Monday, October 7, 2019

Benefits Of Crystal Necklaces

Crystal necklaces are gorgeous, but they also serve very important purposes. In this post, I want to discuss how crystals necklaces are almost needed by everyone in the spiritual community.


Empaths tend to get drained by other people. That is because we can feel everyone's feelings as if they are happening to us. People can somehow sense that you are able to feel their feelings, so this attracts people that have heavy negative burdens. They don't really wish to hurt you as an empath. They just want someone to understand their pain. But in the end, this can hurt empaths if you aren't doing anything to help recover from it.

Wearing a crystal necklace can help give you more energy. It can make you a better empath, since you are able to withstand more of the brunt. Consider wearing a crystal necklace and see how much better you feel.

Spiritual Work

If you are someone who is awakening your spiritual gifts, crystal necklaces are vital as well. This is because as your gifts awaken, your light becomes a beacon. What do lights do in the dark? They attract bugs and all kinds of things. So you are like a light in this dark world.

All kinds of spirits will see that you have spiritual gifts and they will flock to you in an attempt to communicate. The reason they come to you is because they know you can actually sense them. Someone who doesn't believe or doesn't care will not even know they are around. You can't interact with someone if you are being ignored. But spiritually sensitive people cannot ignore these beings because you see, feel, and hear them.

These beings can sometimes drain your energy while they are trying to communicate with you. That is because many of them do not have their own energy source. They need to take from other objects or people in order to give them more energy for manifesting and communicating. Have you ever seen those ghost hunting shows on TV where a person's cell phone or other device gets drained quickly in the presence of a ghost? They take energy from things around them so that they can do more things in this world. That includes you.

They will take energy from you and leave you feeling very tired. But crystal necklaces can help you with this problem. The crystals give off energy and it's like a decoy. So they can use the energy from the crystal instead of stealing all of your energy. They are going to be taking energy one way or the other. You might as well have something on you that can help you.

Connecting With Others

One very overlooked benefit of using crystal necklaces is that other people will see it and spark a conversation. This is a great way to show the world that you love crystals and help you make friends who love crystals too. It definitely works. People will notice your stones and comment on them, especially if you have a rare type of crystal.

How To Choose A Crystal Necklace

Each type of crystal also has different benefits. There are crystals that give you a boost in protection. There are crystals that attract love or wealth. There are so many different crystals with different purposes. If you need help choosing the type of crystal you need, check out the Crystals For Everything page.

I also want to mention that it's important for you to choose a crystal that you vibe with and connect with. Ideally you will want to be able to feel strong energy coming from the crystal. Sometimes you will pick up a crystal and not feel much at all. Other times you will feel energy coursing throughout your body, or intense feelings of peace. I believe you should go with the stronger crystal, because if you feel that much energy from it, then it's giving you something you need in that moment.

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