Thursday, January 31, 2019

Crystals For Stress

Today I want to talk about crystals that can reduce stress. Stress is a part of almost everyone's life, and we need ways to manage stress or else our life will crumble. There is actually a pretty long list of crystals that can be used for stress. Some crystals you can use for stress are:

  • Green aventurine
  • Smoky quartz
  • Black tourmaline
  • Unakite
  • Tigereye
  • Picture jasper
  • Snow quartz
  • Angelite
  • Blue lace agate
  • Celestite
  • Petrified wood
  • Banded amethyst
  • Ocean jasper
  • Onyx
  • Aquamarine
  • Lepidolite
  • Amazonite
  • Aragonite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Jet
Now, that may seem like a huge list, and it is a really big list. But all these crystals have that same property of reducing stress. If you have any of these crystals, you can use them for that purpose.

All these crystals have other properties as well, so it's important to keep that in mind when choosing which ones you want to use. You may want to choose a stone that helps you with more than one issue.

For instance celestite and angelite attract angels, so if you are interested in that, use those crystals. Jet and black tourmaline are good protection stones to protect you  from negative energy.

Aquamarine and amazonite are great communication crystals, so if your problems with stress involve talking and communicating, use these stones.

In order to use any of these stones, you can wear them as a necklace or bracelet. I always recommend to hold them in the palm of your hands while meditating each day to get the maximum results from them. Sometimes wearing a crystal just isn't enough and you need to actually put the work in and meditate to see the results you want.

I hope these crystals help you out with managing stress. Remember to cut out toxic people. They can cause a lot of problems like stress. Switch jobs if you need to maintain your sanity. Just do what you need to do to keep yourself happy and healthy in this life. Don't waste these precious years under so much stress. Free yourself.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Green Quartz Benefits and Meaning

Green quartz is a green crystal that is kind of see-through. Note the picture above, where I have a green quartz crystal grid on my hand made of 8 crystals. Green quartz benefits include:
  • Money
  • Abundance
  • Luck
  • Empathy
  • Healing
This stone helps to attract money and wealth into your life. Many of the green stones have this property as well. Certain colors of stones tend to have similar meanings, but vary slightly. If you need a financial boost, you know you can use a green stone like green quartz.

Use green quartz with pyrite and jade to increase the effects of attracting wealth into your life. Sit with these stones in meditation and visualize what you wish to achieve.

Green is also the color of luck. Everyone could use a little good luck, and green quartz can provide it. Use green quartz when you need that extra boost. You can use green quartz with jade to increase luck.

Green quartz is also a stone of empathy. I want to talk about this for a moment. Note that I'm not saying green quartz is a stone for empaths. It's not. If you are an empath and struggling with that gift, green quartz probably shouldn't be used until you have more control and understanding of your gift. Green quartz is a stone to help others develop more empathy. So it will help you be more empathic if you are not already that empathic.

If you want to develop empathy, keep a green quartz stone around at all times. You can wear a green quartz necklace as well to help you. This will help you tune into other people's emotions more. Be careful what you wish for. Empathy can be an overwhelming and confusing gift. That is because you are feeling other's emotions on top of your own emotions. Also, it can be hard to distinguish what belongs to you and what belongs to yourself. This leads to confusion and doubt. It's not always nice to feel other people's emotions and can be hard on anyone that is chronically stressed out.

Green quartz is used for healing. This is also very common among green stones. The color green especially relates to emotional healing and healing matters of the heart. Green is the color of growth. Healthy plants in the wild are vibrant and green. Green quartz represents growth and healing.

To use green quartz, you can wear it, meditate with it, or sleep with it. You can hold it in your hand and just enjoy the stones. Whatever feels right for you.

Be careful with charging translucent stones in the sun, as the color made become faded by the sunlight over time. Sun charging is my personal favorite way to charge stones, but just be careful with these types of stones, and don't let them stay in the sunlight too much.

The effects of green quartz are greatly increased if you choose to make a crystal grid like the one shown above. You can include other stones such as jade and green aventurine. All 3 of these green stones have a lot in common and can increase the effects of each other. So if you like what this stone has to offer and want more of that in your life, making a crystal grid out of green quartz, jade, and green aventurine could be something you look into.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign: Week 1/28/19 to 2/3/19

Here are the crystals that will be most beneficial for each zodiac sign this week. You don't have to use all crystals for a section, just a few of them will be fine. Use the ones you have at the moment.


You'll be experiencing more chances to be social earlier on in the week. Midweek you may have some difficult decisions to make regarding work/goals. You can use  these crystals for decision making: Fluorite and azurite. You may be feeling a bit rebellious, and it may get you in trouble. Quell your temper Aries. Use these crystals to calm down: snow quartz, smoky quartz, ocean jasper, jet, unakite.


You may get a chance to share your ideas and move forward in goals. To give you more confidence, use tigereye, red jasper, and red tigereye. Continue to be open-minded at this time when ideas are presented to you. The end of the week will be hard and there will be some negative emotions to work through. Use green aventurine, yellow quartz, red jasper, dalmation jasper, fuscite, goldstone, blue goldstone, or rhyolite.


New opportunities for experiences are coming your way. To increase this aspect, use tigereye, turquoise, petrified wood. This feels like a time of transition for you. Toward the end of the week, you will need to use some crystals to clear negativity. Use smoky quartz, tourmalinated quartz, obsidian, tigereye, selenite, howlite, peridot.


You may experience some conflict. To smooth over any interactions with others, use these crystals: dalmation jasper, green aventurine, emerald, malachite, goldstone, peridot, rhodonite. These problems won't last for long, so just hold tight.


The doors are opening for new life experiences. Use some lucky crystals to enhance this: tourmalinated quartz, green quartz, jade, pyrite, amazonite, turquoise. Release some tensions and relax more. Use smoky quartz, petrified wood, lepidolite, black tourmaline, green aventurine. You may need to get rid of some negativity if you start butting heads with someone this week. To get rid of negativity, use smoky quartz, obsidian, tigereye.


Give any difficult situation you encounter a few days to work itself out. Listen to others and use your creativity. Stones for creativity include: yellow jasper, sodalite, apatite, magnesite, pyrite and ametrine. You may be looking into some self improvement also. Use some crystals for motivation: red jasper, citrine, mookaite, sunstone, apatite, bronzite, goldstone, blue goldstone, rhyolite.


You may be seeing a new love interest. To increase this aspect use rose quartz, ruby, and rhodochrosite. You may be feeling like you need to spend more time working on your own needs. Use fluorite and pyrite.


You need some crystals to smooth over communication, because you may be clashing with someone right now. Use blue quartz, sodalite, blue lace agate, howlite, aquamarine, prasiolite, amazonite, and blue chalcedony. You need to be open to change at this time. Use green aventurine, dalmation jasper, emerald, goldstone.


Socializing could be the key to bring more happiness and resolve. If you run into a disagreement, just be calm and collected. Use smoky quartz, black tourmaline, blue lace agate, snow quartz, angelite.


You may see improvements in finances. To help you out with ideas, use yellow quartz, carnelian, desert jasper, sodalite, pyrite, goldstone, ametrine. Smooth over disagreements with howlite, emerald, and ocean jasper.


You may be feeling a bit social right now. Use red tigereye, carnelian, turquoise, blue goldstone. You may find that at this time you really just need some clarity. Use quartz, fluorite, amethyst, hematite, serpentine.


Don't say no to socializing right now. It could be a very good thing. Protect yourself at this time from others. Use smoky quartz, jade, garnet, angelite, black kyanite. There is a chance of love later in the week, so use rose quartz, ruby, and rhodochrosite.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jade Meaning and Benefits

Jade is a green stone that is well known as a good luck stone. The pretty green color is a symbol of healing, luck, and abundance. Jade Uses and Benefits include:
  • Luck
  • Prosperity
  • Healing
  • Protection
  • Emotional healing
  • Wealth
Jade is a stone of balance and harmony. If you feel unbalanced and off-key, wearing a jade stone can help you. Some even say that this stone is powerful enough to change your whole life!

Jade is known as a protection stone, that keeps you out of harms way. If you are accident prone or just feel "unlucky" in general, jade can help turn your luck around for the better.

Jade attracts abundance in many forms. This could be new friendships, new income sources, or new opportunities in life. It could mean winning something of worth, or landing a dream job.

Jade helps you heal you on a deep level. It gets to the root of most problems, which is unhealed emotions. Emotional healing can bring full body healing, as you feel like the weight is lifted off of you.

Jade is a very hard stone. The only stone harder than jade is a diamond. Therefore if you find a carved jade stone, just know it took a lot of effort to carve that stone! Carved jade animals are a very popular product, and are said to bring wealth.

Jade stones are used in massage therapy as well. They help to expel toxins from the skin and smooth muscle knots where the toxins may be collecting. This will reduce pain for the client. Jade rollers used on the face improve the appearance of the face and reduce inflammation and bloating. It can be a relaxing experience for the person.

Jade is such a unique and beautiful name for a baby. It comes from the name of this stone. China regards jade as being more precious than gold. Perhaps it's because of how much luck and wealth jade can bring.

To increase protection, prosperity, and healing, meditate while holding jade. You can also wear a jade necklace or buy a jade carved statue. Carved jade statues can be placed on a shelf or held in your hands while meditating.

Jade is not to be confused with malachite. I have even seen some gemstone directories show a picture of a malachite stone and call it jade. Malachite has different shades of green and has a striped pattern.

Since jade is green, it represents the earth and growth.

Jade is a stone for the heart chakra, and can bring immense healing to the wearer. It will help you understand unconditional love.

Jade is said to promote a long and happy life. It represents abundance in all forms. It is said to help with anti-aging, as well as warding off wrinkles.

If you are interested in using jade to bring abundance into your life, meditate while holding jade. You can hold a stone or a piece of jewelry, such as a necklace with a jade talisman on it.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

5 Habits That Kill Your Crystal Meditations

In this post I want to talk about 5 habits that kill your crystal meditations and what you can do to fix them. Most people do these 5 things. It's easy to get back on track and have good productive meditations.

Not Charging Crystals

You're not properly charging your crystals. This can make them feel lack-luster. You know it's time to charge your crystals when you pick one up and don't really feel much from it. Especially if it's a crystal that you normally would feel plenty of energy from.

There are many ways to charge crystals. My favorite way is to use the Sun. Place your crystals in sunlight. I've found that as little as 30 minutes is enough as long as the sunlight is strong that day. This is just enough to get your crystals feeling right and get your meditations back on track.

Cluttered Room

A cluttered room can cause a multitude of problems for your meditations. Clutter tends to cause stagnant energy in a room. And where there is stagnation, not-so-good things lurk. It's best to keep things organized and clean, and to move furniture around every so often. If you feel your room is a bit stuffy, then you know it's time to de-clutter.


You need protection when you meditate. Some crystals do provide protection, such as black tourmaline and obsidian, but you should also be smudging your meditation room at least once a month. This will give you a good feeling and keep your meditations light.

Alternatively, you can use a Himalayan salt lamp. Himalayan salt lamps purify the air and keep the air clean. I have one of my own and it definitely helps me.

Noisy House

Noise and distractions can ruin anyone's meditation time. If you normally listen to meditation music, limit distractions by using headphones to listen to your music. That way, you won't hear anything but the meditation music and it will actually enhance your meditations.

If you meditate without sound/music then it's best to escape the noise by going out in nature. Go meditate by a stream or in the middle of the woods where you know no one is going to be loud and noisy. Meditation in nature actually has even more benefits so this is a good thing to do anyway. There is so much life out in nature and so much fresh oxygen that you just don't get enough of when you're in a stuffy home.

Too Busy

Lastly, you can really kill your crystal meditations by not making time for it. I recommend meditating at least once per day if you are serious about it. I admit, I often fall short of this. I do get pretty busy some days, and sometimes I'm just lazy. But you know what? When I do meditate, I notice I feel so much better afterwards. I feel lighter, I feel less pain in my body, I feel more positive. Just remember how good meditation makes you feel and it will help motivate you to do it more often.

I hope you enjoyed these tips for how to improve your crystal meditations.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Beginner's Guide To Healing Crystals: Everything You Need To Know

What are healing crystals

Healing crystals are stones used to bring about a therapeutic benefit in one's life. These stones can be used for a mental, emotional, or physical benefit. There are many different stones and many different ways to use them in order to enrich your life. I will get into all of that here in a moment, but for now I want to explain my own personal experience with stones.

I began collecting and using crystals 7 years ago. I have studied up on crystals extensively, and also used them in meditation and many other ways. Collecting crystals became a hobby and somewhat of an obsession. You can never have too many crystals in my opinion. That is because each stone looks and feels so unique.

History of Crystals

Crystals have been worn and used since the beginning of humanity. The very oldest of which are amulets made of amber that are a whopping 30,000 years old. We have historical proof that humans have always had an affinity for stones and believed that they would bring about certain effects such as luck, health, and favor. Ancient Egyptians wore crystal jewelry. They believed it has protective qualities and promoted health. Many early humans would pass down crystal jewelry to family members. So as you can tell, crystals have always been a big deal and we as humans will always continue to care about these special stones.

How we use crystals today is really no different than they have always been used throughout history. We believe stones are special and represent different things, so we use the crystals that we believe will help us the most with what we are trying to achieve.

Healing Crystal Benefits

The benefits of crystals really depends on which crystal you are using. In general, all crystals usually bring about better health. There are crystals used for clearing negativity. There are crystals used to bring luck and money. There are crystals that give protection from harm. There are crystals to attract love and friendship. It depends on which crystal you choose. Many crystals have more than one benefit so it would be a good idea to research the other benefits of the stone before using it.

How to use crystals for healing

Crystal Jewelry

Crystals can be used in many different ways. Some people will wear crystals as jewelry. You can have a crystal necklace, crystal bracelet, or crystal earrings. I tend to use crystal necklaces more than other types of crystal jewelry. The benefits of wearing crystals as jewelry are received by the crystal being next to your skin/body. Pictured below is a moldavite pendant necklace:

Crystal Grids

Crystals can also be placed in a grid pattern. People usually make crystal grids on a flat surface, like a coffee table for example. This is so that the crystal grid can keep it's shape and will not be disturbed. The way you arrange the crystals in a crystal grid is totally up to you. The way a crystal grid works is that the energy of the crystals will flow thru each other to a center point. This will cause a greater energy effect than just having the crystals sitting around.

Holding the Crystal

You can also gain benefits from crystals simply by holding the crystal in your hand or placing it somewhere on your body. Let your intuition guide you in this regard. Many people will hold them because of the ability to receive energy through hands.

Meditating with Crystals

To take it a step further, you can hold or wear the crystals while meditating. This will amplify the benefits you receive from the crystals. Meditation is already a very beneficial practice to have. Anyone who is interested in using crystals should also be starting a meditation practice every day. You won't believe how quickly meditation can change your life.

Sleeping with Crystals

While our bodies are asleep at night, we tend to do a lot of healing. That is why some people will place crystals underneath their pillow at night. Placing the crystals under your pillow or right beside your bed is a great way to amplify the healing benefits you receive at night. And you may just notice an increase in interesting dreams as well.

Crystals in Cars

Crystals can also be hung in a car or in a locker or on a wall as decoration. Many people place protection crystals in their car. This is a good idea, as driving can be a dangerous thing. If the crystal is already made into a necklace, placing it on the rear view mirror is a very easy way to get the benefits of the crystal while driving.

Crystal Healing

Crystals are used therapeutically in sessions usually referred to as reiki healing or crystal healing. You would want to get this done by someone who is familiar with crystals and has some sort of training on how to conduct a proper session. That is because protection and proper protocol are needed in such a vulnerable state. A certified reiki practitioner can explain to you how a session would typically go. These sessions can cost anywhere from $30 to upwards of $500 per session. It really just depends on how well known the healer is, as they set their own rates.

Caring For Your Crystals

It's important to know how to care for your crystals. This includes keeping them clean, cleansing them, and proper storage. You will want to take great care of your crystals, as they are precious and sometimes fragile. They could end up broken if you aren't careful. There are also some crystals that should never touch water.

Sometimes your crystals may get dirt or other debris on them over time. Many crystals can be rinsed off with plain water. But there are some crystals that cannot get wet. Ever. Period. Be careful not to ever get the following crystals wet:
  • Celestite
  • Pyrite
  • Lodestone
  • Turquoise
  • Malachite
  • Hematite
  • Calcite
  • Angelite
  • Mica
  • Opal
  • Himalayan rock
  • Lepidolite
This may not be an exhaustive list of crystals that can't get wet, so be sure to search up the information if you are unsure about something. I would say just try to be careful not to ever get your crystals dirty to begin with.

Over time you may notice the energy from the crystal being a bit...lack luster. It may happen to a crystal you use a lot, or one that is used for protective purposes. This is when it's time to charge up your crystal.

What is Charging a Crystal?

Charging a crystal is when you feel the energy of the crystal has faded or been bogged down with negative energy. So what you want to do is get the crystal to feel new again. There are a few ways to do this.

A full moon cleansing involves placing the crystals on the ground under the light of the full moon. Usually one night is sufficient for getting your crystals charged up. My personal favorite way to charge crystals is placing them in the Sun. Some crystals' colors will fade in the sun, so I don't leave them out all day. In my experience, 30 minutes is plenty of time to feel a definite difference from the crystals. And the effects of placing them in the Sun can be felt immediately. You choose whichever way works best for you.

Crystal Storage

Storing crystals is important as well. When you aren't using the crystals, try to store them in a storage container that only contains crystals. I place mine in small ziplock bags used to store jewelry. Sometimes I will place them in small velvet bags. I separate my rough stones from my tumbled stones. You do not want to store rough stones with stumbled stones, as the rough stones may damage the tumbled stones over time. I also store my softer stones separate from all other stones. For example, selenite is a soft stone that can easily be scratched. It's important to place those vulnerable stones and special stones in a different velvet bag all by their self.

I have even crocheted some small bags to place special crystals in. Once your crystal collection grows to more than just a handful, you will want to separate your most special crystals as well for easy access when you need them.

Another way to store crystals is to simply leave them out on shelves and tables. This is perfectly okay to do if you don't have pets or children in the house. If you know the crystals will not be disturbed or knocked off into the floor, then arrange them as you like on any surface of your room or house.

Choosing the right crystal

Choosing the right crystals to use takes a small bit of research. It all depends on what effect you want from the crystal. For example, if you want to attract a romantic partner, wearing rose quartz would help you. If you are looking to increase your luck, jade is a good crystal to use. Each crystal brings about a different effect. I have blog posts on this blog dedicated to explaining the benefits of stones. I also have specific posts that tell you which stones to use for stress, protection, love, money, etc. You just have to do a little bit of reading to find which crystal you want to use.

Another popular way of finding the right crystal is to just hold the crystal in your hand. If you get a certain boost of energy, that crystal is 100% meant for you. Use your feelings to guide you in this regard and you can't go wrong.

There are some good crystals that are fool-proof for beginners. I think everyone should have these crystals, as they are some pretty important and useful stones. Those would be clear quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst. You can't go wrong with these. So if you are a beginner, purchasing these stones would be a good starting place for your collection.

Where to find crystals

So you're ready to begin collecting your first crystals. But where to get them? Well, you could start by searching for a local crystal shop. For some people, you may not find one that is local, or you may see that the nearest shop is at least a few hours or more away. In that case, your best bet is to buy online.

Online Crystal Shops

Buying crystals online can actually be a bit scary, especially for a beginner. You need to make sure the crystals you are getting are actually real and not some synthetic stone. Again, locate the nearest shop to you on a map and see if they have a website. If they do, purchasing from there would be the next best thing. Etsy is a great place to go for real crystals. A lot of items on Etsy are good quality. I have found real crystals on Ebay as well, but on there you have to be much more careful. It's so much easier to get duped there. Steer away from anything that looks too cheap. Buying in person is always best but I understand that most people do not have that luxury.

Crystal Digging

If you are super lucky, then you may live close to a mine. You will have to search for this information to find out if you do. Check "crystal digging (your location)" and see if there are any places close by. A lot of crystal mines will let you come and "dig your own crystals" which is a lot of fun. You won't get polished stones though. The crystals would be in their rough form. But they are still nice. I prefer to have a mixture of both rough and polished crystals for my collection.

These sites that let you dig your crystals usually have a shop where you can purchase polished stones as well, so check for that. These shops typically have crystal jewelry, figurines, incense and many other nice items to buy.

So I hope you beginner crystal lovers have all the information you are seeking. Now go out and start collecting your crystals.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Red Tigereye Meaning and Benefits

Red tigereye is a pretty red stone which brings so many benefits to the wearer. This is a stone for someone who needs more confidence. If you ever feel self conscious or have low self esteem, or maybe even social anxiety and trouble making new friends, try using red tigereye.

Red Tigereye Benefits:

  • Grounding
  • Protection
  • Luck
  • Prosperity
  • Energy
  • Confidence
Those in leadership roles that need a boost to help them stay grounded and secure should use red tigereye. If you aren't a leader, but want to become more like a leader, using red tigereye would help as well. Red tigereye will help to keep you grounded and secure.

Red tigereye is a stone of protection, prosperity, and luck. It can help protect you from harm or negative energy. Wear red tigereye jewelry if you feel like you need help with manifesting prosperity into your life.

Using Other Stones With Red Tigereye

If you are using red tigereye for luck, use it with jade to increase benefits. If you are using red tigereye for confidence, try using it with carnelian. If you need more protection, use red tigereye and black tourmaline together. These are just other stones that also help with similar problems so using them together would increase that benefit.

You can always add clear quartz to any stone to increase any of it's effects. This is well known by people that collect stones. Clear quartz is an amplifier and can help increase the benefits of red tigereye.

How To Use Red Tigereye

You can use red tigereye during meditations. Just hold the stone in your hand. If you have two stones, hold one in each hand and relax and just go with your usual meditation. You will feel slightly different though, as you feel the charging energy of the red tigereye. You can also wear it as a necklace or bracelet to help you throughout the day. I recommend doing both to get the most benefits from the stone.

If you haven't started a meditation practice, I definitely recommend it. It is life-changing and helps so much with pain, anxiety, depression, and other problems. You would be so surprised.

So I hope this helps increase your knowledge about crystals and how they are used.

Other Benefits Of Red Tigereye:

Red tigereye can be used to give you motivation in life. If you are dragging your feet about something, or want to achieve a goal but feel doubtful that you will reach it, use red tigereye to increase your motivation.

Red is the color of passion, and red tigereye promotes passion in all of life. You can be passionate about many things: work, love, and creative projects. Passion comes in many forms. Red tigereye helps you bring out your passion for life.

Speaking of creativity, red tigereye will increase your creativity and passion for any artistic endeavor. If you practice any kind of art, you may want to keep red tigereye nearby.

Red tigereye is a lucky stone, and will increase your luck when you use or wear it. It's also a great stone for attracting money and wealth.

As a grounding stone, red tiger's eye will help you with focus and concentration. Red tigereye helps you survive and thrive through all the things you need to do in order to sustain your life here on Earth.

Red tigereye brings wisdom and confidence. It's a great stone for anyone with responsibilities who need to make difficult decisions. It can give you the ability to make the right and practical decision which will lead the way for success.

Red tigereye is a great stone for relationships because it encourages a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship is one where you are feeling connected with your partner on all levels. Red tigereye promotes that connection. It can help stimulate the passion between you, but also help keep you together.

Red tigereye reminds you to take care of yourself first, because if you can't care for yourself, you can't care for others.

Red tigereye is a stimulating stone. It can help you with weight loss, and who doesn't need help with that?

Red tigereye promotes balance in all areas of life. If you are feeling any imbalances, which most of us have, then use red tigereye to restore the balance.

Red tigereye gives you the motivation, strength and energy to tackle any obstacle that comes between you and your goals. Use red tigereye to help you achieve your goals in life.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign: Week 1/21/19 thru 1/27/19

I'm providing a list of crystals for each zodiac sign for this week to help you along with any challenges you face. You don't have to use all the crystals listed for your sign. Just picking at least one from each category would be enough to help you.


The week ahead looks very light and sociable. You will feel like being around people and working with others. Monday will be tough in the work/career area though. You'll need some crystals that help with you relax. Use green aventurine, smoky quartz, blue lace agate, or petrified wood. Tuesday you could get a boost of luck with a new opportunity. To increase this effect further, use jade, tourmalinated quartz, amazonite, or red tigereye.


On Monday you could be feeling like things are at a standstill. You need some crystals to help you with patience. Use jasper, emerald, howlite, ocean jasper, or dumortierite. You and someone special may be getting closer to each other this week. Use rose quartz, ruby, or rhocochrosite. You may also feel a shift to becoming more focused on your goals. To help you with that, use fluorite, pyrite, tigereye, turquoise, or petrified wood. I chose those crystals for focus and success.


You feel positivity this week. However, Monday could be tough for you. You should use jasper, emerald, howlite, ocean jasper, and dumortierite for patience. For stress, use smoky quartz and black tourmaline. Your social life should be popping this week, so you don't really need help there. A new opportunity may present itself later on in the week, so use some crystals to bring extra luck there. Use tourmalinated quartz, red tigereye, turquoise, and jade.


Road blocks on Monday that require you to feel positivity to push through. Use yellow quartz, red jasper, blue goldstone, or rhyolite. You may notice that you get along with other very well this week, especially at work. You may get an opportunity with someone helping to give you advice. I would also add crystals for clarity here, so that you know what's best for yourself. Use clear quartz, amethyst, azurite, mookaite, or hematite.


You will feel more positive this week, but on Monday you may feel blocked. Use smoky quartz, selenite, howlite, or moss agate. This week is favorable for dating life. Use rose quartz, ruby, or rhodochrosite. Relationships with others are in the forefront this week. Use dalmation jasper, emerald, goldstone, and green aventurine. Opportunities may come around Friday. For a boost of courage, use carnelian, bloodstone, red jasper, mookaite, sunstone, aquamarine, goldstone, or blue goldstone.


Monday there will be some obstacles, but you just need to have patience through it. It won't last forever, Use jasper, emerald, howlite, ocean jasper, or dumortierite. You may find yourself wanting to clean and reorganize things. Use blue quartz. If there's someone special, take that chance an invite them on a date later in the week. Use rose quartz, ruby, or rhodochrosite. Also later in the week, you may see some support for a goal or project coming your way. To increase your luck even further, use green aventurine, citrine, emerald, goldstone, or malachite.


Toward the beginning of the week, you see relationship troubles. I would suggest using green aventurine, dalmation jasper, emerald, malachite, peridot, goldstone, or rhodonite. These stones help with communication in relationships and easing relationship troubles. Later on in the week, you will feel more sociable and want to meet new people.


Stress seems to be a problem early in the week. Use smoky quartz, banded amethyst, ocean jasper, unakite, celestite, or petrified wood to help you calm down and relax. You may feel like splurging in the money department. Be careful to make responsible decisions there. Use blue quartz. Later on in the week, there is a shift toward work and achieving goals. Use blue quartz, red tigereye, bronzite, or goldstone.


You have a boost in the romance sector. It seems you have some luck there. If you want to increase that further, use rose quartz, ruby, or rhodochrosite. Be careful with being too impulsive this week. I know I'm talking to a brick wall here, but seriously making rash decisions could cost you later. Use these crystals for decision-making: fluorite or azurite. You'll be talking business later on this week. Use some crystals for communication: sodalite, blue quartz, blue lace agate, aquamarine, or blue chalcedony.


You are looking to increase your money flow at the moment. Looking at freelancing or some side hustle could prove beneficial. To increase money, use green quartz, turquoise, jade, citrine, pyrite, or tree agate. You may see some troubles with home life at the start of the week. Try to keep to yourself to avoid any conflict. Use dalmation jasper, malachite, or peridot to improve relationships. You may meet someone special that you share common interests with. To increase this aspect, use rose quartz, ruby, or rhodochrosite.


There will be a lot of communication and sharing of ideas. Use blue chalcedony, aquamarine, or sodalite. You may be feeling a little bit out of your comfort zone. To help with that, use red tigereye, carnelian, red jasper, or bloodstone. These will give you the courage you need to not give up. Your social life will definitely see an increase. You may even have some romance coming your way. Use rose quartz, ruby, or rhodochrosite.


You may feel a bit withdrawn in the next few weeks. Be aware that this is time for you to do some much needed inner work. I suggest meditation and stones for clarity. Use quartz crystal, fluorite, amethyst, azurite, or serpentine. Reorganizing your home is also a good idea in this time of self reflection. Sell things you no longer need, rearrange clutter, and move things around. Use crystals for organization such as blue quartz. You may garner some attention from the higher-ups.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Pyrite Meaning and Benefits

Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, looks like a tiny gold nugget. I have several small pieces of pyrite. Pictured above is one of my bigger pieces. This is a very bold stone that inspires confidence.

The benefits of pyrite include:

  • Grounding
  • Confidence
  • Focus
  • Creativity
  • Prosperity
  • Luck
  • Wealth

Pyrite For Work

Pyrite is a good stone to use at the work place because of it's ability to help you focus, especially if you have a job that requires great attention to detail. Pyrite is known as a stone of luck and wealth, so if you are trying to help yourself get ahead in life in that regard, use pyrite.

Pyrite gives you extra confidence which can be really helpful while you are at work. Plus it increases creativity, so if you work at a job which requires you to be creative, pyrite can help you with that.

Grounding With Pyrite

The grounding affect is great with this stone, and it's a pretty weighty stone at that. Hold pyrite in each hand while you sit on the ground. This will help with centering your energy, and grounding out any excess energy you may have. This is good for those who cannot concentrate or feel so much energy at times that it makes them dizzy.

Pyrite brings confidence, luck, and money with regular use. You just need to believe and manifest this into your life. Practice gratitude and you will be blessed with more than you could ever hope for.

Pyrite With Other Stones

If you are using pyrite for wealth, use it along with a jade stone. If you are using pyrite for confidence, use it with tigereye as well. If you want extra grounding, use pyrite with jasper stone. Using pyrite with other stones that give you the same benefits will increase the benefits of the pyrite. You can always use any stone with clear quartz to increase it as well.

How To Use Pyrite

There are many ways to use pyrite. Meditate with the stones in each hand or on top of the body. Wear a necklace or bracelet made of pyrite. Sleep with pyrite underneath your pillow. Get creative with how to use your crystals and use your intuition.

I tend to store pyrite away from my tumbled stones, because my pyrite stones have a very rough texture that could scratch or damage my polished stones. You may want to do the same in order to keep your other stones looking nice over time.

Pyrite Affirmations

Some affirmations you can use with pyrite:

  • I am confident
  • I am grounded
  • I am focused
  • I have immense creativity
  • I am lucky
  • I have abundance
You can use pyrite to attract wealth and abundance, as well as good luck. Pyrite especially represents attracting money into your life. In order to use pyrite to attract abundance, you should meditate each day holding a pyrite stone, while visualizing what you are trying to attract in your life.

Pyrite is a very grounding stone, helping you connect to the earth energies so that you can experience vitality. It helps bring your physical energy.

Pyrite is a protective stone, and can clear away negative energy from any space. Pyrite can bring you a sense of personal power and help you stand up for yourself during times of being taken advantage of.

Since pyrite is associated with fire, you may be more attracted to pyrite if you are a fire sign. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Pyrite is a stone for truth-seekers. It can help you get to the bottom of anything, showing you what's what in a situation. In this way, it helps with intuition.

Pyrite is a great stone for meditation, because it increases your ability to focus. If you often have trouble with wandering thoughts during meditation, give pyrite a try. You can also use pyrite at school or at work to help you with focus and mental clarity.

Pyrite is especially good for your work space, since it helps you with confidence and attracting wealth. It also helps you in completing tasks at work, so if you have many projects assigned to you with time limits, it's a great stone to have around. And since it provides physical energy, it can help those with jobs that are physically demanding.

Pyrite encourages bravery and dispels fear.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Crystals For Luck

Crystals can bring many benefits for those who work with them. Here is a list of stones that bring good luck:

  • Green quartz
  • Tourmalinated quartz
  • Red tigereye
  • Turquoise
  • Snow quartz
  • Jade
  • Pyrite
  • Amazonite
  • Jet
Luck is always a positive thing to have in life. We can never have too much luck in all areas of life. Luck can help you win things, or keep you from experiencing a disaster. So using crystals for luck will help you to have a better life.

There are other benefits to these crystals as well, so it's good to find out what else they do for you so that you know which ones to pick and use.

Green quartz is good for money, abundance, lucky, empathy, and healing. Tourmalinated quartz is good for clearing negativity, healing, luck, energy, protection, and detox. Red tigereye is used for grounding, protection, work, luck, prosperity, energy, and confidence. Turquoise gives the benefits of confidence, protection, luck, success, healing, happiness, and abundance. Snow quartz is used for luck, prosperity, stress, meditation, purification, and peace. Jade is known for luck, prosperity, healing, protection, emotional healing, and wealth. Pyrite is used for confidence, grounding, focus, creativity, prosperity, luck, and wealth. Amazonite is used for communication, luck, hope, peace, stress, and clearing negativity. Jet is used for protection, clearing negativity, emotional healing, stress, anxiety, grief, fear, depression, and luck.

So as you can see, these crystals don't only bring the benefit of luck. If you have other benefits you are looking to get from using crystals, then choose one that gives you at least two of those benefits and it will help you even more.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Crystals For The Upcoming Blood Moon Eclipse 1/20/19

Everyone is excited for the upcoming blood moon eclipse this January 20th to 21st. It will take place in the evening and last until early morning hours if you are in the U.S. This is a total eclipse. I wanted to share with you some crystals you may want to carry with you on the days leading up to the eclipse and also on the day of the eclipse.

At this time emotional healing and cleansing of old negative emotions is at the forefront. You may even see events from the past surfacing once more to be cleared. Now is the time to meditate on any negative emotions you carry and release that stuck energy so that you can become anew. Any anger, resentment, unforgiveness, grief, sorrow, fear, and worry should be reflected on, meditated on, and released. In this way, you are detoxing your aura from negativity.

Crystals for clearing negativity:

  • Smoky quartz
  • Tourmalinated quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Tigereye
  • Amethyst
  • Garnet
  • Selenite
  • Hematite
  • Howlite
  • Moss agate
  • Aquamarine
  • Fuscite
  • Apache tears
  • Prasiolite
  • Shungite
  • Amazonite
  • Peridot
  • Aragonite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Jet
Use the crystals listed above during this time. You can begin using them right away and continue until after the blood moon eclipse.

Some ideas for how to use them are to meditate while holding them, carry them in your pocket, wear a necklace with a pendant made from one of these stones, or arrange a crystal grid somewhere in your room. You can also sleep with these under your pillow or next to your bed, as we tend to do a lot of dream work that most are unaware of.

Clearing negativity is very important as it will make energy shifts and transitions that much easier for you. It will also help raise your energy up and keep you feeling more positive. I hope you enjoy watching the blood moon eclipse this weekend.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Clear Quartz Points

Clear quartz is an all purpose stone. It can amplify any intention or desired outcome, so it is great for manifestation. It is useful in conjunction with all other stones because it increases their properties. I've heard it said that clear quartz is like sprinkling salt over food. It just tastes better!

Clear quartz is associated with April, so those born in April would benefit a lot from using clear quartz. April is the month of Aries and Taurus. Clear quartz should be given as a gift on someone's 3rd wedding anniversary. I would say get them a clear quartz tower, like the ones shown here.

Historically, clear quartz has been used by tribes and peoples as a stone for visionary work. This is when a person is wanting to have a vision or prophecy so they would use clear quartz to help them have "clear seeing" abilities.

Clear quartz is a stone that represent all those who work in the Light.

These small clear quartz that I have on my hand were found by me personally. I dug them myself and cleaned them up. I have placed them on my hand with the points facing outwards to show the energy flow of the stones.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Amethyst Meaning and Benefits

Amethyst is a beautiful purple stone. This photo of a tumbled amethyst is from my collection of crystals that I have accumulated for years. As you can see in the photo, amethyst represents many things that may be useful to your life.

Amethyst benefits include:
  • Clarity
  • Clearing negativity
  • Nobility
  • Purification
  • Healing
  • Addictions

We could all use a little clarity in our lives. Amethyst clears away confusion and brings the clarity you need. Sometimes it's so hard to see the big picture. Have you ever been in trouble and just didn't know which decision was the right one? It can be frustrating. Sometimes that rut of confusion can last months, where you just wish you knew what to do. I completely understand that situation.

If you need to be creative, use amethyst to help stimulate your imagination so that you can come up with new and interesting ideas. Amethyst is great for use in careers that are centered around art and creativity. If you are any sort of creative person, you should have an amethyst stone in your work space.

Amethyst can clear away negative energies. Amethyst is good for you if you feel negativity from time to time. Amethyst brings a soothing healing energy and can really help to heal you from addictions. If you feel you have unhealthy habits or addictions, wear an amethyst stone.

Amethyst is a stone for soul connections. It can encourage deeper spiritual connections between two people. Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone, and is used in many spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer.

Obviously purple is a color of royalty. It has represented nobility for centuries. You may be drawn to the color purple if you feel like you have a bit of royalty in you.

Amethyst is a nice stone to be put on displays. If I had an amethyst cathedral, I would totally have a picture of it up here, but those things are usually several hundreds of dollars. The cheapest amethyst cathedral I've ever seen was $500. But man are they a gorgeous sight to see.

Amethyst is not super rare. You can generally find amethyst anywhere crystals are sold. There is an overabundance of it. But even though it's quite common to come across, amethyst remains to be one of the greatest crystals you can find.

Amethyst has been used in jewelry for centuries. Many ancient civilizations considered amethyst to be very valuable, and often wore amethyst on them. It was a stone of luxury. Certainly it's purple color gives you a feeling of royalty when you are near it.

Amethyst is associated with the month of February. If you were born in February, you may feel an even more special connection to this purple stone, and you most definitely should add an amethyst stone to your collection.

Amethyst is a stone of healing, and is often used in crystal healing and reiki healing sessions.

Amethyst is a stone of stress relief. It can be used at the end of the day to help you unwind and de-stress yourself from the busy day you had. It can help you leave all the worries behind. Lavender scent is used for relieving stress as well. Lavender flowers and amethyst stones are both purple, and can be used together to amplify it's stress-relieving effects.

Amethyst can be found in various shades of purple. There is very light amethyst, which is often called lavender amethyst, and there is very dark purple amethyst that looks almost black, plus all the shades of purple in between. You can also find rainbow amethyst, which is amethyst that has rainbow inclusions. There is banded amethyst and chevron amethyst as well, which is amethyst mixed with quartz crystal.

Since amethyst is purple and the crown chakra is purple, amethyst has been a symbol for the crown chakra. It is used in crown chakra healing.

Amethyst helps to bring abundance anywhere it is used. Wealth and abundance go hand in hand, so it can be used to increase your material wealth.

Amethyst has also been a symbol of purity, so it was common among the Church. Amethyst is still used for purification to this day.

Amethyst is thought to help prevent you from immature acts. It encourages wise decisions and thoughtful approaches to problems you are facing. If you are often indulging in the party life, amethyst may not be the stone for you unless you are ready to give up that life of overindulgence and intoxication.

Amethyst is a major stone of protection. It has been used for protection amulets for centuries. You can acquire your own amethyst protection amulet by simply getting an amethyst necklace. This will give you added protection against negative energy and negative thoughts.

Amethyst can protect against illness, accidents, black witchcraft, negative thoughts, and all harm. Amethyst protects against a wide range of negative emotions including anger, grief, sorrow, resentment, etc.

Amethyst is known to cure drunkenness and promote sobriety. If you are struggling with that, wearing amethyst can surely help you with your goal to remain sober.

Being sober means to be aware, and amethyst brings awareness with it. Amethyst can increase your spiritual awareness.

Amethyst stimulates thought and intelligence. Amethyst is a stone that procrastinators can use to help keep them motivated and active. If you are often dragging your feet, not completing tasks on time, use amethyst to help you get the job done.

Meditation with amethyst can amplify all of it's benefits. If you want any said benefits of amethyst, the best way to achieve them is to hold amethyst in the palm of your hand while you meditate daily. If you only have one amethyst stone, place it in your left hand. If you have more than one stone, then place them in both hands.

Alternatively, you can meditate while laying down, placing an amethyst stone above your head or under a pillow. Placing amethyst under a pillow is a great way to get rid of nightmares. If you have recurrent bad dreams, you can sleep with an amethyst stone to help you.

Amethyst is used in meditation because it's a very calming stone, so it can help you reach the meditative states that you desire to reach.

Amethyst is a stone for intuition. It can help you develop your intuition and open up your crown chakra to receive messages from guides.

If you are trying to cleanse and charge your amethyst, be careful not to leave it in sunlight. It's best to cleanse your amethyst in the full moon because amethyst's color will fade in the sun.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign: Week 1/14/19 to 1/20/19


You're going to need help with focus, especially when it comes to work and progress. To give you the focus and energy you need, you can use fluorite, clear quartz, or citrine. If you are single, love may be in the cards this weeked and if you want crystals to help you along there, use rhodochrosite or rose quartz.


You may have some experiences that call you out of your comfort zone. For this, I recommend using tigereye, red tigereye, carnelian, or bloodstone. On Monday, focus on crystals of clear communication such as blue lace agate, aquamarine, turquoise, and chrysocolla. Towards the weekend, you need balance. You should use moonstone, jasper, blue lace agate, or kyanite.


You may be in a situation in life where you feel like letting go of what no longer serves you. You should use dioptase, malachite, chrysoprase, shattukite, turquoise, or kyanite. Romantic opportunities this weekend, and if you want to enhance those you should use rose quartz and rhodochrosite. Looks like you will also be needing extra positive energy and endurance this weekend, so use sunstone, pyrite, black tourmaline, or smoky quartz.


You should see some of the more difficult relationships in your life now becoming easier. To boost this effect, you would want some crystals that will bring friendly energy and help you form friendships. Use lapis lazuli, unakite, carnelian, emerald, hematite, rhodonite, rose quartz, or blue lace agate. Try to use at least more than one of these, as this is a big theme in your life this week. This weekend, you'll need to be responsible and sound minded with decision-making, so use azurite, blue topaz, green tourmaline, phantom quartz, mookaite, amethyst, aventurine, rainbow fluorite, or tourmalinated quartz.


You could be bogged down with work, so you need some crystals to help you manage all the responsibility. Use fluorite, citrine, or clear quartz. You may meet someone special this weekend, so to enhance these effects carry rose quartz and rhodochrosite. With a lunar eclipse and supermoon in your sign on Sunday, shine on and enjoy your successes with these crystals: citrine, pyrite, ruby, or jade.


You have a lot on your plate right now in all aspects of life, so I feel that creativity is the best thing to help keep your on your feet and shining in all areas. For creativity, use aventurine, citrine, and carnelian. To help you with decision-making around Friday, use amethyst, blue topaz, green tourmaline, or tourmalinated quartz. With the super moon eclipse, you need clarity. Use azurite, smoky quartz, sapphire, or magnetite.


You need help with the work/life balance, so for this you should try amethyst, rose quartz, labradorite, and lepidolite. Give yourself a little more courage with some tigereye and it will help you to speak up when you need to. You have relaxing energies ahead for the weekend.


Work comes before success, and you are experiencing that at this time. While going thru the work, you may experience times of burnout. Endurance and extra positive energy is what you need to help you, as this work could really lead to huge successes down the road. Use amethyst, rose quartz, labradorite, and lepidolite to help manage stress. To help with work, add amber, carnelian, aventurine, and celestite. During the weekend, also add pyrite for some extra boost in the material abundance department.


You may be experiencing some financial difficulties. Use citrine, moss agate, pyrite, ruby, and jade to help you with your finances. Your love life gets a boost over the weekend. To increase this aspect, use rose quartz and rhodochrosite. Later in the weekend travel and communication are important. For this, you should use moonstone, aquamarine, tigereye, blue lace agate, chrysocolla, and turquoise.


It's super important to stay focused on work this week. To help with memory and focus, use pyrite, clear quartz, rhodonite, citrine, and fluorite. After all this work, you need some stress relief. Use amethyst, rose quartz, labradorite, and lepidolite. Clarity of mind is what you need over the weekend. I suggest fluorite, citrine, and clear quartz.


Juggling all the thoughts in your head can be tough this week. Some clarity may help you. Use amethyst, fluorite, citrine, clear quartz, and smoky quartz. Stress relief is what you need as well, while you juggle all these different aspects of life. Use amethyst, rose quartz, lepidolite, and labradorite. This weekend your love life will see a boost. Use rose quartz and rhodochrosite.


You may be feeling stressed with all that is going on in your busy life. Use amethyst, rose quartz, lepidolite, and labradorite. Toward the weekend, you may notice things slow down a bit. Let it happen. You need to put yourself first sometimes and focus on your own well being. To help you get into the groove of relaxation, use amethyst, pink tourmaline, golden calcite, lepidolite, and smoky quartz. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Moldavite Pendant Benefits

This is a moldavite pendant. It was given to me as a gift almost 4 years ago. I hardly wear it. I leave it hanging up on the wall.

Moldavite was formed 15 million years ago when a meteorite hit Germany. They are still mining pieces to this day, and it's a unique stone. It's a certain type of tektite and it's usually green colored. Sometimes you have to hold it up to the light to see the green.

Moldavite meanings:
  • Spiritual connection
  • Good luck
  • Guidance
  • Intuition
  • Dreams
  • Emotional healing
This stone is beautiful and very useful for many things in life. Some may find the energy of moldavite to be a bit overwhelming. They may need to only wear it for a short amount of time, and then increase that time as they go along. It really just depends on how sensitive you are to things.

I got mine from a reputable source, but beware of all the fakes out there. There are a lot of fakes being sold online. It can be very hard to tell what is real and what is fake. Be especially careful when shopping for moldavite on Ebay. Look closely at what you are purchasing and where it is coming from. I personally recommend people to buy it in person, not online. That way you are much less likely to be conned.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Which Crystal Is For You?

I created this quiz to help you find the right crystal for you. This will let you know what crystal you need to use that will help you along in life. Some questions you may have more than one answer to, but just pick the one that best suits you. As you answer the questions, keep track of your points. Then find out which crystal is yours.

1. In social situations, I'm usually:
A. Hoping no one looks in my direction. (1 point)
B. Chatting and interacting, but putting on a persona/not really engaging or connecting with others. (2 points)
C. Bouncing off the walls/Life of the party. (3 points)
D. Watching others/Very cautious and looking out for myself. (4 points)

2. After dating someone for a year, they suddenly decide to breakup with you thru text without giving much of a reason. You:
A. There's so much I want to say to them, but I keep quiet and hold it in. (1 point)
B. Find a way to blame myself/Fall into a deep depression. (2 points)
C. Fly into a rage/Tell them off (3 points)
D. Wonder if they cheated or did you wrong in some way/Feeling distrustful. (4 points)

3. Your friend has betrayed your trust. You:
A. Let them run over you without really saying how you feel. (1 point)
B. Continue being friends, but never trust them again. (2 points)
C. Tell them exactly how you feel/Let them have it. (3 points)
D. Get rid of the friend. They never had your best interest in mind anyway. (4 points)

4. You are getting ready to date again after a major heartbreak. You:
A. End up dating someone who treats you badly, just like your ex. (1 point)
B. Are very closed to love/Only want casual things. (2 points)
C. Are a social butterfly and date a lot. (3 points)
D. Date, but you're always feeling like that person is going to cheat or do you wrong. (4 points)

5. You are going on a camping trip with family. You:
A. Are kind of scared of camping. (1 point)
B. Dread being in close quarters with everyone. (2 points)
C. You're very excited. (3 points)
D. Are upset that your negative cousin will be there, as she always makes your energy feel low. (4 points)

6. You tend to attract friends that:
A. Run all over me/Boss me around. (1 point)
B. Are superficial and fake. (2 points)
C. Are loud-mouths, just like me. (3 points)
D. Are always negative, or do bad things like stealing from you. (4 points)

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Tally up your points and see which crystal fits you best.

6 to 11 points: I think you would benefit from using tigereye. Tigereye is a stone of courage, confidence, and strength. It can help you with these things are you navigate life.

12 to 15 points: Rose quartz would be beneficial to you. Rose quartz is about being able to love and connect with others, and allowing them to love you and connect to you.

16 to 20 points: You need some calming blue lace agate. It will help being you to a place of inner calmness and keep you from losing your mind.

21 to 24 points: You are in need of the protection of obsidian. Obsidian stone helps you with grounding and protection from others' harmful energies.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Quartz Point Meaning

This quartz crystal point was hand mined by myself a few years ago. It's one of the bigger pieces I have personally found. This stone is used to aid in healing work.

Some of the properties of clear quartz points include:
  • Amplifying other stones
  • Manifestation
  • Meditation
  • Healing
  • Increasing intention
  • Clearing the mind
  • Keeper of wisdom
  • And it just looks pretty :)

These stones are great for directing energy because they have a point on them. All stones have this ability, but with quartz points you can physically see the point on them. This helps a lot when constructing crystal grids or using them for meditation or healing. The point directs energy out of the crystal. It is up to you how you wish to use it.

Place a quartz point in your left hand with the point facing you. Place another one in your right hand with the point facing away from you. This is a popular way to create an energy circuit with crystals.

Placing quartz points around a crystal grid will increase the energy output of the grid. You should face the point in the direction that you want energy to flow, since the energy comes out of the pointed area.

Large crystal points are called crystal towers or crystal generators. These crystals are usually center pieces for crystal grids because they have the ability to direct a large amount of energy.

These pieces are also simply impressive as house decorations. They can be placed in a window seal for an added effect, because having light shine through a quartz crystal point is very good.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Hand Crystal Grid With Quartz

These quartz crystal points are from my personal collection. I found them myself and cleaned them off with a toothbrush. As you can see, they all have natural points on them and are mostly clear.

Here I have made a crystal grid that fits in my hand. It's not only fun to make a hand held crystal grid, but it's also fun to look at. See the beautiful symmetry these crystals make. I used 11 crystals for this grid. I actually didn't plan on that. It's just how the grid happened to turn out. But many see 11 as a special number indeed.

I placed the most square looking crystal in the center, and lined the outside with the skinnier longer crystals in order to make this crystal grid. I hope you enjoy the grid I have made here. The energy of these stones is definitely nice to see and feel.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Quartz Crystal Points

I found these quartz points myself. They were dug up by hand. Most were sticking out of the top of the ground so all I had to do was dig a little bit to free the crystal. Then I cleaned them up with warm water and a toothbrush.

Clear quartz is a stone of healing. If you feel like you need more energy, use clear quartz. It can amplify your own energy and help you to feel more vitalized than before. It's nice to place them out in the sun every once in a while too. These are small enough to be kept in a pocket and carried around.

I think these stones are absolutely beautiful. Some of them are completely clear, some are not as transparent. All of them have natural points. I kept them for use in making crystal grids and other projects like that. They are fun to line up because they look really nice stacked that way.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rose Quartz Heart

Pictured here is a rose quartz heart. It found it's way into my life because a family member found it randomly, knew I loved stones and then just gave it to me. I was definitely thrilled. Although I have many stones, it was the first heart shaped stone I had gotten. I feel like stones don't just randomly show up, and that they enter your life like this because you need them.

Rose quartz represents unconditional love. Love is a beautiful thing. Love can also bring pain, but if we learn to love unconditionally then love turns into a beautiful thing again. Because you can love someone from a distance. You can love someone despite them not wanting to speak to you anymore. To love someone even though they are not in your life anymore means to only want the very best for them. It means hoping they find someone who loves them deeply, and hoping them great happiness in life. It does not mean hoping they regret never speaking to you, or hoping they feel guilty. That is not loving unconditionally.

I have indeed heard someone adamantly claim "I love her unconditionally" in one breath and in the next breath wish that she feels guilty for what she has done to him. He doesn't see the error here.

And while it is hard to love unconditionally, it is very possible. Loving ourselves unconditionally is also important. We need to love ourselves and others in order to keep our heart open. When you forgive, you open your heart. And when your heart is open, it's a beautiful thing, because then love will find it's way to you again. And you will experience great joy in life when it does. The stone pictured above is a representation of an open heart, open to giving love and open to receiving it in return.