Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Signs You Are A Lightworker

Have you ever wondered if you are a Lightworker? In today's post I'm going to give you some signs that can help you know whether or not you were sent to Earth as a Lightworker.

1. You felt different as a kid.

If you felt different than everyone else, almost like an outsider, then you may be a Lightworker. Lightworkers often feel different, kind of like an outsider in this world. On a subconscious level, you know that this is not your home. You may have lived many lives elsewhere, so Earth feels very different to you. You just felt different from all the other kids.

2. You were born with abilities.

There are many abilities that you could possibly have. A few are astral projection, visions, knowing the future, moving objects with your mind, healing, etc. If you were born with abilities (meaning you did not work to get them and they were already there when you were a child) then you may be a Lightworker.

3. You feel a great sense of purpose.

You may not know why you came to Earth, but you feel deep down that there is a specific reason. You don't feel like life is meaningless. You feel like your life has great purpose and you want to find that purpose.

4. You always saw the good in people.

You may be a Lightworker if you always saw the good in people. It was hard for you to imagine someone killing a living being for sick thrills. You had a hard time understanding and processing violence and hate. You always seemed to trust everyone very easily and without hesitation.

Note: This may have changed as you got older and were taken advantage of by people. It's not uncommon to wise up and start protecting yourself after you see that the world really isn't as nice as you once believed.

5. You want to make a positive change on Earth.

This one goes hand in hand with #3. You feel a sense of purpose, and you also want to make a positive change on Earth. You may not have all the details figured out. You may not know how you are going to do it yet, but you have a strong need to help humanity on a larger scale.

Continue to spread love and acceptance to all people. The key to being a successful Lightworker is to love everyone. If you are spreading love wherever you go, you are 100% doing your job. Let life take you where it may.

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