Monday, January 14, 2019

Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign: Week 1/14/19 to 1/20/19


You're going to need help with focus, especially when it comes to work and progress. To give you the focus and energy you need, you can use fluorite, clear quartz, or citrine. If you are single, love may be in the cards this weeked and if you want crystals to help you along there, use rhodochrosite or rose quartz.


You may have some experiences that call you out of your comfort zone. For this, I recommend using tigereye, red tigereye, carnelian, or bloodstone. On Monday, focus on crystals of clear communication such as blue lace agate, aquamarine, turquoise, and chrysocolla. Towards the weekend, you need balance. You should use moonstone, jasper, blue lace agate, or kyanite.


You may be in a situation in life where you feel like letting go of what no longer serves you. You should use dioptase, malachite, chrysoprase, shattukite, turquoise, or kyanite. Romantic opportunities this weekend, and if you want to enhance those you should use rose quartz and rhodochrosite. Looks like you will also be needing extra positive energy and endurance this weekend, so use sunstone, pyrite, black tourmaline, or smoky quartz.


You should see some of the more difficult relationships in your life now becoming easier. To boost this effect, you would want some crystals that will bring friendly energy and help you form friendships. Use lapis lazuli, unakite, carnelian, emerald, hematite, rhodonite, rose quartz, or blue lace agate. Try to use at least more than one of these, as this is a big theme in your life this week. This weekend, you'll need to be responsible and sound minded with decision-making, so use azurite, blue topaz, green tourmaline, phantom quartz, mookaite, amethyst, aventurine, rainbow fluorite, or tourmalinated quartz.


You could be bogged down with work, so you need some crystals to help you manage all the responsibility. Use fluorite, citrine, or clear quartz. You may meet someone special this weekend, so to enhance these effects carry rose quartz and rhodochrosite. With a lunar eclipse and supermoon in your sign on Sunday, shine on and enjoy your successes with these crystals: citrine, pyrite, ruby, or jade.


You have a lot on your plate right now in all aspects of life, so I feel that creativity is the best thing to help keep your on your feet and shining in all areas. For creativity, use aventurine, citrine, and carnelian. To help you with decision-making around Friday, use amethyst, blue topaz, green tourmaline, or tourmalinated quartz. With the super moon eclipse, you need clarity. Use azurite, smoky quartz, sapphire, or magnetite.


You need help with the work/life balance, so for this you should try amethyst, rose quartz, labradorite, and lepidolite. Give yourself a little more courage with some tigereye and it will help you to speak up when you need to. You have relaxing energies ahead for the weekend.


Work comes before success, and you are experiencing that at this time. While going thru the work, you may experience times of burnout. Endurance and extra positive energy is what you need to help you, as this work could really lead to huge successes down the road. Use amethyst, rose quartz, labradorite, and lepidolite to help manage stress. To help with work, add amber, carnelian, aventurine, and celestite. During the weekend, also add pyrite for some extra boost in the material abundance department.


You may be experiencing some financial difficulties. Use citrine, moss agate, pyrite, ruby, and jade to help you with your finances. Your love life gets a boost over the weekend. To increase this aspect, use rose quartz and rhodochrosite. Later in the weekend travel and communication are important. For this, you should use moonstone, aquamarine, tigereye, blue lace agate, chrysocolla, and turquoise.


It's super important to stay focused on work this week. To help with memory and focus, use pyrite, clear quartz, rhodonite, citrine, and fluorite. After all this work, you need some stress relief. Use amethyst, rose quartz, labradorite, and lepidolite. Clarity of mind is what you need over the weekend. I suggest fluorite, citrine, and clear quartz.


Juggling all the thoughts in your head can be tough this week. Some clarity may help you. Use amethyst, fluorite, citrine, clear quartz, and smoky quartz. Stress relief is what you need as well, while you juggle all these different aspects of life. Use amethyst, rose quartz, lepidolite, and labradorite. This weekend your love life will see a boost. Use rose quartz and rhodochrosite.


You may be feeling stressed with all that is going on in your busy life. Use amethyst, rose quartz, lepidolite, and labradorite. Toward the weekend, you may notice things slow down a bit. Let it happen. You need to put yourself first sometimes and focus on your own well being. To help you get into the groove of relaxation, use amethyst, pink tourmaline, golden calcite, lepidolite, and smoky quartz. 

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