Thursday, July 11, 2019

What Happens If You Meditate For 3 Hours A Day

What happens when you meditate 3 hours every day? If you're wondering, I've got the answer.

I began meditating for 3-4 hours daily in 2012.

Why did I do it? Well, I was in an almost constant state of fear and worry. If I wasn't panicking, I was dealing with the aftermath. I never had a moment to recover fully before another one came on. It was pure hell living like that. My thoughts were literally torturing me.

I decided to research natural ways I could calm myself down, and meditation came up. So every single time I panicked, I would go meditate. I ended up meditating for 3 to 4 hours every day because that's how often I had problems.

It wasn't like I just set out to meditate that much. I felt like my body needed it. Meditation was just a way for me to relax a little and try to accept things that I felt were scary and out of my control. It was the only coping mechanism I had at the time.

I would lay down and play a meditation from Youtube. There were tons of different ones. I really liked to use guided meditations because the speaker guiding me was very calming to me at the time. I would also use didgeridoo music, beach wave sounds, rain sounds, etc. I switched it up.

I didn't know much about meditation or spirituality at the time. I had read a few things the previous year, but then life got in the way and I didn't really think much of it. So when things started to happen, I was very confused.

First of all, I noticed a pressure around my head at different times throughout the day. Back then, I didn't really know what it was. While the pressure was around my head, I would feel pure bliss and euphoria for a moment. Now I understand that I had opened my crown chakra and that's what I was feeling.

Another thing I noticed was my ability to see energy. I saw blue orbs and one time I saw a white blob of energy float from one corner of the ceiling to another corner, then disappear.

One of the biggest things that happened was I began astral projecting a lot. I always had this ability all my life, but it was a rare thing. Once I began meditating 3 hours a day, it was happening several times a week.

Basically, I had increased all my spiritual gifts that I already had, plus gained some new ones. I was awakening rapidly. I went to the internet to learn all that I could about all of these things that were happening to me. I really didn't mean to make any of this happen. It all started out with me badly needing to calm myself down and relax.

Many people don't have 3 hours to dedicate to meditation. You can get benefits from just 20 minutes of meditation each day. It doesn't have to be perfect either. Do you know how many times I fell asleep during my meditations? It happened so often that I couldn't even tell you. That's why we practice meditation. You don't have to do everything perfectly and there is no one way to do things either.

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