Thursday, February 28, 2019

Crystals For Creativity

Today I want to talk about which crystals increase creativity. If you want more creativity, you should try to use the following crystals:

  • Yellow quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Sodalite
  • Desert jasper
  • Pyrite
  • Leopardskin jasper
  • Apatite
  • Magnesite
  • Ametrine
  • Goldstone
  • Rhyolite
All of those stones increase creativity, but you don't have to use all of them to get benefits. Just pick at least one stone from the list. You may even already have the stone in your collection, but if you don't, there are some great Etsy stores that sell crystals online.

The effects of these stones will be greatly amplified if you meditate with the stones every day. Meditation has been shown in studies to increase creativity, so when combined with these creativity stones it will increase it even more.

When you are trying to think of ideas, it's important not to force them by focusing on the subject. You will want to clear your mind and just let things come to you naturally without you having to force it. Trying to force it is the opposite of creativity, and it may hinder your progress.

Generally the color orange is associated with creativity. Wearing more orange or having orange lights are also ways to increase your creativity. If you have an art studio, you can use orange lights when you are trying to come up with new ideas.

No matter what you are trying to create, having these stones in your space will help out a lot. You can get a piece of jewelry that includes the stones for creativity and wear the jewelry whenever you are working on a creative project. This will insure that new ideas come to you effortlessly.

Using the following affirmation daily will help with your creative abilities: "I am creative and passionate in all that I do." In order to use this affirmation you can either say it out loud, write it down a every day, or say it in your head. The key to success is to do this every single day. The more you say it, the more your mind will believe it. The more your mind believes it, the more it becomes a reality in your life.

I hope all these tips help anyone out there that needs more creative energy in their life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Crystals For Positivity

Today I'm going to talk about crystals for positivity. The crystals for positivity are:

  • Green aventurine
  • Yellow quartz
  • Dalmation jasper
  • Red jasper
  • Fuscite
  • Goldstone
  • Blue goldstone
  • Rhyolite
These crystals can be used to increase positivity in your life. If you feel down a lot or have many negative thoughts, using these crystals can turn your thoughts around to be more optimistic.

Yellow quartz especially increases happiness, so if you are looking to be more happy that is a crystal to get. Green aventurine helps with finances. Red jasper helps with confidence. All of the stones listed have more than one property to them, so it's good to look into their meanings so that you can determine the best crystals to use for your situation.

How To Use Crystals

The best way to benefit from these crystals is to hold them in your hand while thinking of at least one thing you are thankful for. Be sure to take a moment out of each day to do this.

A huge key in being more optimistic is being thankful. Every day find at least one thing to be thankful for. This will not only help you stay positive, but it will actually attract more good things into your life. A thankful person receives more. A bitter, ungrateful person typically doesn't. It's so important to practice thankfulness. You will see how this simple exercise can turn your life around.

You can even turn this into a meditation, where you think of things you are thankful for today. If you can only think of one thing, then just focus on that. It may be only one thing today, but if you keep doing this practice, you'll start to add to that as your life improves.

I hope this post helps anyone out there that is looking to be a more positive person.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Crystals For Stress

Today I'm going to be talking about what crystals you can use to reduce stress in your life. The crystals for stress are:

  • Green aventurine
  • Smoky quartz
  • Black tourmaline
  • Unakite
  • Tigereye
  • Picture jasper
  • Snow quartz
  • Angelite
  • Blue lace agate
  • Celestite
  • Petrified wood
  • Banded amethyst
  • Ocean jasper
  • Onyx
  • Aquamarine
  • Lepidolite
  • Amazonite
  • Aragonite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Jet

Crystal Combinations

I realize that's a pretty big list. You don't have to have every single crystal on that list in order to reduce stress. Just one is enough. A few of them combined is even better.

Most of these crystals work to reduce stress by either removing negative emotions, bringing a sense of calmness, or just helping you handle the stress better.

Blue lace agate, snow quartz, and celestite bring peace and calmness to your life.

Celestite and angelite have the added effect of attracting benevolent beings (angels) to you to help you.

Jet, smoky quartz, and black tourmaline work hard to remove negative energies from you and to protect you.

So each of these crystals has a purpose to reduce stress. You can mix and match and combine various crystals for a different effect.

How To Use Crystals

The best way to use crystals to reduce stress is to meditate with the crystals. You can meditate at any time that is convenient. Some people choose to meditate right before a stressful event, such as before work. Some people wait until they are feeling stressed and then use meditation to get rid of stress.

You can also carry them with you when you know you are going to be stressed out. For example, place the crystals in your pocket right before a big test if you are a student, or you can bring them along when you need to do a presentation.

If you don't have pockets, wearing a crystal necklace will help as well. But remember that meditation with crystals is way more effective than these techniques. If you are not experiencing all the benefits, the difference may very well be lack of regular meditation.

So I hope this helps anyone who wants to use crystals to reduce stress.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Crystals For Relationships

Today I want to talk about crystals for relationships. These are crystals you can use to strengthen relationships of all kinds.

The crystals for relationships are:

  • Green aventurine
  • Dalmation jasper
  • Emerald
  • Malachite
  • Peridot
  • Goldstone
  • Rhodonite
These crystals can be used to help you keep good relationships with other people. This usually helps with any miscommunication or misunderstandings. They help bring harmony. They can help you be more diplomatic to those around you. They can also mend relationships that are failing or having problems, such as a failed marriage.

You can use these crystals for family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, and lovers. They work on all types of relationships.

It's important to keep good relationships in life. You never know when you may need someone. Sometimes being kind to others is more important than being right. Sometimes saying nothing is the best thing to do if you have nothing good to say. If we just remember these two very important things, we can improve our relationships with family and friends.

Romantic relationships are a bit of a different story, because there is a closeness and intimacy involved there that isn't found in most other relationships. So sometimes we do need to speak up and say what's on our mind and talk things out. We don't have to do it in a hostile way though. Talking through our feelings is a very good thing.

Carry these crystals with you when you know you will be around someone that you have troubles with. You can also wear them as jewelry at all times. Meditation with these crystals will bring about the most significant effects.

With a little effort, we can maintain positive interactions with those around us. And remember that if someone is just too toxic, sometimes the only thing you can do is walk away. People have the ability to change, but they won't always do it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Crystals For Empathy

In today's post, I want to talk about crystals you can use for empathy. Now, these crystals are not for empaths. Empaths need protection. These crystals that I'm talking about today are for those who want to be more empathic. If you do not want to be more empathic, then you should use crystals for protection.

The crystals for empathy are:

  • Green quartz
  • Malachite
  • Rhodonite
These 3 crystals are used to increase your empath abilities. This is your ability to feel other's emotions. In a way, these crystals help you connect to those around you in order to be closer to them and understand them better.

These crystals are great for those who are having trouble relating to others. It may even be just one person in your life that you have trouble understanding and relating too. We don't often connect to others in the same way. We may be closer to one person than another. If you find yourself always misunderstanding someone, especially when it comes to their emotions then use these crystals to help you.

One way you can use these crystals is to bring them with you when you know you will be around that person. You can also wear them as jewelry at all times, but keep in mind that this may make you more open to everyone's emotions.

This can be a really hard thing to deal with, because it's hard to take on other's emotions. Be mindful of this.

Meditating with these crystals will really open up your ability to feel other's emotions. If you are interested in developing empathy, meditate while holding these crystals.

If you reach a point where it becomes too much and you no longer want to feel what other's feel, simply put these crystals away and begin using crystals for protection.

Crystals for protection help to isolate your energy from outsiders, especially those that are negative. It can block that energy from reaching you and impacting you in a negative way.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Crystals For Abundance

Today I want to talk about what crystals you can use to have abundance in your life.

The definition of abundance is to have a large quantity of something. These crystals help with increasing good things in life such as money, friends, love, and health. You can have abundance in all areas of life.

Crystals for abundance:

  • Green quartz
  • Green aventurine
  • Turquoise
  • Citrine
  • Emerald
  • Malachite
  • Moonstone
  • Goldstone
Any of these stones can be used to bring about abundance in your life. About half of these stones are the color green, because green is associated with abundance.

As I said, you can use the crystals for abundance in any area of life. Some of these crystals can be used for more specific categories.

If you also want fertility in addition to abundance, use moonstone. If you are looking for happiness, try citrine. If you want love, try emerald as it also represents love, friendships, and relationships. Goldstone is a really good stone to be taken to work with you. It is used for success.

How To Use Them

To use any of these stones for abundance, just meditate with the stone daily. Visualize what exactly you are trying to get. If it's a new house or car, then picture yourself enjoying those things during the meditation. Make sure to meditate for at least 20 minutes daily. If your mind wanders, that's perfectly fine and normal. Just bring it back to the subject when you notice it.

Hold the crystal in your hand while meditating.You can also wear jewelry with these crystals on it, or carry the crystals around in a satchel in your pocket.

A crystal grid can also be made with any of the stones above. Use clear quartz along with whatever crystals you have from the list. You don't have to have all the crystals from the list in order to benefit.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

How To Make A Wish Box

Today I'm going to teach you how to make a wish box. Sometimes it's also called a prayer box. It just depends on you and what you want to call it. The purpose of the box is the same and that is to help bring something into your life that you want or need.

Step 1:

You can find any small box. It works best with a smaller box. If you need to use a jewelry box, that's fine. I used a jewel encrusted box. It has stones on the top. Your box doesn't have to be as fancy as mine.

Step 2:

The next thing to do is figure out what you want to ask for. This can be anything from physical healing of an illness, to help with getting a college degree, to bringing your soulmate to you. We all have different needs and wants in life. You can ask for more than one thing, but I would keep it at 1 or 2 requests. We don't want to ask for too much at one time.

Step 3:

The next thing you want to do is pick out a crystal. The crystal needs to be small enough that it can fit into the box. It should also be a crystal that is significant to what you are asking for.

For example, if you are asking for money then you might place jade or citrine in the box. If you are asking for good grades, then you might choose turquoise. If you want more friends, then you might choose emerald. If you are looking for a soulmate, then you might choose rose quartz. You can browse the pages on this blog to find lists of crystals for different things, and that can help you decide what crystal to choose.

If you don't want to use any of those crystals, you can use a selenite, celestite, or angelite in order to attract angels. This could work for any request.

Step 4:

Now that you picked your crystal, you should get a piece of paper or notecard and write out your request. Writing it on paper is an important step because instead of thinking it, it's now in black and white. This solidifies your request into a physical form instead of it just being a thought.

Fold the piece of paper up and place it in the box with the crystal. Do this knowing that your dream will become a reality someday. You are sending this message out that you need this in your life.

When I was first told about these boxes, I was told never to open the wish box unless I had received what I asked for. So I will say the same to you. Don't open your wish box unless you have received what you asked for. It's okay to pick it up and move it, just don't take the lid off the box.

If your wish box somehow ends up getting opened, just repeat the steps mentioned above and start all over. If you end up getting your wish, then it's okay to open the box and ask for something new.

As often as you like, you should pick the box up and think about your wish while holding the box. This will remind you of your goals and dreams and what you are working towards in life.

I hope you enjoy this little project. It's a fun way to help show you how to ask for what you want, and then to have patience to wait for it to come to you.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Crystals For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is here once again. I wanted to let my reader's know that there are certain crystals you can use to make this day even better, no matter what your relationship status is at the moment.


I'll start with those who are single. If you are single this Valentine's day and ready to change that, some crystals you can use to attract a lover are rose quartz, rhodonite, garnet, jade, and emerald. Wear these crystals in your pocket for the week leading up to Valentine's Day, and especially on Valentine's Day. Also it wouldn't hurt to visit different places that you never go, wear some new clothes, and spruce up your physical appearance. After all, that is the first impression someone has of you and when it comes to attracting a mate, we have to look our best. Repeat this mantra: "I attract love into my life."


Maybe this Valentine's Day you are dealing with a recent heartbreak. A broken heart is a sickness that needs healing. Some crystals that can heal your broken heart are rose quartz, unakite, rhodochrosite, chrysoprase, rhodonite, and chrysocolla. Focus on releasing the past during this time. You cannot make room for a new love until the past is released. Don't even try it. You need closure. You need to understand why that person is in your past now. Meditate with these crystals and wear a rose quartz pendant right on top of the center of your chest. Repeat this mantra: "I release what no longer serves me."

In a Relationship

If you are in a relationship, Valentine's Day is a pretty fun and happy time for you. Flowers, chocolates, dinner, movies, cuddles. These are all things that you can usually look forward to if you are in love. To keep the love flame burning bright, and to ward off any negative energy, use these crystals: Rose quartz, smoky quartz, ruby, and garnet. Getting a gift of one of these stones is a good idea as well. Enjoy your night with your loved one. Repeat this mantra: "I am love."

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Crystals For Money

Who doesn't need more money? We all could use some. That's why I've got a list of crystals which can be used to attract money into your life. The list of crystals for money is:

  • Green quartz
  • Turquoise
  • Jade
  • Citrine
  • Pyrite
  • Tree agate

Jade is a very well known stone that has been used for centuries to attract good luck and prosperity. Citrine is a stone that represents happiness, but also attracts money. Money doesn't equal happiness, but maybe it will if you use citrine.

Pyrite is also known as fool's gold because it looks like a gold nugget. It isn't actual gold, but it can attract money. All of these stones are pretty affordable and can be found at your local crystal shop or online.

I have some ideas for how you can use these stones to bring you money.

Meditation with these stones would help out a lot. You just hold the stones and meditate with them. You can take it a step further and write down your goals on a piece of paper, but be sure to be specific with your needs.

We usually don't want just money, but we usually want something that money can buy. Whether that is a car, or a new phone, or whatever you need. So try to mention the things you need when you write down your goals.

You should also give thanks and have gratitude every single day for the things you do have. At least once a day hold one of these stones and think about something you are thankful for. You can find at least one thing, no matter how small it is every day.

These tips will help you to attract more abundance into your life. The more thankful you are, the more you will receive in life. So I hope these tips help you in your quest to attract more money into your life.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Crystals For Work

In this post, I want to discuss crystals that can be used in the workplace. These crystals help with focus, organization, confidence, motivation, and communication. Many skills that are helpful in a workplace where you need to be on your toes and perform your best.

Crystals for work include:

  • Blue quartz
  • Red tigereye
  • Bronzite
  • Dumortierite
  • Goldstone
  • Blue goldstone
  • Rhyolite
These crystals should all be used at work if you want a variety of benefits. Blue quartz is a good all-purpose work crystal. Red tigereye is great for confidence. Goldstone is also great for the workplace because it helps with confidence, motivation, and relationships.

Relationships are not just romantic, there are all sorts of relationships in life. Relationships with your co-workers are very important to maintain. It helps keep your job stable and enjoyable.

It's also important to have confidence in the workplace, so I included stones that help with that. Everyone needs good self-esteem and to feel like they are doing a good job. You also need motivation and focus so that you can get all the work done. Energy is also really important, so that you don't get too tired or burnt out before finishing your work.

You can carry the crystals in your pocket or have them at your desk. If jewelry is allowed at your workplace, then that is also a good option.

If you are unable to have the crystals at work with you, then meditation with these crystals would help you out. This way you can carry the energy with you. Meditating right before work is even better. Just hold the crystals in your hands and meditate.

You can also keep them in your car while you're at work, so you can access them during breaks when you need them.

I hope these crystals for work are helpful for you at your job.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Rose Quartz Properties

It is the month of February, and today I'm going to talk about the crystal of love: Rose quartz. Rose quartz is a light pink colored crystal which is usually see-through. This crystal has many properties is known to represent all things involving love and the heart.

Rose Quartz properties include:

  • Romance
  • Mending a broken heart
  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Emotional healing

Closed Heart

The heart is a powerful place. It tends to close down when we are angry, hurt, or resentful. Have you ever felt a heavy feeling in your chest when someone you loved broke your heart? That is the feeling of your heart closing. It's an awful and painful feeling. That is because we are meant to live our lives with open hearts.

To keep your heart open, you need to love like a child. A child is easy to forgive and quick to love others. This is how you keep a healthy heart.

Rose Quartz Opens Hearts

Rose quartz can help you with this as well. Rose quartz represents unconditional love. It can refer to loving yourself or loving others.

Rose quartz properties also include helping you gain new friendships and love interests. The way it works is that rose quartz opens your heart again, so this attracts new love into your life. If you have recently had a breakup or cannot seem to get over someone, rose quartz is the stone to try.

Healing A Broken Heart With Rose Quartz

Rose quartz helps in mending broken hearts. It helps us to forgive the past so that we can look forward to the future. Have you ever heard that you need to let go of the past in order to make way for something new in life? That's what rose quartz helps you do.

If your heart has been closed off for some time, you should try wearing a rose quartz pendant right over your heart. Wearing a rose quartz pendant near the center of your chest at all times is a very good way to receive the benefits of this stone. You can also meditate with a rose quartz placed on your chest or in your hands.

Remember that the world is actually full of love even if it looks dark at times. You just have to know where to look.

Find time to care for yourself, but also teach yourself how to love others and let others in again. Making sure that you are loving others in a healthy and unconditional way is important after being hurt. It's so easy to do to others what has been done to you. But you have to rise above the abuse and pain you went through.

Rose Quartz Tips

A rose quartz crystal that has been carved into the shape of a heart is especially effective at healing a broken heart and attracting new love into your life. These are often called rose quartz puffy hearts.

Rose quartz represents femininity and motherhood.

Fear is a main reason for the heart chakra to close off, and rose quartz gets rid of fear. After we are hurt by someone, we are often fearful that it could happen again, so our body will prevent us from connecting with another person in order to prevent future pain. But this also prevents future love, because we are so closed off. Remember that not everyone will be like the people from your past. There are still good people out there that can love you.

Rose quartz is a very important stones for relationships, keeping the bond between two people strong over the years. Oftentimes people will break up or divorce because over time they feel like they have drifted apart. They did not keep the bond with each other, and it faded over time. It takes work and effort to keep the bond. Rose quartz can help with this.

Rose quartz also represents physical beauty and anti-aging. This stone can literally make you more beautiful.

Rose quartz works to clear the body of any negative emotions it may be holding onto. Negative emotions are often at the root of a lot of our problems. We don't let these emotions go as we should. They have to be cleared, because holding onto them only hurts you-not the other person.

I hope you enjoyed these rose quartz properties. To check out other crystal properties, meanings, and uses, you can check out this page.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

3 Crystals You Need To Get Right Now

Today's post is going to be about the top 3 most important crystals and why you need them. I'm going to tell you what's so important about these crystals and also how to use them. So let's get started.

The top 3 crystals are:

  • Clear quartz
  • Rose quartz
  • Amethyst
In my opinion, these crystals should be in everyone's collection. So what's important about these 3 crystals?

Easy To Work With

These crystals are super easy to work with. The reason is because it's hard to "mess up" when working with them. These crystals are often recommended to beginners because of how easy they are to use. They are also very easy to get, and they are affordable. That's important when it come to crystals, because some are expensive and hard to track down. But these are definitely affordable for all, and you can find them online or at any crystal shop you go to.

Multi Purpose

These crystals have a range of purposes, which makes them a very good trio. You definitely will have a lot of bases covered if you have these crystals around. Amethyst is great for spiritual connection, rose quartz is great for heart connection, and clear quartz is a great amplifier and all purpose crystal.

Crystal Meanings

I want to talk about the individual benefits of each of these stones to give you an idea of what each crystal does for you.

Clear Quartz:
  • Amplification
  • Energy
  • Manifestation
  • Healing
  • Clarity
  • Wisdom
Rose Quartz:
  • Romance
  • Heart brokenness
  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Emotional healing
  • Clarity
  • Clearing negativity
  • Nobility
  • Purification
  • Healing
  • Addictions

As you can see, you get many benefits out of just these three stones. To use these stones, wear them as jewelry or meditate with them in your hands. Some people will lie down and place them on certain areas of the body as well.

I personally love crystal necklaces, but I also like tumbled stones as well because you can place them wherever you need them to be.

I hope this post convinced you that you need these stones now, because I feel like anyone who has a crystal collection should have these three stones. Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Crystals For Communication

Today I want to discuss which crystals you can use for communication. Communication is a big part of life and relating to others, and miscommunication can cause all sorts of problems. Here are some crystals you can use for communication:

  • Blue quartz
  • Sodalite
  • Blue lace agate
  • Howlite
  • Aquamarine
  • Prasiolite
  • Amazonite
  • Blue chalcedony
You may notice something that almost all these crystals have in common. Almost every single one of these crystals is a shade of blue. Blue represents communication. Almost any blue stone will help you with that.

So what things can these crystals help with? They can help in relationships, especially to help calm arguments. They can help when you want truth and honesty. They can help you at work or school during presentations and public speaking. Any situation you can think of that requires effective communication, these crystals will help.

Bring them on your next job interview to help you speak with poise and accuracy. Bring them with you when you have something very important to tell someone. These crystals can help you find the right words to say, and they can prevent any misunderstanding.

Mercury in retrograde is well known as a time of great misunderstanding, but using these crystals can help a lot.

You can get the most out of these crystals by wearing them as jewelry or holding them during meditation. A great way to make use of these crystals is to buy a choker that has one of these stones on it. Then the stone will be right near your larynx.

As I said, holding these crystals in the palm of your hand while meditating is very beneficial. You can play some relaxing meditation music. These crystals are especially helpful for meditation because many of them have calming properties as well, since blue is a calming color.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Crystals for Emotional Healing

There are several crystals that can be used for emotional healing. Emotional healing is basically the healing of any unhealthy emotion you may be carrying around with you. This could be from childhood or any time in your life.

We tend to carry negative emotions and memories with us until we are able to heal them and let them go. There are some crystals you can use to help you with this. These are:

  • Rose quartz
  • Unakite
  • Apricot agate
  • Jade
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Onyx
  • Moss agate
  • Aquamarine
  • Lepidolite
  • Apache tears
  • Prasiolite
  • Ametrine
  • Aragonite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Jet
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhodonite
This is a pretty long list. If you specifically need crystals for heartbreak, check out this list.

If you are dealing with depression, the best crystals for that would be smoky quartz, sunstone, onyx, lepidolite, ametrine, and jet.

You don't have to use every crystal on the list to get benefits. You can just use what you have right now, even if it's just one of the crystals. There is no need to go out and buy every single crystal listed, but I won't discourage it either, as you can never have too many crystals.

In order to use any of these crystals for emotional healing, you can do a meditation where you try to bring up the memories and negative emotions. Hold the crystals and let yourself feel the emotions. Tell yourself that you are safe and loved, and feel the negative emotions until they are gone.

See, most of the time those negative emotions are still there because of you holding onto it. If you weren't holding onto it, it wouldn't be there. At some point you decided to keep it with you. Now it's time to feel the emotions and let them go.

You can also wear any of these stones as a necklace or other forms of jewelry such as a bracelet, ring or earrings.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Crystals for Forgiveness

In this post I want to discuss crystals that can be used to help with forgiveness. Those crystals are:

  • Rose quartz
  • Rhodonite
These two crystals are known to help you with forgiveness. Why is forgiveness so important?

Holding onto unforgiveness hurts you. You may not directly see how it hurts you right now, but these negative emotions are stored up in your body and will build up over time and cause stagnation.

Once that happens, physical pain will come. That is how unforgiveness hurts you.

I understand how hard it is to forgive some people. That's why we have crystals and meditation to help us with these things. Because most of the time you need some help. Sometimes you can't do it on your own. Having a higher perspective on things helps as well.

Using a guided meditation for forgiveness is a huge step in the right direction. Do this every day until you feel you have let go of the thing that is bothering you. Hold some rose quartz or rhodonite while you are doing the meditation.

One day you will feel relief, as if a weight was lifted off your shoulders or a boulder was picked up off your chest. That's when you'll know you have begun to let go of some major hurt that you have carried around for a long time.

Wear a rose quartz crystal necklace to help you out at all times. This will help keep your heart open. Once you forgive and let go, you make room for others to come into your life.

That is one of the main ways that wearing rose quartz helps attract new people and new relationships. It's because it helps to heal those past hurts to make room for the new people to come along. That is a very important step if we want to welcome new and healthy relationships into our lives.

So I hope this post helps you.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Crystals for Love

Since it's now February, I've been talking about love lately. There are some crystals that you can use to help you give, receive, and attract love in your life. I'm going to be talking about those today and how you can use them to achieve those goals. The crystals for love include:
  • Rose quartz
  • Unakite
  • Apricot agate
  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Malachite
  • Moss agate
  • Fuscite
  • Prehnite
  • Prasiolite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Rhodochrosite
Any of these crystals can be used to help you with love. That may include loving yourself, attracting romance, forgiving others, or just opening your heart back up after it's been hurt and closed down.

If you want more specific stones for these purposes, go read:

Those posts will tell you more specific crystals to use in those situations.

A lot of the stones listed here are either pink or green, and that is because those colors relate to the heart and matters of the heart. They can help you find a mate, let go of past hurts and heartbreaks, and release anger and sadness that you may be carrying around.

Now getting into how to use these crystals. You can wear them as earrings, rings, or bracelets. But when it comes to love stones, it's always best to wear them as a necklace. That helps the stone be close to your heart.

Wearing jewelry is nice and all, but I always tell everyone you get a much greater effect if you meditate with the stone or create a crystal grid with several stones.

You can do both though. You can have a necklace with a stone on it, and just take it off and place it in the palm of your hand and meditate with it. I've also seen people place their necklaces inside a crystal grid to amplify the energy of the necklace.

You experiment and do what feels right for you.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Crystals for Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a really hard thing to go through. There can be a range of negative emotions that come along with it. There is sadness, grief, emotional pain, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, depression. The list goes on. Today I want to share with you some crystals that can help you through this time.

Crystals for heartbreak:

  • Rose quartz
  • Emerald
So, rose quartz and emerald are the best crystals to help you through a heartbreak. Rose quartz tends to be more easy to get, but I also have some pieces of raw emerald.

Rose quartz being the easiest to buy, you should probably look for it first. You can find it online or in a crystal shop nearby. I would suggest getting at least 2 pieces so you can hold one in each hand. Getting a carved rose quartz heart would also be very helpful in this situation.

To use these stones, you should wear them near the center of your chest where you are feeling the pain of heartbreak. You can also just hold them there. Meditating with these crystals at this time will help you out a lot.

Use a guided meditation to let go of negative emotions. You can look on Youtube for guided meditations that are for broken hearts and heartbreak. I think having someone guide you through the meditation would be very beneficial for you, because they teach you how to let go of the pain and hurt. When you are suffering, it can be really helpful to have a soothing, calming voice to guide you through your healing.

Each day when you feel the most sad, repeat the words "I forgive and let go of this pain." They may just seem like words, but trust me saying words like this every day will add up and will be a big help in your healing. These are called affirmations and it trains your body and brain to actually do what you are saying.

Almost everyone knows the pain of heartbreak, but something that can make it much worse is being unable to let it go. You have to let it go in order to heal and be happy. I know it isn't easy, but being active in your healing will get you far.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Crystals for Romance

It's officially February 1st and you know what that means. You have 14 days to find yourself a date lol. Not really, but if you want to attract some romance into your life, I'm going to tell you about some crystals you can use for romance.

Crystals for romance:

  • Rose quartz
  • Ruby
  • Rhodochrosite
These three crystals are known as romance crystals and they attract romance into your life. Very fitting for the month of February.

Now I will say the easiest crystal on this list to get ahold of is the rose quartz. You see it everywhere. The other two are a bit more rare/expensive. But they can also be obtained. I personally have several rose quartz and never had a problem tracking down a rose quartz crystal when I needed it.

Ruby increases passion. It's also a stone of prosperity, so if you're broke (slowly raises hand) it can help in that way. It's also a stone of protection.

Rhodochrosite is a stone of love, compassion, and romance so it's good for attracting a mate as well. It's a stone of healing and creativity as well.

Rose quartz is the mother of all love stones. It's the all encompassing unconditional love stone. It makes you love yourself. It  makes you love others. It makes you forgive yourself and others. It opens your heart to love. It opens your heart to friendship.

If you want to use any of these stones for love, just meditate with them. Hold them in the palm of your hand and meditate at least 30 minutes per day. When you are out and about, wear them as jewelry. Especially wear a necklace that hangs low to the middle of the chest. That is a great way to benefit from these stones and attract love.

I hope these tips help you with attracting romance.