Sunday, May 26, 2019

How To Feel A Crystal's Energy

Feeling a crystal's energy can help you connect more with a crystal. It's the first part of learning energy healing as well. In this post, I will describe how you can start to feel your crystals energy.

First, choose a crystal that you are drawn to. It would also help if you have recently charged your crystal in the sun or moon. This helps the crystal's energy increase so that you can feel it more easily. Go ahead and charge the crystal if you haven't done that already. Even a few minutes in the sun helps increase the energy of the crystal.

You have energy centers in the palms of your hands, so you will have much more success trying to feel energy if you are placing the crystal in the palm of your hand.

Go ahead and close your eyes and start meditating. This will help get you into a relaxed state where you can sense subtle changes in energy. Many times when our brain is way too active, we don't feel the subtle energy very easily.

Once your are relaxed, place the crystal in the center of the palm of your hand. Now focus on that area and try to see if you feel anything. Let the crystal sit there for a few minutes and then take it off. You should feel something still in the palm of your hand even though the crystal is not in your hand anymore.

What Does Crystal Energy Feel Like?

Crystal energy and energy in general can feel like tingling, pressure, pin pricks, or warmth. It isn't limited to these feelings, but these are the most common ways we feel energy. Certain crystals can make you feel tingling all throughout your body when you are holding it. Other crystals will only cause you to feel sensations in the area that you are placing the crystal.

If you didn't succeed in feeling any energy this time, keep practicing. Do this exercise once a day until you do feel something. For some people, it may happen right away. For others, it may take some weeks before they notice anything.

A Trick To Help You

If you feel like you are having trouble with feeling anything, then breathe in and out through that area of the body.

What I mean is, place the crystal in the palm of your hand and breath while focusing on the palm of your hand. Breathe in: The breathe comes into the palm of your hand. Breathe out: The breathe comes back out of the palm of your hand.

This is an exercise to wake up a sleeping energy center and get the energy moving again.

These things sometimes take time, because we are teaching ourselves to tune into a part of us that we never knew existed before. Often no one talks about these things, so when you go through life not knowing it exists, it can be hard to open yourself up to it at first. Keep exercising your skills and don't stop trying.

Learning to feel energy can help you direct energy anywhere that it needs to go.

If you are interested in being able to see the energy of your crystal's, you can also check out this article.

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