Monday, July 8, 2019

15 Signs You Are Secretly A Psychic

Yes, you can be psychic without realizing it. In this post, I'm going to be giving you some signs that tell if you are secretly a psychic. These are things that all psychics go through before finding out they are psychic.

You don't have to experience every single one of these in order to be psychic. If you have at least a few of these signs, then you probably have psychic abilities.

1. Prophetic Dreams

When you have a prophetic dream, it means that you dreamed something that came true later on. It could have been months or years into the future. Usually prophetic dreams will happen years before the actual event occurs. This is a sign that you have the ability to predict the future through dreams.

2. Time Anomalies

You may experience strange things in relation to time. Time may feel like it sped up suddenly and you don't have any explanation for it. You may also experience slow motion time right before your eyes. This usually happens in conjunction with a message from the universe. They are trying to get your attention.

You may also experience missing time. Suddenly the clock is forward a few hours, but you have no idea how or why it happened. You don't remember anything at all during that time. These are all signs that something paranormal is going on.

3. Song Prediction

If you are listening to the radio and you hear a song start playing in your head a few seconds before it actually starts to play, then you might be psychic. You would have been able to tell people if the prediction had come sooner, but all you can do is say, "Omg I knew this song was about to play." It's kind of exciting when it happens.

4. Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are dreams where you have more awareness. There are levels of awareness, all the way up to being fully aware that you are dreaming. So in the dream, you might be feeling things as if you are actually there, such as feeling yourself flying through the air. You may be completely aware that you are dreaming and just start exploring and doing whatever you want. This is a lucid dream.

5. Hearing Your Name

If you are absolutely certain that you are home alone, but you hear your name being called, you probably have some psychic abilities. This could be your guardian angels and guides trying to get your attention, or it could be a spirit that lives in your home that wants to relay a message.

6. Dejavu

It's normal for everyone to experience dejavu every once in a while, but if you are experiencing it often then something is definitely going on there. It could mean that you dreamed the future, but forgot the dream and when it happens in real life, it jogs your memory because you saw it before. It could also be a sign of you repeating things you once did in a past life.

7. Knowing Someone Is Pregnant

If you can sense that someone is pregnant before they even know, you are probably psychic. You may be able to feel a certain energy around them, or even see an energy around their tummy area. It could also just come to you as a knowing. You just know they are pregnant, but you don't really know how you know it.

8. Knowing Someone Will Die

If you know that someone will die before it happens, you are very likely psychic. This is one of those gifts we don't really like to have, but it happens anyway. You have to take the good with the bad. It's not fun to know this information, but if you are psychic then you may experience this.

9. Seeing Repeat Numbers

You may be seeing 11:11, 444, 777, 1222, or any repeating numbers. You will see them everywhere. They will be on license plates, the clock, addresses to buildings, price tags. These are signs that you are awakening spiritually as well.

10. Synchronicity

Some people call them coincidences. In spirituality, we don't believe in coincidences. They are often termed synchronicities. They tend to happen to people who are waking up to their psychic and spiritual gifts.

An example would be like if you were sitting there eating a pineapple and a friend texts you something to do with pineapples. They had no idea you what you were eating. That is a synchronicity. To add another layer on top of that, a commercial comes on a few seconds later and it's about pineapples. This is just an example, but you'll notice little things like this happening all the time.

11. Feeling Someone Else's Emotions

Being able to feel someone else's emotions as if they are your own is a spiritual gift. It's called being an empath. Some people don't like it, and it can definitely make life hard and confusing if you are unable to control this gift.

12. Knowing Someone's Intentions

There are some pretty manipulative people in this world. Some people are smiling on the outside, but they actually have bad intentions. You have the ability to read a person's true intentions. You know when they are a bad person, even if they are fooling everyone else. You just get a bad feeling when you are around them.

13. You Know When Someone Is Lying

You can tell when someone is telling you a lie. Everyone lies every once in a while, and it doesn't necessarily mean they are a bad person. But you can see right through it.

14. Feeling Like You Are Different

Even at a young age, you knew that something was different. You questioned the way the world worked. You thought in a way that kids don't typically think. You may have asked your mom questions that baffled her or knew things that you "shouldn't have known". You just knew there was more to life. You may have felt isolated from your peers.

15. Soul Connections

You have met people that you feel deeply connected to at the soul level. You may have experienced dejavu when you first met them or first looked into their eyes, as if you had seen them before somewhere. These people are your soul family.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope it gave you some insight.

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