Thursday, June 27, 2019

3 Best Ways To Open Your Third Eye

In this post, I'm going to give you the top 3 best ways to open your third eye. These are the best shortcuts that I know of.

Is Opening Your Third Eye Dangerous?

Well, it can be. You may experience some scary things and if you aren't prepared and strong enough to get through it, then it could turn into a problem. That's why caution is advised to anyone who wants to open their third eye.

Proceed with caution only if you know how to spiritually protect yourself. If you aren't ready, don't attempt to open your third eye until you have learned more about spiritual topics.

Clearing your home of negative energy before doing any third eye opening exercises is probably a good idea.


One way to wake up the third eye is to tap the area. You'll want to tap between your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead, as that's where the third eye is located.

Tapping released energy that is stuck in your energy centers. Once you release stuck energy, the energy can flow better. Then your third eye will be able to function better.

Crystal Meditation

A really good way to open the third eye is to meditate with a crystal. Sodalite is one of the best third eye crystals available. This is a blue gemstone that can be purchased online or at a crystal shop.

Lay down and place a sodalite right on your third eye. Meditate for at least 10 minutes per day like this. If you can meditate for 20 or 30 minutes, it's even better and you will see results sooner. You can listen to meditation music if you need to in order to help you focus on the meditation.

If you do this meditation each day, then you will notice a difference within a week.

Om Meditation

To take your meditation up a notch, you can say "Om" during your meditation. The sound "Om" relates to the third eye and helps to open it up and balance it.

If you are unsure how to pronounce it, then find an Om meditation online so that you can say it along with someone else. It's very easy once you get the hang of it.

I have another article about how to open the third eye with more tips available for you to read.

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