Sunday, May 26, 2019

How To Feel A Crystal's Energy

Feeling a crystal's energy can help you connect more with a crystal. It's the first part of learning energy healing as well. In this post, I will describe how you can start to feel your crystals energy.

First, choose a crystal that you are drawn to. It would also help if you have recently charged your crystal in the sun or moon. This helps the crystal's energy increase so that you can feel it more easily. Go ahead and charge the crystal if you haven't done that already. Even a few minutes in the sun helps increase the energy of the crystal.

You have energy centers in the palms of your hands, so you will have much more success trying to feel energy if you are placing the crystal in the palm of your hand.

Go ahead and close your eyes and start meditating. This will help get you into a relaxed state where you can sense subtle changes in energy. Many times when our brain is way too active, we don't feel the subtle energy very easily.

Once your are relaxed, place the crystal in the center of the palm of your hand. Now focus on that area and try to see if you feel anything. Let the crystal sit there for a few minutes and then take it off. You should feel something still in the palm of your hand even though the crystal is not in your hand anymore.

What Does Crystal Energy Feel Like?

Crystal energy and energy in general can feel like tingling, pressure, pin pricks, or warmth. It isn't limited to these feelings, but these are the most common ways we feel energy. Certain crystals can make you feel tingling all throughout your body when you are holding it. Other crystals will only cause you to feel sensations in the area that you are placing the crystal.

If you didn't succeed in feeling any energy this time, keep practicing. Do this exercise once a day until you do feel something. For some people, it may happen right away. For others, it may take some weeks before they notice anything.

A Trick To Help You

If you feel like you are having trouble with feeling anything, then breathe in and out through that area of the body.

What I mean is, place the crystal in the palm of your hand and breath while focusing on the palm of your hand. Breathe in: The breathe comes into the palm of your hand. Breathe out: The breathe comes back out of the palm of your hand.

This is an exercise to wake up a sleeping energy center and get the energy moving again.

These things sometimes take time, because we are teaching ourselves to tune into a part of us that we never knew existed before. Often no one talks about these things, so when you go through life not knowing it exists, it can be hard to open yourself up to it at first. Keep exercising your skills and don't stop trying.

Learning to feel energy can help you direct energy anywhere that it needs to go.

If you are interested in being able to see the energy of your crystal's, you can also check out this article.

Friday, May 24, 2019

How To See A Crystal's Aura

In this post, I will be describing how you can actually see a crystal's aura. Anyone can learn to do this with some practice. All you need is a white background and a crystal. So let's get started.

1. Try doing this in front of a white wall. A white wall provides the best background for seeing auras if you are new to it. In the future, and with enough practice, you will be able to see auras with any background. So your first step is to establish a wall that you can use.

2. Find the crystal you want to use. Any crystal will work. They all have auras. In fact, I suggest getting a few crystals so that you can see the difference between each one.

3. Hold the crystal with your two fingers in front of the white wall.

4. You should not be looking at the crystal. You have to be focusing on the area around the crystal. Your eyes should not focus on the wall behind the crystal either. If you are looking at these physical things, then it will be hard to see any energy.

You are essentially focusing your eyes at looking at the air that surrounds the crystal, without focusing on the crystal. Try to look around the edge of the crystal.

5. At first you may just see a clear barrier around the crystal. If you see that, then it's a good sign that you will be able to see the color soon. It just takes time and practice. That clear barrier is the aura of the crystal, but once you advance, the clear will turn into color.

What Is An Aura?

An aura is the energy field that's around every living thing. All of us have energy systems that flow in and around our bodies all day long. When you see an aura, you are looking at the crystal's unique energy. It can come in a variety of colors.

What Does The Crystal's Aura Mean?

Each aura around a crystal means something different, just like each crystal has a unique meaning and properties. The aura is a reflection of what type of energy that crystal contains.

You can see the color of the energy that the crystal emits, as well as any negative energy the crystal may have picked up. Some crystals absorb negative energy that is around them very quickly. You will notice this with stones like opalite. These crystals will need to be cleansed often, because they can get clogged up with all that negative energy.

Some other crystals will never get bogged down by negative energy and will never need cleansing. Being able to see the aura of the crystal will help you know when and if your crystals need a good cleansing, so it's a very useful skill. Plus it's really fun to look at auras.

When Will I See The Color?

Depending on your abilities, some people will see the aura's color right away. They may not even see clear at first. For some others, it will take a few minutes of trying. You can try other crystals as well. Be sure to give your eyes a rest and try not to strain them while doing this.

You can put the crystals down and try again later if you aren't able to see the color. The more you practice and try, the closer you will be to seeing the color. Eventually, you will see the color straight away.

Soon, with enough practice, you won't even need the white background. And later on, once you really advance with seeing auras, you will just see them automatically on everyone and everything without even having to try.

Don't get frustrated with yourself. It does take some time to develop these things. Most of us weren't born being told that everything has an aura. Be patient with yourself.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pick A Crystal: Your Love Life This Week

This week's pick a crystal is about your love life.

Take a look at the following picture. It has 4 crystals. Focus on these crystals and choose the one that is right for you. Then scroll down to find your reading.

1. Obsidian

There is a lot of focus on yourself and your career/future at the moment. You are working hard to improve your skills for personal development. Maybe you are in school, or just got a promotion at work, or you're just honing in on some natural talents you possess. Whatever the case, you are working hard for YOU as of right now.

However, you having inner conflict. You get too emotionally involved too soon. This may lead to heartbreak, because of the other person not reciprocating feelings. Use more logic and restraint in your dealings with others.

There is a bit of innocence and naivety on your part. Maybe you are inexperienced or just the kind of person to believe the best in everyone. Be kind to yourself as you grow, learn, and experience. No one grows without experiencing painful times. Pain comes with growth. But wisdom also comes from growth. So does maturity and success.

Cards drawn:
8 of pentacles R
5 of wands R
Queen of swords R

2. Bloodstone

You are going through a period of feeling spiritually bankrupt. You feel like the mundane things in life don't have much meaning, and that you are missing something. Withdrawing into yourself for some meditation and introspection is where you will find comfort from that feeling.

You feel reluctant to open up to anyone emotionally right now. And maybe that's what you should be feeling right now: a focus on yourself. You feel this need to connect with yourself and the universe. You need to heal through some negative emotions that are still in your heart from the past. Work through those and come out in a better place. Releasing the past is important before you try to embark on anything new with anyone new.

Cards drawn:
5 of pentacles R
4 of cups R
9 of cups R
3 of swords R

3. Clear quartz point

Love is brewing for you. There is a mutual attraction and partnership forming. You may have just met someone, or you may be about to meet someone.

Something is holding you back though. It could be yourself and your own negative thoughts and fears, or it could be external circumstances just making you unable to move forward at the moment. Remember that everything happens in the right timing and trust in that as you go through these things. Things will work out as they are meant to in the right time and place.

Cards drawn:
2 of cups
8 of swords
2 of wands R
Fool R

4. Tourmalinated quartz

The past is the past. You may be holding onto something painful that happened. A disappointment, a failed attempt, or personal setback. It's time to figure out the lessons it was trying to teach you and move forward. You move forward with those lessons in hand and it will make you wiser.

You may be neglecting to love yourself after what happened. You need more self love. I urge you to work on loving yourself more, because self hatred leads to self destruction. You are too beautiful to do that to yourself.

You are feeling stagnated in life. It's time to take time for yourself. Do something you love or rekindle an old hobby that use to make you happy. Get in touch with yourself. You have to get out of this stuck feeling.

Cards drawn:
5 of cups R
ace of cups R
3 of pentacles R
4 of swords R

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Pick A Crystal: What You Need To Know Right Now About Your Love Life

What do you need to know about your love life right now?

In today's reading we are going to find out about your love life, and what you may need to know/do at this time. Even if you find this reading months after it was posted, it is still relevant to you as "what you should know right now." I hope you enjoy.

Take a look at the following picture of 4 crystals. Pick the crystal that you feel like is calling to you the most.

Pick a crystal:

Group 1: Snow Quartz

If you chose the white crystal in the top left, that is the snow quartz and this reading is for you:

The snow quartz represents luck, prosperity, calmness, meditation, purification, and peace.

The Queen of Spades means quick thinker, intelligence, stern, insightful, organization.

The Jack of Hearts represents falling in love quickly/easily, romantic, social.

The color pink represents romance and femininity.

The Star shape represents hope, wishing, wanting.


You are someone who wants to be in love so much. You may even fall in love too quickly or easily which can lead to heartbreak in the end. You are wishing and hoping for that love to come to you. Since we have the color pink in this reading, I feel that you will have some romance this month. I don't feel like it's "the one" per se, but there will be some romance and sparks going on with you and someone, whether it's texting or calling, and flirting and that sort of stuff.

I feel that you need to have that balance though. You need some of the calmness from the snow quartz to help you center into yourself. You should meditate and maybe even get yourself a snow quartz that will help you with all of this. The snow quartz and meditation can help you be more calm and insightful. It can ground you and help you make clear-minded decisions.

Group 2: Unakite

The greenish colored stone in the top right is called a unakite. If you chose the unakite stone, this reading is for you.

The unakite stone represents emotional healing, love, pregnancy, addiction recovery, stress relief.

The Joker represents potential, endings, beginnings, risk-taking, naivety.

The 8 of Hearts represents emotional detachment, leaving something you care about behind you, decisions.

The Hexagon represents harmony, balance, karma.

The color white represents purity, light, and goodness.


So, it looks like you are either leaving a relationship behind or you should be leaving a relationship behind right now. It shows that this is a karmic thing, setting the balance right in your life and their life. Endings are a part of life and that's okay.

The unakite stone is there to help you heal in this hard time. The white color is also there for healing. Take this time to evaluate the situation. If you are still in it, take stock and ask yourself if it's really right to stay. Hopefully this reading helps you.

Group 3: Tigereye

The tigereye stone is in the bottom left. It's a beautiful brown/golden color.

Tigereye means stress relief, protection, confidence, clearing negativity, success.

The 7 of Clubs means being on the defense, having convictions.

The 8 of Spades means feeling powerless, and being trapped.

The Star represents hope, wishing, wanting.

The color green represents balance, harmony, and growth.


It looks like you are having some kind of conflict in your love life. The conflict could be with yourself or with someone else. You do still have hope, as seen with the star, that things will get better and you should have that hope. Things do always get better. The color green gives you even more hope of balance coming. Right now it doesn't feel fair, but trust that balance is always coming. The bad balances out with the good and so forth.

The tigereye may give you that boost of confidence that you need in order to break free from whatever is holding you down. You need confidence right now. It will help you so much with all of this.

Group 4: Blue Quartz

The blue stone on the bottom right is a blue quartz. If you chose the blue quartz, this reading is for you.

Blue quartz represents organization, responsibility, communication, work.

The King of Spades means deep-thinker, moral, communication, stern.

The 6 of Clubs means achievement, being victorious, accomplishment.

The color black means power, fear, mystery, evil, rebellion, fear.

The heart represents love.

The triangle represents body/mind/spirit, wisdom, truth., strength.


I think it's very interesting that communication came up twice in different places here. That means that communication is pretty big for you right now. You feel a sense of responsibility. Getting the 6 of Clubs means you will achieve the goal you are setting out for.

The color black in this reading means there may be some things hidden that you don't quite know about right now. But it looks like those things are not monumental. Getting the heart and triangle are great signs for your love life.

Through proper communication and responsibility, you will achieve those goals and love will come to you through that. It may be someone who is connected to your workplace, but it doesn't have to be.