Monday, September 30, 2019

Dangers Of Opening Your Third Eye Chakra

I was recently asked what dangers a person may encounter if they open their third eye. I'm going to use this opportunity to get the word out, so that you can be informed.

First, I want to do a quick recap on the benefits of opening your third eye before discussing how it can be dangerous.

Third Eye Benefits

The third eye is our energy center for intuition. Many spiritual and psychic gifts come from an active and open third eye. Each person has their own set of unique gifts that they were born with. You will be able to tap into those gifts once you open your third eye.

You may experience clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, really all of the "clairs" are possible. You may have lucid dreams, prophetic dreams, see auras, feel energy, healing abilities, and the list goes on. The gifts you receive will be unique to your purpose here on Earth.

So let's talk about what dangers may arise when you open your third eye.

Dangers Of Opening Your Third Eye

There are negative entities that exist in and around almost everyone. They are always there (unless you do something to make them leave). They have a mission and purpose just like anything else in this universe. They need your energy to survive and thrive, and they will do what it takes to get it. They are a lot like a tick or parasite, feeding off the life force that is around them because that's what they must do to survive. Make no mistake, they are pests and can cause a wide variety of negative things to happen in your life.

When you open your third eye, your spiritual gifts will begin to develop. So you may have gifts where you receive visions and hear entities speak to you. This includes the good and bad entities. Both will try to communicate with you. In fact, more often than not, you will have the bad ones trying the hardest to get attention from you.

This can be a scary time for some people. You may experience nightmares, scary images in the form of visions flashing in your third eye, and they may even wake you up out of a dead sleep or prevent you from falling asleep.

The good news is you don't have to just put up with these negative experiences disrupting your life. You can do things to protect yourself and banish them from your space. If you have a major infestation, it can take time, patience, and a lot of work to get rid of them.

I have written articles about various things you can do to cleanse and protect yourself. You can read those to find out more information about that part. I will include them below:

Another negative experience you may have with opening your third eye is the inability to choose your abilities. Let's say you want to be able to see auras with your mind's eye, but you don't want to be able to see spirits because that scares you. Well, you can't necessarily pick and choose what happens when you develop. It just unfolds.

So when considering opening your third eye, be sure that you are ready for both the good and bad things that can occur.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Top 5 Third Eye Chakra Crystals

The third eye chakra gets a lot of buzz in spiritual communitites. Many people are interested in opening their third eye. If you are one of those people, you may consider getting some help from crystals.

How Crystals Open Your Third Eye

Each type of crystal has a different vibrational level. When you place a crystal near an object, it will help that object to vibrate at the same frequency as the crystal. So if you use specific crystals that vibrate at the same frequency as an open third eye chakra, then you will get your third eye to open.

Signs of An Open Third Eye

The third eye is about intuition and spiritual abilities. Each person is inclined to a different set of spiritual abilities. You may or may not know some of yours just yet, but if you open your third eye then you will open up these abilities.

In general, with an open third eye you can expect to have more intuitive experiences in life. You may start to know what someone is thinking or feeling without them telling you. You may start to see energy and auras. You may dream a bit more frequently and with more meaning. You may have more visions during meditation. These are all signs that your third eye is open and active.

Which Crystals Help Open Your Third Eye?

The color associated with the third eye is indigo. Many indigo and blue colored stones are helpful for the third eye. The top 5 third eye chakra crystals that I would suggest someone to use are:

  • Iolite
  • Sodalite
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Azurite
  • Blue tiger's eye
I suggest these stones because they are all very attuned to the third eye and will help you open your third eye quickly. The most common and most easy to acquire of these stones is sodalite. I have many pieces of sodalite myself.

If you are afraid of negative experiences, use lapis lazuli as it is a highly protective stone and will clear away negative energy and help you have safe experiences.

How To Use Crystals For Third Eye

If you want to use crystals to help open your third eye, there are a few ways you can do this.

First, I suggest meditating every day while laying down flat on your back. Place your crystal in the middle of your forehead. You will want to choose a crystal that is not round and has a flat back. That way there won't be any chance of it rolling off during meditation.

Meditate this way every day for at least 10 minutes, but preferably closer to 20 minutes. This gives your mind time to reach theta brain wave state which will allow for deeper visions and experiences to take place. That's where the real magic happens.

Another way you can help activate your third eye is to wear the crystal as a piece of jewelry. You can wear a necklace, bracelet, or earrings featuring the stone of choice. This will take more time than the meditation method. This is a slower route to choose. If you are serious about wanting results, it is best to do both each day, so wear your jewelry and meditate.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How To Cleanse Your Aura With Sea Salt

I want to talk about negative energy and what you can do to cleanse and protect yourself.

So, negative energy effects all of us but some people are definitely more vulnerable to attacks from negative energy. If you are an old soul, are surrounded by jealous and hateful people, or are an empath then you definitely are a part of the community of people that are more easily hit by negative energy.

I don't want you to have fear by reading that. Especially because feeling fear is the lowest vibrational state and can cause these attacks to be worse. No, instead I want to empower you with knowledge and information.

See, if you are getting attacked, then it's happening whether you know about it or not. So avoiding thinking about it really doesn't do much. What's better? Arming yourself with information that can help you protect yourself.

Some signs that negative energies/entities are bothering you:

  • Financial troubles
  • Bad luck
  • People don't like you
  • Falls/accidents
  • Intrusive negative thoughts/memories
  • Getting upset easily
  • and many more...

If any of these things are going on in your life, then there is a possibility that you are being attacked by negative energy directed at you by someone else. You may even be attacked by actual negative entities. These entities can be sent to you from someone in your life who is associated with them, or they may exist in your home already if you live in a haunted location.

This article is specifically about how to cleanse your aura of negative energy with sea salt. I do have other cleansing tips in another article as well if you prefer other methods like sage smudging.

In order to cleanse yourself using sea salt, you will need a bath tub, warm water, sea salt, epsom salt, and lavender essential oil (optional).

  • Fill a bath with warm water.
  • Place one cup of sea salt and one cup of epsom salt into the bath.
  • Use your hand to mix the salt with the water until it is dissolved.
  • This is optional, but you can also place one drop of lavender essential oil into the bath and mix it up.

It is recommended to stay in the warm bath for at least 20 minutes. Try to make sure you get the salt water over all your body and shoulders and neck. I avoid getting my hair wet with salt water, just because it's difficult to get the tangles out.

This is safe enough to do every day if you would like, but usually the effects of a sea salt bath will last for more than a day. It may even last a few days or a week or more. You will start to feel when the effects wear off and it's time for another cleansing bath. It will be different for everyone.

If you feel like you have a haunted home, there are more steps you will need to complete in order to be safe. Read this article for help.