Tuesday, July 9, 2019

How To Use Crystals For Beauty

There is a secret recipe for beauty and anti-aging using crystals that I want to share with you today. I think I read about this somewhere, but I don't even remember. All I know is I took the information and ran with it, because who doesn't want to look younger?

What You Will Need

For this elixir, you will need a rose quartz crystal and a spray bottle. I use a little spritzing bottle because some spray bottles are kind of rough. You can use whatever you like. You can even use a regular bottle and I'll tell you how to apply it.

How To Make Rose Quartz Crystal Elixir

Okay, so get your rose quartz crystal and make sure it's clean. If it's not, run it under some water and wipe it down. You don't want it to have any dust or dirt or anything else on it.

At this point, I like to charge my crystal. I use the sun for charging, but I only do it for a few minutes with crystals like rose quartz because it can cause your crystal to fade and we don't want that. So I step outside and let my crystal sit in direct sunlight for a couple minutes.

Now put the crystal in the spray bottle. You will want to let it sit for about 12 hours. I try to give it enough time to infuse the water with all that rose quartz crystal energy.

How To Use Rose Quartz Elixir

Every night before bed, spray some of the water onto your face. You can let it dry on it's own, or dab it with a cotton ball. The choice it yours. If you used a regular bottle and not a spray bottle, just apply it to your face with a cotton ball or cotton pad.

Any time you run out of water, take the crystal out, recharge it in the sun and add water to the bottle again. This will keep your rose quartz water fresh and ready to use.

And that's it. That's how I use rose quartz crystal elixir for increased beauty and skin.

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