Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Crystals For Money

Who doesn't need more money? We all could use some. That's why I've got a list of crystals which can be used to attract money into your life. The list of crystals for money is:

  • Green quartz
  • Turquoise
  • Jade
  • Citrine
  • Pyrite
  • Tree agate

Jade is a very well known stone that has been used for centuries to attract good luck and prosperity. Citrine is a stone that represents happiness, but also attracts money. Money doesn't equal happiness, but maybe it will if you use citrine.

Pyrite is also known as fool's gold because it looks like a gold nugget. It isn't actual gold, but it can attract money. All of these stones are pretty affordable and can be found at your local crystal shop or online.

I have some ideas for how you can use these stones to bring you money.

Meditation with these stones would help out a lot. You just hold the stones and meditate with them. You can take it a step further and write down your goals on a piece of paper, but be sure to be specific with your needs.

We usually don't want just money, but we usually want something that money can buy. Whether that is a car, or a new phone, or whatever you need. So try to mention the things you need when you write down your goals.

You should also give thanks and have gratitude every single day for the things you do have. At least once a day hold one of these stones and think about something you are thankful for. You can find at least one thing, no matter how small it is every day.

These tips will help you to attract more abundance into your life. The more thankful you are, the more you will receive in life. So I hope these tips help you in your quest to attract more money into your life.

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