Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How To Make A Crystal Grid For Wealth

If you're interested in attracting more wealth and prosperity into your life, I have some tips for you in this blog post. You can use a crystal grid to help you. Let me explain how.

Each crystal has a different vibration and frequency. Crystals send out this energy into the surrounding area and attract "like energy" to them. So if you use specific crystals, you can attract specific energy into your life.

Certain crystals are great for bringing in more wealth and prosperity. Usually these crystals are green in color, but not always. Some crystals that can be used for wealth include:

  • Pyrite (fool's gold)
  • Green aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Green quartz
  • Jade
To get a complete list of crystals that you can use for wealth, click here.

How To Make a Crystal Grid

You will need to gather at least one type of crystal from the list above. These crystals will be used to attract wealth and prosperous energy. You need a few of these crystals and a clear quartz crystal for amplification.

Place the crystals in a grid-like pattern. There are many patterns you can use. I like to place one big crystal in the center and make at least 2 circles of crystals around it, but you can also do a more elaborate design like the one you see below. You can make up your own grid patterns as well, as long as they are symmetrical. Make sure that you place a strong crystal in the center of the crystal grid. This will help to amplify the energy.

Once you have placed all the stones where they need to go, put your hands over the grid. Close your eyes and picture and imagine what you are trying to manifest in your life. What do you hope to happen from this crystal grid? What do you want to achieve in life? Visualize those things and then feel happy about it as if it has already happened. You can repeat this step daily.

What Happens Next?

Now that you have made your crystal grid, hopefully you have placed it in an area of your room or home that will not be disturbed or knocked over by people or pets.

You will leave the crystal grid up for as long as you need to attract extra wealth into your life. The crystal grid is self sufficient. It will be constantly sending out this energy into the universe to attract wealth for you. You don't really need to do anything more.

If you find that your grid stops working after some time, I have a few extra tips for you.

The crystals can sometimes get drained by nearby energies. If this happens, you will need to cleanse and charge your crystals to get them working right again. You can do this by taking apart your crystal grid and putting the stones in the sun or under the full moon.

Full Moon Crystal Cleanse

If you want to charge your stones under the full moon, place them out under the light of the moon and leave them for 1 full night. The next day, reassemble your crystal grid as before. You will notice this time that the grid is working much more efficiently. That is because the crystals' energy have been renewed.

Sunlight Crystal Cleanse

If you choose to use sunlight, do so sparingly. The sun is a powerful and effective way of charging stones, but it can also cause some of your colored stones to fade over time. You wouldn't want to damage your stones. Simply place the stones under the direct sunlight in the middle of the day for just 5 or 10 minutes only. Then bring them back in and reassemble your grid as before.

With these tips, I know you will be creating new wealth and opportunities for prosperity in your life very soon.