Saturday, February 2, 2019

Crystals for Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a really hard thing to go through. There can be a range of negative emotions that come along with it. There is sadness, grief, emotional pain, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, depression. The list goes on. Today I want to share with you some crystals that can help you through this time.

Crystals for heartbreak:

  • Rose quartz
  • Emerald
So, rose quartz and emerald are the best crystals to help you through a heartbreak. Rose quartz tends to be more easy to get, but I also have some pieces of raw emerald.

Rose quartz being the easiest to buy, you should probably look for it first. You can find it online or in a crystal shop nearby. I would suggest getting at least 2 pieces so you can hold one in each hand. Getting a carved rose quartz heart would also be very helpful in this situation.

To use these stones, you should wear them near the center of your chest where you are feeling the pain of heartbreak. You can also just hold them there. Meditating with these crystals at this time will help you out a lot.

Use a guided meditation to let go of negative emotions. You can look on Youtube for guided meditations that are for broken hearts and heartbreak. I think having someone guide you through the meditation would be very beneficial for you, because they teach you how to let go of the pain and hurt. When you are suffering, it can be really helpful to have a soothing, calming voice to guide you through your healing.

Each day when you feel the most sad, repeat the words "I forgive and let go of this pain." They may just seem like words, but trust me saying words like this every day will add up and will be a big help in your healing. These are called affirmations and it trains your body and brain to actually do what you are saying.

Almost everyone knows the pain of heartbreak, but something that can make it much worse is being unable to let it go. You have to let it go in order to heal and be happy. I know it isn't easy, but being active in your healing will get you far.

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