear.

One of the biggest things that happened was I began astral projecting a lot. I always had this ability all my life, but it was a rare thing. Once I began meditating 3 hours a day, it was happening several times a week.

Basically, I had increased all my spiritual gifts that I already had, plus gained some new ones. I was awakening rapidly. I went to the internet to learn all that I could about all of these things that were happening to me. I really didn't mean to make any of this happen. It all started out with me badly needing to calm myself down and relax.

Many people don't have 3 hours to dedicate to meditation. You can get benefits from just 20 minutes of meditation each day. It doesn't have to be perfect either. Do you know how many times I fell asleep during my meditations? It happened so often that I couldn't even tell you. That's why we practice meditation. You don't have to do everything perfectly and there is no one way to do things either.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

How To Use Crystals For Beauty

There is a secret recipe for beauty and anti-aging using crystals that I want to share with you today. I think I read about this somewhere, but I don't even remember. All I know is I took the information and ran with it, because who doesn't want to look younger?

What You Will Need

For this elixir, you will need a rose quartz crystal and a spray bottle. I use a little spritzing bottle because some spray bottles are kind of rough. You can use whatever you like. You can even use a regular bottle and I'll tell you how to apply it.

How To Make Rose Quartz Crystal Elixir

Okay, so get your rose quartz crystal and make sure it's clean. If it's not, run it under some water and wipe it down. You don't want it to have any dust or dirt or anything else on it.

At this point, I like to charge my crystal. I use the sun for charging, but I only do it for a few minutes with crystals like rose quartz because it can cause your crystal to fade and we don't want that. So I step outside and let my crystal sit in direct sunlight for a couple minutes.

Now put the crystal in the spray bottle. You will want to let it sit for about 12 hours. I try to give it enough time to infuse the water with all that rose quartz crystal energy.

How To Use Rose Quartz Elixir

Every night before bed, spray some of the water onto your face. You can let it dry on it's own, or dab it with a cotton ball. The choice it yours. If you used a regular bottle and not a spray bottle, just apply it to your face with a cotton ball or cotton pad.

Any time you run out of water, take the crystal out, recharge it in the sun and add water to the bottle again. This will keep your rose quartz water fresh and ready to use.

And that's it. That's how I use rose quartz crystal elixir for increased beauty and skin.

Monday, July 8, 2019

15 Signs You Are Secretly A Psychic

Yes, you can be psychic without realizing it. In this post, I'm going to be giving you some signs that tell if you are secretly a psychic. These are things that all psychics go through before finding out they are psychic.

You don't have to experience every single one of these in order to be psychic. If you have at least a few of these signs, then you probably have psychic abilities.

1. Prophetic Dreams

When you have a prophetic dream, it means that you dreamed something that came true later on. It could have been months or years into the future. Usually prophetic dreams will happen years before the actual event occurs. This is a sign that you have the ability to predict the future through dreams.

2. Time Anomalies

You may experience strange things in relation to time. Time may feel like it sped up suddenly and you don't have any explanation for it. You may also experience slow motion time right before your eyes. This usually happens in conjunction with a message from the universe. They are trying to get your attention.

You may also experience missing time. Suddenly the clock is forward a few hours, but you have no idea how or why it happened. You don't remember anything at all during that time. These are all signs that something paranormal is going on.

3. Song Prediction

If you are listening to the radio and you hear a song start playing in your head a few seconds before it actually starts to play, then you might be psychic. You would have been able to tell people if the prediction had come sooner, but all you can do is say, "Omg I knew this song was about to play." It's kind of exciting when it happens.

4. Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are dreams where you have more awareness. There are levels of awareness, all the way up to being fully aware that you are dreaming. So in the dream, you might be feeling things as if you are actually there, such as feeling yourself flying through the air. You may be completely aware that you are dreaming and just start exploring and doing whatever you want. This is a lucid dream.

5. Hearing Your Name

If you are absolutely certain that you are home alone, but you hear your name being called, you probably have some psychic abilities. This could be your guardian angels and guides trying to get your attention, or it could be a spirit that lives in your home that wants to relay a message.

6. Dejavu

It's normal for everyone to experience dejavu every once in a while, but if you are experiencing it often then something is definitely going on there. It could mean that you dreamed the future, but forgot the dream and when it happens in real life, it jogs your memory because you saw it before. It could also be a sign of you repeating things you once did in a past life.

7. Knowing Someone Is Pregnant

If you can sense that someone is pregnant before they even know, you are probably psychic. You may be able to feel a certain energy around them, or even see an energy around their tummy area. It could also just come to you as a knowing. You just know they are pregnant, but you don't really know how you know it.

8. Knowing Someone Will Die

If you know that someone will die before it happens, you are very likely psychic. This is one of those gifts we don't really like to have, but it happens anyway. You have to take the good with the bad. It's not fun to know this information, but if you are psychic then you may experience this.

9. Seeing Repeat Numbers

You may be seeing 11:11, 444, 777, 1222, or any repeating numbers. You will see them everywhere. They will be on license plates, the clock, addresses to buildings, price tags. These are signs that you are awakening spiritually as well.

10. Synchronicity

Some people call them coincidences. In spirituality, we don't believe in coincidences. They are often termed synchronicities. They tend to happen to people who are waking up to their psychic and spiritual gifts.

An example would be like if you were sitting there eating a pineapple and a friend texts you something to do with pineapples. They had no idea you what you were eating. That is a synchronicity. To add another layer on top of that, a commercial comes on a few seconds later and it's about pineapples. This is just an example, but you'll notice little things like this happening all the time.

11. Feeling Someone Else's Emotions

Being able to feel someone else's emotions as if they are your own is a spiritual gift. It's called being an empath. Some people don't like it, and it can definitely make life hard and confusing if you are unable to control this gift.

12. Knowing Someone's Intentions

There are some pretty manipulative people in this world. Some people are smiling on the outside, but they actually have bad intentions. You have the ability to read a person's true intentions. You know when they are a bad person, even if they are fooling everyone else. You just get a bad feeling when you are around them.

13. You Know When Someone Is Lying

You can tell when someone is telling you a lie. Everyone lies every once in a while, and it doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad person. But you can see right through it.

14. Feeling Like You Are Different

Even at a young age, you knew that something was different. You questioned the way the world worked. You thought in a way that kids don't typically think. You may have asked your mom questions that baffled her or knew things that you "shouldn't have known". You just knew there was more to life. You may have felt isolated from your peers.

15. Soul Connections

You have met people that you feel deeply connected to at the soul level. You may have experienced dejavu when you first met them or first looked into their eyes, as if you had seen them before somewhere. These people are your soul family.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope it gave you some insight.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Pick A Card: Love Advice Reading

In this Pick A Card reading, we will be looking at general love advice. This reading is for anyone who is involved with someone romantically. This is general advice for you and your "person of interest". Take a look at the photo below and choose a stack of cards. Then scroll down for the interpretation.

Group 1

There is definitely potential for growth with you and your crush. There is an opportunity for you to be together in the future. This is a positive sign.

At the same time, one of you is feeling unsure about moving forward. Give them time and space to figure out if this is what they really want. If there is confusion, they will need to work it out.

Group 2

One of you may be traveling to see the other soon, or this could just mean that things are moving in a forward direction for you two.

There is love, compassion, and warm feelings. I have a good feeling about this group and that you may be on your way to real love.

Group 3

One of you may be trying to control the other in an attempt to prevent bad things in the future. Maybe one is scared of the other cheating or leaving them. Remember that you can't hold on too tightly to someone. They will feel restricted. You have to let life happen. If someone loves you, they will stay with you.

If you develop trust between you, it will lead to a secure future. The future has potential.

Group 4

You may be hurting right now emotionally. Maybe you were hurt in the past and it still hurts because you haven't gotten over it. You should work on trying to heal that hurt by loving yourself more.

It seems like there is some manipulation going on. The best thing to do is just be honest with that person. If they don't text you enough, tell them outright instead of being passive aggressive in an attempt to get them to text you more. That's just an example, but you can apply that example to many things within a relationship.

Sometimes in a relationship people will act out to get attention from the other person, and trust me it will backfire eventually. Just be honest with them.

General readings are not going to be true for everyone, so take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I hope you enjoyed this reading.

How To Use A White Candle For Protection

In this post, we will be discussing how you can use a white candle for protection. We all need protection from negative energy from time to time, especially if you are a spiritual person.

How To Tell If You Need Protection

It doesn't hurt to protect yourself anyway, but I am going to give you some sure fire tips on how to tell if you need protection. If you experience any of the following things, it indicates that you need protection:

  • Feeling someone watching you/staring at you
  • Feeling bad feelings in the pit of your stomach when around a certain person
  • Nightmares
  • Evil visions before falling asleep or at any time
  • Bad luck/small accidents
Like I said, it doesn't hurt to protect yourself anyway. You can do protection rituals regardless of whether or not you experience these things. I just wanted to let you know what may indicate that you have a negative entity problem.

Now onto the protection.

Which White Candle To Use

It doesn't matter what size the candle is, as long as it is a pure white candle. It's also okay to get a scented or non scented candle. The only thing that matters is the color of the candle which is white. There are some candles that are an "off white" color such as cream. But do your best to not get one of those.

If you need to do this quickly, then get a smaller candle. A tealight candle would even be fine if you are in a pinch. If you want to spend a longer time on this, then get a bigger candle. But just remember we are letting the candle burn out completely, so keep that in mind when picking the size.

Step 1

Get a sharp object and write your name on the candle. You aren't using an ink pen. You are just carving your name into the side of the candle. This is to let the universe know that the protection energy is for you. It'll be kinda hard to see the name, but what matters is the intention.

Step 2

Use proper candle safety. Never leave a burning candle alone. Always stay in the room with the candle while it's lit. Place the candle on a stable surface, away from all objects. You don't want the candle near any paper or fabric especially. Keep everything away from the candle except for the candle holder.

Step 3

Once you have figured out where you are going to put the candle and everything, go ahead and hold the candle in your hand. Say a prayer of protection, and state your intentions to protect yourself from bad energy or negative energy.

Step 4

Light the candle.

Step 5

Let the candle burn until it stops burning on it's own. Again, if you need to do this quickly, get a smaller candle. If you want a longer session, get a bigger candle.

But just remember that large candles can and will burn for hours. So if you do not have hours, don't get the bigger candle. I recommend a candle that is no more than an inch tall. You can find tealight candles that burn pretty quickly.

Step 6

Once the candle has burned out, discard of the candle and take a salt bath. You can use Himalayan salt or epsom salt for your bath. Stay in the warm salt bath for at least 20 minutes. This cleanses your aura of all negative energy.

And you are done. That's how you use a white candle for protection.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 2019 Zodiac Signs Reading

This is coming out like a week late, but I just got the idea to do a July zodiac sign forecast. Next month it'll come out earlier. But this reading is just like a little heads up for anyone who wants to check out what will be going on with their sun sign.


New ideas are coming your way. You may find a creative way to solve a problem, or come up with a new idea for how to go forward in life. These new ideas are connected with success, so it may have something to do with making money as well. You are encouraged to start a new project at this time.

At the same time, you are wallowing in the disappointment of something else you were working to achieve that didn't turn out the way you wanted. It's time to let go of the past and make room for these new ideas to come to life.


You are experiencing some financial setbacks at this time. This may be in the form of just being unhappy with your current state, or actually being in debt.

It's time to get in touch with yourself again. Start to tap into your passions and creativity to bring that spark back in your life. Once you are loving yourself and doing what you love, everything else begins to fall into place again.


New money is coming your way. This could be a new job, or a new business adventure, or someone is just giving you money. Whatever the case, you are getting some money soon.

This is a good month for you. You are experiencing a lot of courage and confidence. You will succeed in socializing and making new friends and connections. You have the determination to see your dreams through to success.


You have some hard decisions to make at this time. You may be a bit withdrawn because of these things weighing on your mind.

You may be going through a breakup and that is the decision you have to make in this month. It's important to get clarity before making any decision. Meditate and go inside yourself or get a trusted friend to help you talk it out.


You are feeling pretty exhausted lately, maybe even to the point of wanting to give up. You have pushed through a lot of hard times and difficulties.

I feel this is related to work. You are overexerting yourself in your work or studies which is leading to burn out. Take a breather, do something you love. Maybe take a weekend and just get away. You need it.


You are making a decision on whether or not to give up on something. This could be a project. It could be a relationship. It could be a problem you've been trying to solve.

There is a huge lack of direction here. You are confused about which way to go. You should trust your intuition and let it guide you through this hard decision.


It may be Cancer season, but you want some alone time. You've been living on the reckless side lately and that can be bad for your health. Take your alone time to regroup and figure yourself out. You need some rest and time to take care of yourself. It may be your birthday, but don't party too much this month.


You feel kind of overwhelmed. You may have overcommitted yourself to some responsibilities and now you are realizing that you can't juggle all of it.

It's time to ask for some help and delegate. You may know of an older woman (perhaps your mother) who can help you with some of the tasks you have taken on.


You are going thru a stage of disappointment. All is not lost, but you have suffered some form of loss. It's time to feel grateful for what you still have, and move forward.

An act of kindness goes a long way in making yourself feel better, so reach out to someone in need and show them love. It can help you feel better and also remind you of how fortunate you actually are, despite the things you have been thru.


You are getting in touch with yourself more and this is leading to a happier life. You have recently accomplished something pretty big, or you will be accomplishing something big soon. You have your family around you to celebrate with, and things are looking up for the future.


You are experiencing delays and setbacks. This can be a frustrating time as you hit walls in the way of trying to accomplish goals or complete tasks.

This could make you scared to take any action at all, for fear that you will hit another wall and have to do it over again. Don't let this fear hold you back. Remember that setbacks in life are temporary. The energy will move forward again at some point.


You are experiencing some conflict and having to pull hard on your self control to keep your cool. This could be inner conflict or conflict with others outside yourself. Take a break from being around others and meditate. Help yourself calm down and think about what's going on. Taking a break from the situation can help release the tension that is there.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Are You A Healer Or An Empath?

I often see empaths and healers mixed up in spiritual literature online, and I wanted to make my own post about the characteristics of each, how you can know which one you are, and how not to confuse them with each other.

What Is A Healer?

A healer is someone who has a natural ability to heal others. You may notice that animals come up to you. Children and babies are always calm and happy around you. People that you don't know will walk right up to you and just start talking about their whole life and what troubles them. This is because they can sense your healing energy. If you notice any of these signs, you are probably a healer.

Healers were placed on the earth to raise the vibration and help lift others up when they are down. They are often able to love people that they have just met, and they may enjoy being around others and meeting new people because on a subconscious level they know that the more people they meet, the more love energy they can spread. This helps them fulfill their purpose.

What Is An Empath?

An empath is someone who can feel other's emotions as if they are their own. It can be hard to separate your own emotions from those around you, because you are feeling them just like the other person is. If you often cry with others, or feel intense emotions especially in a group setting, then you may be an empath. Some empaths find it hard to be in social settings because of this.

Empaths can sense when someone is being dishonest as well, because they know the person's true feelings even if the person isn't showing them. You may experience many relationships with sociopaths or narcissists, because they feel drawn to you. They know you have sensitive energy and that they can easily manipulate your feelings. It is important for empaths to protect themselves from these people. This is the dark part of being an empath. As long as you are aware of this problem though, you will be able to dodge these people and cut them out of your life.

Which One Am I?

You could be one or the other. It's also possible to be both. Many people are both healers and empaths and I believe that's where people get the two mixed up. If you have both gifts, it would make sense that you might not know which one is which.

I hope this article helps you tell the difference between a healer and an empath.

Pick A Card Reading: General Advice

Today's Pick A Card reading is about general life advice. Take a look at the photo and pick the stack that calls to you. Then scroll down for the reading.

Stack 1

It's time to consider saving a little money if you can. You never know when you may need it. Try to cut out excessive spending or try to find ways to earn extra money on the side that you can put back. Having a savings "just in case" is very responsible and handy. Reassess your relationship with money and practice gratitude so that you can be rewarded with more.

Something from your past is resurfacing or is about to resurface in your life. This would be a positive thing from the past, not a negative thing. Perhaps you are seeing family that you haven't seen in many years, reconnecting with childhood friends, or a former lover is coming back into the picture. Whatever the case may be, the cards say this is not a negative thing. It's a positive feeling of nostalgia and remembering good times.

Stack 2

It's time to stop dreaming and start planning. If there was something you've been thinking about doing, but have not acted on it, make a plan of action now. Ask yourself what steps you can take to get to where you want to go. It's important to take time in planning before making any moves so that things go smoothly.

The cards indicate that it won't be easy to make it to your goals. You will have to work for what you want. But anything worth having takes time and effort. With each test you become stronger and wiser and a better person. You can do this.

Stack 3

You are in a bit of a dark place right now. You may feel trapped or feel like you can't do anything to change your current circumstances. This is a time of hopelessness for you. Your thoughts are perpetuating your reality by making you feel even more upset about your circumstances.

This may be causing some conflicts between you and other people in your life. Take a moment to write down everything you are grateful for, no matter how small, each day. Do your best to be positive. You can take yourself out of this situation. It may seem like all hope is lost, but it's not. Just don't give up. Things can and will turn around if you believe and try.

Stack 4

You may have recently suffered a loss, or been betrayed by a loved one. It hurts right now, like a deep wound. These things are a part of life, and good times will come back. Just be patient.

The cards say a new opportunity is right around the corner. You may even already be seeing signs of everything turning around. You may experience a new job, new relationship, or just a positive change in your current situation. It's already coming to you.

Stack 5

Right now, you are working hard toward achieving what you want in life. You are taking action and all the necessary steps to get things done. This is a big goal that you are trying to get to. Know that your hard work will pay off.

A new love relationship is coming to you soon. Be on the lookout for that. This will really turn your life upside down in a good way.

Stack 6

You are working alongside others for a purpose or to complete a goal. This could be anyone: friends, family, coworkers, teammates. Whatever the case is, the cards are saying there is a positive collaboration taking place. This card points to success.

You will go on to work even more on improving yourself and your skills. This could be about school or work. Maybe you are heading back to school or getting an internship. Your success is coming, but the cards say you will be working for a while, completing tasks and getting experience.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Crystals You Need For The Eclipse July 2nd

There will be a total solar eclipse July 2nd. Depending on where you live, you may only see a partial eclipse. There is also a new moon in Cancer. Things are a bit crazy right now.

So hold onto your crystals, because this might get a little crazy. But which crystals should you hold onto the most? I'm gonna tell you.

New Moon And Solar Eclipse Meaning

A new moon is all about new beginnings. You may be leaving behind the old and making way for the new right now. You can expect beginnings, but also endings. Emotions will be shaken up a bit as things shift. You may been feeling a lot of different and weird energy symptoms as well.

Which Crystals Do You Need?

With endings and beginnings come emotions, especially with the water sign Cancer being involved. Let yourself feel whatever emotions arise at this time. You may feel vulnerable. Some things from the past that you thought you cleared may come back up.

Tourmalinated quartz is a good stone for clearing out old negative energy and getting your whole energy system moving again. If you don't have tourmalinated quartz, you can use black tourmaline. The effects are slightly different, but it will still help with clearing out negative energy that may come up.

Some more great stones for clearing out negative and old, stuck energy are opalite and obsidian.

I recommend jade during this time to give you some luck for the new beginnings that are coming. You want to focus on what you are thankful for and keep a lucky stone around to help bring in good and positive changes.

What To Do If You Feel Overwhelmed

If you are feeling some overwhelming energy and need to get rid of some of that, use red jasper, tigereye, and blue lace agate. This is a mixture of calming and grounding stones which can bring relief to anyone experiencing too much energy flow at the time.

You can also sit in meditation. Grounding meditations are very useful right now. Keeping yourself connected to the earth will help ground out any energy that you can't handle.

Be careful about who you spend your time with right now as well. Some people are just energy drainers and we know this from being around them. They can only make you feel worse at this time. Take care of yourself first.

A nice epsom salt or sea salt bath will help you feel more centered and calm.

How Long Does The Energy Last?

Most people will feel the energy of an eclipse and new moon for a few days before and after the event. Plan on this energy sticking around for at least a week. During this time, stay in tune with your body and what you are feeling. Take breaks and time for self care as needed.

Free Reading: What To Expect In July 2019

I'm excited to bring you this week's free reading. It's a "Pick A Crystal" reading for July. This will be a general reading letting you know what to expect for the month of July. Take a look at the photo below, pick the crystal that calls to you, and scroll down for your reading.

Group 1

It's looks like you are working hard at your goals and developing your skills. You are working hard to get somewhere. You may even be focusing on the past or having trouble letting go of something. This reading is saying that it's time to take stock. Realize what's working and what's not and abandon the things that are holding you back. You may have trouble seeing success until you do this. Reflect on what you are doing and where your time is going. Prioritize your life and let go of the things that are not helping you reach your goals right now.

You are a mature person who knows what you want in life. You cut straight to the important stuff. You value truth and people who are upfront with you. These are your strong points which will help you figure out how to achieve your goals. Getting into a daily routine to help reach your goals is important right now.

You do have potential and the energy is there for new beginnings and success to take place. But there is still work to be had. Still, be open to any opportunities that may come along at this time. There is a lot of creative energy at work in your life. You may have new ideas pop up seemingly out of nowhere this month. Write them down so that you don't forget.

I don't feel it is quite time for your dreams to take flight, but you are getting there. You need to tweak your daily routine to be more productive, set your goals, be consistent with what you are doing, and be ready for change to take place.

Cards drawn:
8 of Pentacles and 5 of Cups
Queen of Swords and Knight of Pentacles
The Fool and Knight of Cups

Group 2

If you haven't already, you really need to take a step back and relax. Put on the brakes for a bit. You may have overworked yourself recently or you may just need some time for self reflection. "Me time" and meditation are great ways to help heal this burn out. If you have been involving yourself with other people too much, you may need to take a step back from that. If people are sort of forcing you into events and things that take your energy, be strong enough to say no for your own health. You can tell when you are around the people that take your energy or make you feel drained. You gotta take a step back, especially from those people. They won't do anything but harm you right now. Meditate, draw your energy inward, and sit in your own power.

You may be going through some tough times emotionally and that's why you need to be alone right now. I just get a sense of you really needing to pull back, because of some trauma or tough emotional times that you've been facing. This reading is saying that those tough times are almost over and new beginnings are coming. You may have a new relationship or friendships right around the corner, but you need to heal first.

Staying in more will also help guard you from spending too much money. In July, you need to look at ways that you can save your money. You are kind of a spender in general, but this month you should take a step back from that. Start to spend less and save more.

Cards drawn:
4 of Swords R and 4 of Cups R
10 of Swords and Ace of Cups
4 of Pentacles and The Fool

Group 3

This month you will be walking away from a situation that no longer serves you. You may have over-committed to something and now have to take a step back from all those promises you made, or maybe you entered some kind of agreement that you are now going to back out of. It's time to look at your priorities and make sure they are in order and that you are making the healthiest decisions for yourself.

There is some success coming up for you though. This is material and worldly success. You will definitely have a time of withdrawal though. This doesn't have to be a negative thing. We sometimes have to take steps backward in order to go forward. Let your intuition guide you in this.

I do see some personal setbacks as well, so this further confirms that you are moving on from something that no longer serves you, and taking a step back. You have been overwhelmed. Don't let it get to the point where you lash out on someone when you don't mean it. It can be very hard to take back our words. So let yourself take a step back before anything like that happens.

Cards drawn:
8 of Cups and 2 of Pentacles R
King of Pentacles and 4 of Cups R
5 of Cups R and Queen of Swords R

Group 4

This reading indicates that you have been a bit moody recently. You may be having some conflicts with others and with yourself, or you may be trying hard to avoid conflict. Your relationships are strained right now.

You may be having setbacks in life as well. Things are not going as smoothly as you want or need it to go. Sudden changes at the last minute, or details you may have overlooked that caused you to miss deadlines. You may feel like life isn't moving as fast as you want it to. These delays are leading to frustration and you may be taking it out on those you love, or it's causing a strain between you and your loved ones. But this is not the end. You will eventually get to the end goal that you are pursuing. Yes, there are setbacks, but eventually you will find contentment and you'll be wondering why you let all of this get to you.

It's a time to draw on your inner power. Be bold, be creative when solving problems, have courage when faced with adversity. Don't be afraid of your inner power. These characteristics will help you in this time. You are facing challenges, so you need to be this fierce leader in your life. Don't let these things take you down. Yes, good things are coming. Don't let yourself get caught up with the negative.

Cards drawn:
Queen of Swords R and 5 of Wands R
8 of Wands R and 9 of Cups
Queen of Wands and 7 of Wands