Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Signs You Are A Lightworker

Have you ever wondered if you are a Lightworker? In today's post I'm going to give you some signs that can help you know whether or not you were sent to Earth as a Lightworker.

1. You felt different as a kid.

If you felt different than everyone else, almost like an outsider, then you may be a Lightworker. Lightworkers often feel different, kind of like an outsider in this world. On a subconscious level, you know that this is not your home. You may have lived many lives elsewhere, so Earth feels very different to you. You just felt different from all the other kids.

2. You were born with abilities.

There are many abilities that you could possibly have. A few are astral projection, visions, knowing the future, moving objects with your mind, healing, etc. If you were born with abilities (meaning you did not work to get them and they were already there when you were a child) then you may be a Lightworker.

3. You feel a great sense of purpose.

You may not know why you came to Earth, but you feel deep down that there is a specific reason. You don't feel like life is meaningless. You feel like your life has great purpose and you want to find that purpose.

4. You always saw the good in people.

You may be a Lightworker if you always saw the good in people. It was hard for you to imagine someone killing a living being for sick thrills. You had a hard time understanding and processing violence and hate. You always seemed to trust everyone very easily and without hesitation.

Note: This may have changed as you got older and were taken advantage of by people. It's not uncommon to wise up and start protecting yourself after you see that the world really isn't as nice as you once believed.

5. You want to make a positive change on Earth.

This one goes hand in hand with #3. You feel a sense of purpose, and you also want to make a positive change on Earth. You may not have all the details figured out. You may not know how you are going to do it yet, but you have a strong need to help humanity on a larger scale.

Continue to spread love and acceptance to all people. The key to being a successful Lightworker is to love everyone. If you are spreading love wherever you go, you are 100% doing your job. Let life take you where it may.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Benefits Of Crystal Necklaces

Crystal necklaces are gorgeous, but they also serve very important purposes. In this post, I want to discuss how crystals necklaces are almost needed by everyone in the spiritual community.


Empaths tend to get drained by other people. That is because we can feel everyone's feelings as if they are happening to us. People can somehow sense that you are able to feel their feelings, so this attracts people that have heavy negative burdens. They don't really wish to hurt you as an empath. They just want someone to understand their pain. But in the end, this can hurt empaths if you aren't doing anything to help recover from it.

Wearing a crystal necklace can help give you more energy. It can make you a better empath, since you are able to withstand more of the brunt. Consider wearing a crystal necklace and see how much better you feel.

Spiritual Work

If you are someone who is awakening your spiritual gifts, crystal necklaces are vital as well. This is because as your gifts awaken, your light becomes a beacon. What do lights do in the dark? They attract bugs and all kinds of things. So you are like a light in this dark world.

All kinds of spirits will see that you have spiritual gifts and they will flock to you in an attempt to communicate. The reason they come to you is because they know you can actually sense them. Someone who doesn't believe or doesn't care will not even know they are around. You can't interact with someone if you are being ignored. But spiritually sensitive people cannot ignore these beings because you see, feel, and hear them.

These beings can sometimes drain your energy while they are trying to communicate with you. That is because many of them do not have their own energy source. They need to take from other objects or people in order to give them more energy for manifesting and communicating. Have you ever seen those ghost hunting shows on TV where a person's cell phone or other device gets drained quickly in the presence of a ghost? They take energy from things around them so that they can do more things in this world. That includes you.

They will take energy from you and leave you feeling very tired. But crystal necklaces can help you with this problem. The crystals give off energy and it's like a decoy. So they can use the energy from the crystal instead of stealing all of your energy. They are going to be taking energy one way or the other. You might as well have something on you that can help you.

Connecting With Others

One very overlooked benefit of using crystal necklaces is that other people will see it and spark a conversation. This is a great way to show the world that you love crystals and help you make friends who love crystals too. It definitely works. People will notice your stones and comment on them, especially if you have a rare type of crystal.

How To Choose A Crystal Necklace

Each type of crystal also has different benefits. There are crystals that give you a boost in protection. There are crystals that attract love or wealth. There are so many different crystals with different purposes. If you need help choosing the type of crystal you need, check out the Crystals For Everything page.

I also want to mention that it's important for you to choose a crystal that you vibe with and connect with. Ideally you will want to be able to feel strong energy coming from the crystal. Sometimes you will pick up a crystal and not feel much at all. Other times you will feel energy coursing throughout your body, or intense feelings of peace. I believe you should go with the stronger crystal, because if you feel that much energy from it, then it's giving you something you need in that moment.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Crystals For Spirit Guide Contact

If you've ever wanted to talk to your guides, you'll notice how hard it can be to get in touch with them. Your guides are always with you. You are never alone, but at times it can be hard to hear them speak to you. There are some crystals you can use to give you a little boost in communication with guides, angels, and spirits. In this post we will go over which crystals you can use for that purpose.


Amethyst is a purple stone which helps to open the crown chakra. The crown chakra is your connection to the universe and other realms. Opening your crown chakra can help with channeling energy from other realms, and even messages from those who wish to speak to you.

Celestite And Angelite

Both celestite and angelite are great stones to help you contact your guides and angels. As you can tell from their names, they attract celestial and angelic energies. Both stones are the color blue which correlates with communication. You can use these stones to help you receive messages and guidance from your guardian angels.


Moldavite has a very strong vibration. It activates your spiritual abilities and helps you with development. This spiritual development is important for helping you communicate with your guides. Opening up your gifts is needed for the communication to come thru clearly and easily. Moldavite will raise your vibration and help you with this.

Daily Meditation

If you really want to develop the ability to talk with your guides and angels, it's important for you to learn to meditate daily. Practicing meditation daily allows for messages to come through more easily. When you are in a calm and meditative state of mind, the mind can receive messages better than if you are active and thinking all the time. Make time to slow down and give yourself a chance to receive energy and guidance.


Always remember to protect yourself when trying to communicate. You don't want to call on anything negative or evil. Use these protection tips to help keep your aura and space clean.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How To Know You've Met A Twin Flame Online

Many articles talk mostly about signs that you've met your twin flame in person, but how do you know you've met when you are only talking online?

You can call them twin flames, twin souls, soulmates.. Whatever terminology you like to use, in this article I will explain how to know if you have met one online.


While you are messaging each other back and forth during a conversation, you will feel lots of energy coursing through you. You may have been relaxing before, but now you feel like you could jump up and run around the house or run a marathon. This is a because your energies are mingling and it's causing you to have more energy than what you had before.

It's kind of a jittery feeling, like you've just had a jolt of energy and now you are ready to do anything. It's not a subtle feeling at all and you will know if you are feeling it or not.


If you feel an energy right before they message you, this is probably a twin flame. You can feel this little buzzing feeling letting you know this person is about to send a message. Then, you look at your phone or email and see that it's true and they did just send a message. It happens literally right before they send the message.

Thinking About You

You feel energy when they are thinking about you. It's a buzzing feeling all over your body, or in the main areas of your body. This is a different feeling than the one you get when they message you. It's a stronger more constant buzz that can last a long while (however long they are thinking about you.)


If it's been a while since the two of you have talked, you will get more and more synchronicities that are reminding you of this person. The universe is trying to push you to think about them so that you will message them. You may hear a song that the two of you talked about before, or you may see an inside joke between the two of you, or you may see their name.

Number synchronicities, such as 11:11, are not always specific to that person unless you see the number paired with their name or some other symbol of them. Most all spiritual people, regardless of whether they have met a twin flame or not, will see those repeat numbers. So that is not necessarily a sign from your twin flame.


You have curious dreams about this person, even though you have never met in person before. You may be with them in another time or place. You may even look different, but you recognize the energy of that person. The dreams could also be modern style. You may have a lucid dream where you realize you are dreaming and realize what is going on, or you can sense and feel things within the dream. All are possibilities.


For those who have an open third eye, you may get visions of this person. When you are laying down to fall asleep, their face may flash in your third eye. If you are thinking of them with your eyes closed, you may get visions of them or the two of you. You may even see your past lives together. If you have had past lives with them, it is a sure fire soul connection because that's exactly what a soul connection is.

Other Signs

You may have other signs as well, but these are the main ones that I can think of at the moment. I want to stress that you shouldn't fixate on anyone and obsess about anyone. I know it's hard not to get excited or attached when you feel like you have met a soul connection, but you never have any guarantee of how long they will be in your life.

A soul connection always has a purpose in your life. It could be that they are only there for 1 hour, 1 day, or 9 months, or even the rest of your life (super rare). Each and every soul connection is here to help you learn and experience something that you were meant to do. It will only hurt you to hold onto someone who is meant to move on from your life. So enjoy them while they are here, learn the lessons, have the experiences, and if they are choosing to leave then you must let them have their free will.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Different Types of Soul Connections

If you've been a part of a spiritual group for any length of time, I'm sure you've heard of soul connections or twin flames. This post will be discussing the types of soul connections, signs you have met your twin flame, and what all of this means.

What Is A Soul Connection?

A soul connection is a deep, instant connection between two people. The word instant is in italics because this is important. Any two souls can form a bond over time spent together. That is a completely different thing than a soul connection. With a soul connection, you feel it the moment you meet. Usually it's the eye contact that really begins everything.

These connections exist without you having to do anything because they are pre-existing connections from other lifetimes. When you have this type of connection with someone, you have spent time with them in other lives, in other realms.

Types of Soul Connections

If you want to know how many types of connections there are and what they mean, you'll get a different answer from everyone you ask. Just browse the internet for a moment and you'll see many differing and conflicting opinions on the matter. This can be a little overwhelming for someone who is wanting to learn about twin flames.

Basically, there are two main types of connections: soulmates and twin flames. People make a distinction between soulmates and twin flames. The twin flame is supposed to be your highest connection and the other half of your soul. Soulmates are a secondary (lesser) connection, but a connection none-the-less. This is the most accepted view of soul connections out there. But I'm going to talk about my opinions on these views.

I will say that I know first hand that soul connections 1000% exist, and they are definitely as supernatural as people claim they are. They can be downright freaky with the synchronicities, telepathy, etc. But I won't say that I know for fact that we all have that one special twin flame that is our other half of our soul.

I personally believe we all have a lot of soulmates and the connection with each one will wax and wane, depending on what we are supposed to be experiencing and learning at the time. It is possible that you have spent significantly more lives with one other soul, making them your strongest connection of all. That is very much possible, but you wouldn't know that unless you have regressed and learned about your other lives and the details there. So I would be very cautious in labeling anyone as your "twin flame." You very well may meet someone next year whose connection completely trumps the current one you are labeling twin flame. Then you'll be left confused and probably aggravated with yourself for fixating so much on that one person.

Purpose Of A Soul Connection

So what's the purpose of these connections? Answering that question is like answering "What's the purpose of life?"

The purpose is to grow, experience, and learn. We are here to learn and soul connections help us do that by steering us in the direction of our highest learning. Have you ever moved to a new location because you loved someone and they lived there? Had that love connection not been there, you would have never thought of moving to a new city and having all those new experiences. In the same way, connections drive us to live life and have new experiences that we need for our soul's growth.

They are not always good experiences. Sometimes they are very painful experiences. The specific reasoning is different for everyone. Each of our souls is on a different mission here.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

How To Tell If You Are Cursed

The topic of curses is a scary topic for most people. Curses are so common and widespread that it does need to be talked about among spiritual communities. In this post, I will be discussing all about curses, how you can tell if you are cursed, and what you can do to fight back. So let's get started.

What Is A Curse?

A curse is a type of energetic attack placed on a person. It's always someone that you know, or someone who knows you that has placed a curse on you. Another name for a curse is a hex. This attack can cause many bad things to occur in your life.

A curse can last anywhere from less than a day to whole decades of your life. Yes, curses can last for a very long time. It's always sad to hear about someone who has been suffering for years and never really did anything to deserve it.

What Causes A Curse?

A curse can be caused in a few ways. The first way is that someone thinks or feels negative feelings towards you. In many cultures this is called the evil eye. It's usually caused by jealousy, but it can be caused by other negative emotions as well.

When someone thinks about wanting to harm you, or when someone feels angry and spiteful toward you, this sends an energy to you which can attack you. This type of curse is usually not that strong, but it also depends on how much power the person sending the negative thoughts has.

If you know that person has dabbled in witchcraft or is into dark and morbid things, then the curse will be much worse. Those people often have negative entities hanging around them that like them and once the curse energy is sent, those negative entities will participate in making the curse worse.

Another way that you could be cursed is by having or possessing an object that has been cursed. We accumulate things that are not new all the time-from items that have been passed down in the family, to things we found at a second hand shop or garage sale. If you didn't buy something brand new, then you have no idea who owned it before you and what they may have done with the item. It could be cursed. If you purchase a cursed item, then the curse energy will be around you causing problems in your life.

What Are The Signs That You Have Been Cursed?

You will know that you have been cursed because literally everything in life starts to go wrong. All aspects of your life will suffer. Your money/job, relationships, friendships, and health will all be spiraling out of control.

You may experience a wide range of things. A few examples are your car breaks down, your girlfriend/boyfriend breaks up with you, you get fired from your job or no one wants to hire you, your friends start ignoring you, random people are rude to you, you get in a car accident. The list goes on.

You will know that you were cursed because it's not just one thing that goes wrong. It's normal to occasionally have bad things happen in life. Everyone experiences that from time to time. But life is supposed to be a mixture of good, bad, and in between. If you are experiencing bad thing after bad thing for a long period of time, then you know it was a curse that caused it.

What Makes A Curse Worse?

A curse can be made much worse if you have out of control negative emotions. Things like anxiety, depression, anger issues, and ungratefulness are all feelings that can make the curse energy more powerful.

I know it's hard to have positive feelings in a time when you are being attacked and everything is wrong. Most people will feel very sad and down on their luck if they are cursed, and those feelings will feed the energy and make it worse.

How To Get Rid Of A Curse

There are a few things you can do to get rid of a curse. I have actually written a few articles about cleansing your aura and your home of negative energies. I will link those articles below, but I'll give you a few tips here as well.

If you feel that you have been cursed, the first thing to do is to use the tips above to cleanse your home of negative entities. Shew them right out the door. Let them know they are not welcome.

Then you need to cleanse your body and aura. I love to use epsom salt baths for cleansing my aura and body. Place 2 cups of epsom salt in a warm bath and stay in there for at least 20 minutes. Light a white candle for protection.

The next thing you should do is remove the source of the curse from your life. If you know a person placed a curse on you, then you must meditate and visualize yourself cutting the cords between you so that they can no longer reach your energy. Revoke their access to you and your energy.

If you don't know who it is specifically, then do the same meditation but imagine yourself cutting all unhealthy cords that are no longer needed. (Note: You don't want to cut good cords to people that you love at this time, so be careful. Only intend to cut bad cords.)

If it was an object that caused the curse, such as a doll, some playing cards, or a crystal, then you should get rid of the item. Throw it away, burn it, give it away. Do whatever you have to do to get it far away from you.

The last step is probably the most important one of all. You need to believe that you are protected. Do whatever you have to do to instill that belief inside of you. If you have to pray every day, chant, or carry around a protective crystal, then do those things which make you feel the most protected. Ask yourself what can I do to feel more protected today? Do something each and every day so that you feel a little bit safer and a little more protected.

You may need to repeat steps of this process. It depends on how bad your situation is.