Saturday, June 29, 2019

How To Raise Your Vibration

In this post, I will be discussing how you can raise your vibration.


Having positive emotions is a pretty big part of raising your vibration. Negative emotions bring your vibration down. Positive emotions will bring your vibration up.

Some of the highest vibrational emotions you can feel are love and gratitude. Having a thankful heart is a great way to increase vibration and feel happier. Think about it. You can't be too sad about anything if you are feeling truly grateful.

The key to feeling so grateful is to remember what it's like to not have the things that you have now. You can always find something small to be thankful for in life.


An activity that can really help you to feel good emotions is to visualize good things.

Did you know that your mind can't tell the difference between a vivid visualization and reality? In this sense, we can use visualization to our advantage and visualize the things we like or the things we want in life that make us happy.

Visualizing can help you to feel good emotions which raises your vibration.


Some crystals can help with raising vibration as well. All crystals have different properties. Each one works to raise the vibration in a different way. Some crystals remove negative energy, some increase happiness. There are crystals for balancing the chakras, which can raise vibration.

If you want to see which crystals are good for various purposes, check out this page.

Follow Your Heart

In western spirituality, there is often a major focus on the upper chakras, especially the third eye. But did you know the energy field around the heart is much larger than the energy field around the brain?

Your heart chakra can be a powerhouse if you allow it to open. Most people have a pretty closed off heart chakra. Many things in life can cause your heart chakra to close to be dysfunctional.

A heartbreak, being neglected as a child, being rejected by people, feeling left out, feeling betrayed, having anger and unforgiveness toward anyone can all cause a closed off heart chakra.

If you want to raise your vibration, work on healing these things and opening up your heart chakra. For many people, this work is an ongoing thing that could take your whole life, but taking time to work on it every day can bring you results.

Once your heart chakra opens up more, you will raise your vibration.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Life Purpose Of A Lightworker

I hear so many people say they don't know their life purpose, or they wish they knew why they were on Earth.

Many of us Lightworkers feel a huge sense of purpose on Earth, but at the same time we often don't know exactly what that purpose is. I want to go into detail about what I believe our life purpose is as Lightworkers.

What Is A Lightworker?

A Lightworker is simply a person who anchors light energy into this dimension. Their auras seem to glow bright and strong. They often have spiritual abilities that are hard to explain. Many of them knew they were different as a child, and questioned life at a very young age.

If this sounds like you, then you are probably a Lightworker. I'm personally not too fond of these labels, as some people hold onto them and use them to make themselves feel better than everyone else. Let's try not to do that. Thinking you are above others is completely against what being a Lightworker is all about. Not to preach at you or anything, but I just see that so much in spiritual communities.

Getting back to the purpose of this article: The life purpose of Lightworkers.

Lightworkers' Life Purpose

You are here to be an anchor of light. Our auras hold consciousness and we are able to bring a lot of that into Earth with us.

Once you start to awaken spiritually, your light increases. The more you meditate and work on yourself, the more light you will anchor here.

What Does It Mean To Be An Anchor Of Light?

An anchor of light will have a higher vibration than others. Negative thoughts and emotions cause low vibrations. Positive thoughts and emotions cause high vibrations. That's why it's important for you to work on yourself and your past if you want to be the best Lightworker that you can be.

This means forgiving those that have hurt you and letting go of the past. Trying not to judge yourself or have regrets for things that happened in your life. Try to release any anger, hatred, or envy that you hold onto. All of these things are pretty hard to do and you may find that you are constantly having to work on yourself.

One of the best ways to increase your light is to feel gratitude. We should always humble ourselves and be thankful for the smallest things in life. If you really think about it, you have so much to be thankful for. Even if your life is "bad" in your view, you still have so many things to be thankful for. Once you realize this, your vibration will increase on a massive scale.

I always say to take the first few moments of your day right after you wake up to lay in bed and just think of a few things that you are thankful for in your life. Truly feel grateful for these things.

I hope this article has helped someone out there.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

3 Best Ways To Open Your Third Eye

In this post, I'm going to give you the top 3 best ways to open your third eye. These are the best shortcuts that I know of.

Is Opening Your Third Eye Dangerous?

Well, it can be. You may experience some scary things and if you aren't prepared and strong enough to get through it, then it could turn into a problem. That's why caution is advised to anyone who wants to open their third eye.

Proceed with caution only if you know how to spiritually protect yourself. If you aren't ready, don't attempt to open your third eye until you have learned more about spiritual topics.

Clearing your home of negative energy before doing any third eye opening exercises is probably a good idea.


One way to wake up the third eye is to tap the area. You'll want to tap between your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead, as that's where the third eye is located.

Tapping released energy that is stuck in your energy centers. Once you release stuck energy, the energy can flow better. Then your third eye will be able to function better.

Crystal Meditation

A really good way to open the third eye is to meditate with a crystal. Sodalite is one of the best third eye crystals available. This is a blue gemstone that can be purchased online or at a crystal shop.

Lay down and place a sodalite right on your third eye. Meditate for at least 10 minutes per day like this. If you can meditate for 20 or 30 minutes, it's even better and you will see results sooner. You can listen to meditation music if you need to in order to help you focus on the meditation.

If you do this meditation each day, then you will notice a difference within a week.

Om Meditation

To take your meditation up a notch, you can say "Om" during your meditation. The sound "Om" relates to the third eye and helps to open it up and balance it.

If you are unsure how to pronounce it, then find an Om meditation online so that you can say it along with someone else. It's very easy once you get the hang of it.

I have another article about how to open the third eye with more tips available for you to read.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

How To Clear Negative Entities From Your Home With Sea Salt

Any of us who are sensitive to energy and awakening spiritually will have an issue with negative entities at some point.

Sea salt is a very good cleanser. If you have issues with negative entities or negative energy, you can use sea salt to help get rid of them. In this post I want to explain step by step how you can remove negative entities from your home and your aura with a simple ingredient: Sea salt.

How Do You Know If You Have Negative Entities?

Some of us can feel energy so we can feel these things. You may feel scared for no reason, especially in the dark. You may feel like someone is watching you. And don't freak out, but if you get this strong feeling it means they are.

You may also get bad dreams or bad visions as you are falling asleep at night. These dreams will be different from your typical bad dreams. They will be extra gruesome, extra gory, and they will invoke strong negative feelings.

Sometimes you may even see shadows at night that are moving.

If you have any of these problems, chances are you are dealing with a negative entity infestation in your home.

How To Cleanse With Sea Salt

You can do this one of two ways. You can place small dishes of sea salt in every corner, or you can just throw a pinch of sea salt in each corner.

It has to be sea salt, not iodized salt. You can use Himalayan pink salt as well.

Before you begin, say a prayer to whatever higher power you believe in. I'm not going to tell you what religion you should believe in or who to pray to. That is up to the individual reading this article. This is about you being comfortable, so go with your own beliefs.

As you are praying, let them know what you are about to do (cleanse your home) and ask for their help with it.

Start at the back of the house and work your way towards the front door. Place salt in each corner of the room and at the door facings. The last place you will cleanse is your front door.

As an added tip, you can tell the entities to leave and "get out" as you are placing the salt.

Once you are done with the front door, say another prayer of thanks for helping you get rid of these entities.

Salt Bath

Once you are done with that, it's a good time to cleanse your own aura. Draw a bath of warm water (not too hot) and put a cup of sea salt or epsom salt into the water.

Soak in the warm salt bath for at least 20 minutes. The salt will cleanse your aura of any negative energy that might be there. Trust me, you will feel amazing when you are done.

If you need to, you can take a salt bath a few times per week just to keep your aura nice and fresh.

Extra Tips

It's important that you don't panic and don't let them intimidate you. They will do their best. Stand in your strength. Let them know you aren't backing down and that you will win this. Picture them like a bully in middle school that won't leave you alone. Sometimes you have to stand up to the bully before they finally respect you and back down.

Make sure you feel strong in yourself and believe in yourself and your abilities. You can do this.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What Does 11:11 Mean?

I want to start this post off by saying this information is from my own experience. I hope you enjoy this post about 11:11 and it's meaning.

I've seen so many different meanings for 11:11 across the years. There are plenty of them floating around on the internet. So why don't I just give my take on 11:11? But first off, a little definition for you.

What Is 11:11?

In the spiritual community, 11:11 is a synchronicity. You can possibly see it anywhere. It may come in the form of a bill at the store that ends up being $11.11. It may show up on a digital clock as 11:11. It could be the numbers 1111 on someone's license plate.

As a side note, watch the license plates, especially of the people that cut you off in traffic or do something you don't like. If you are spiritually minded, more times than not, you will see a synchronicity in the numbers on the plate. The car was doing something stupid, but the universe got your attention.

11:11 is often accompanied by other repeat numbers such as 444, 888, 333, etc. So what does it all mean?

11:11 Meaning

Some people say 11:11 means you are awakening spiritually. I gotta disagree on account of the fact that I had my awakening years ago and I still see it sometimes. Not to brag, but I'm by no means a spiritual newbie. So I don't agree with that particular meaning. Although, 11:11 can happen while you are first waking up. You will likely never stop seeing it though.

To me, 11:11 is a reminder that you are guided and this reality has an order to it. Sometimes it feels like our lives are spiraling out of control. We need to be reminded that things happen for a reason, and things happen in the right timing (get it, 11:11)?

You have those who are in spirit looking at you. And you are a strong being for experiencing all of this. Don't forget there is a purpose to it all.

This is just what I take 11:11 to mean. It may mean something else to you, and something else to the next blog that talks about it. Who knows what it actually means. Maybe the meaning is subjective and up for interpretation.

How Often Does It Occur?

In my experience, it can happen multiple times a day for many days in a row, and then stop for a time. After some time, it'll start back up very strongly.

Why do you stop seeing 11:11 sometimes?

I don't know for sure. I don't think anyone knows for sure, but I can definitely speculate. My thoughts are possibly so that you aren't desensitized to it. If you saw it all the time, then you may not care as much when you do see it.

There is another reason I can think of though. There are those online that want to give a scientific explanation to everything spiritual. You know who I'm talking about. Those people.

Well, they explain that 11:11 is not special or spiritual. It's just your brain remembering to always look for 11:11 because you decided that 11:11 was important. They basically explain it away as a trick of the mind.

I believe that maybe, just maybe, we stop seeing 11:11 for some weeks so that you will not question the validity of the message or the fact that it's a spiritual thing. Because if those science people were right and we trained our minds to seek out 11:11 all the time, then we'd never have long periods of time where we didn't see the numbers. It wouldn't come and go sporadically.

So the next time someone gives you that bogus explanation, don't listen to them.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Crystals For Energy

In this post, we will be discussing crystals for energy. These are crystals that can increase the energy in your aura, but they also increase your physical energy as well.

The list of crystals that can be used to increase energy is rather long. These crystals are:

These crystals increase energy in a variety of ways. They all have unique properties and are useful for different situations. I will do my best to explain how each of these crystals can be used, so that you know which ones are right for you.

Quartz point, clear quartz and rutilated quartz are used to amplify all energy around them. They can amplify your energy or other crystal's energy. They are great for increasing other crystal's properties when used together.

Tourmalinated quartz increases your energy by getting rid of negative energy. If you have negative energy in your aura that is blocking the flow of energy throughout your body, tourmalinated quartz can get rid of that energy. Once that energy is gone, you will have better energy flow which will give you more energy than what you had before. Therefore, tourmalinated quartz should be used by those who are plagued with negative energy and chakra blockages.

Kyanite, both blue and black, increases the energy by clearing and aligning all chakras. It also clears out negative energy, so it works very similar to tourmalinated quartz. You can even use kyanite to cleanse other crystals so that they function better.

Red tigereye, carnelian, ruby, garnet, goldstone and jasper stones work on the lower chakras. The lower chakras are known as an energy storage area. Any time you work on those chakras, you increase the energy in your body and aura. These crystals will help to unblock the lower chakras so that you can store more energy there.

Citrine is for your solar plexus chakra. This can be an area of intense bright energy as well, if it is taken care of. Citrine can help you clear the solar plexus so that you can bring more energy into your body.

All of these stones help to increase the energy that flows through your chakra energy system. They all have their own unique ways of doing so, but all achieve the results of better energy flow.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

How To Open Your Third Eye

In this post, I want to talk about opening the third eye. I hope this article is helpful to anyone who wants to open their third eye and work with it.

What Is Your Third Eye?

Your third eye is a chakra located in the middle of the forehead, in the brow area. It is often called the brow chakra.

Chakras are energy centers in our bodies that allow energy to flow through. Each chakra has a different meaning and purpose in our body.

The third eye chakra's purpose is to give us a sixth sense. This is our ability to see visions and feel things that we wouldn't normally be able to perceive.

Our third eye chakras help us with intuition, dreams, and visions. Sometimes this chakra can get blocked. If your third eye is blocked, you may not have access to many of these extra senses.

Benefits Of Opening Your Third Eye

The benefits of opening your third eye are increases in psychic experiences. You will experience increased intuition, more visions, more dreams and even lucid dreams. You will have more awareness overall.

You may start to feel other people's emotions or know what someone is thinking without them saying it. You may also know someone's past. You could also sense if someone is a good or bad person simply by looking at them. You might find that you have the ability to read people and their intentions.

How To Open Your Third Eye

The best way to open the third eye is through various forms of meditation. I am going to explain some of the different meditations you can do to open this chakra.

The first meditation is one where all you do is sit in silence and stare into a flame. The best way to do this is to light a candle, place it on a safe surface (don't have anything around the candle). Now sit and stare into the candle flame.

If you notice your vision starting to unfocus a bit, that is fine. You may start to see visions and different things while doing this.

Another meditation to open your third eye is one where you are chanting "Om." If you have never chanted, it may be best to find an "Om Meditation" on Youtube or online to assist you. You can chant along with someone who is trained and knows how to chant.

How To Exercise Your Third Eye

Once your third eye is open, the work isn't done. It has just begun, in fact. Now you need to exercise your third eye.

Guided meditations help with exercising the third eye, because they force you to use your third eye. If you want to run a marathon, you practice running every day. Likewise if you want to keep your third eye open, you exercise it every day.

Guided meditations are meditations where a speaker is telling you to visualize a number of things. They may tell you to visualize yourself in a field or on a seashore. You are walking and going across stepping stones or down stairs.

You have to use your third eye to visualize all of these things. In doing so, you make your third eye stronger. If you do this every day, your third eye will be open all of the time and it will be strong.

What Results Can You Expect?

With an open third eye, you will have an increase in all of your psychic abilities. You will experience many synchronicities. You will experience telepathy with those around you. You will become empathic. You will dream prophetic dreams or very meaningful and vivid dreams.

Each person's gifts are unique, so what you experience will be different according to your soul mission and what you are meant to do.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

How To Give Reiki Healing To Your Pet

In this post, I will be teaching you how you can give reiki energy healing to your pet.

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is the act of channeling energy from one place to another in order to benefit someone. The benefits are usually decreased stress, increased relaxation, and decreased pain. Energy healing has been used for many years.

The idea is that as long as you intend for yourself to be a vessel of healing, you will become one. Some people will need a little bit of work and practice in order to do this, especially if it is your first time. I will talk about how to become a vessel of healing as well.

I tend to do things in an unconventional way, but it's a way that works for me. I was trained in Usui reiki, but I combine crystal healing, reiki energy, and energy healing into one thing. I always do what feels right and what feels best. So this is not traditional by any means, but it does work.

How To Prepare

Before giving your pet reiki energy healing, you will need to open up your channel. When I say "open up your channel" I am referring to your chakra energy system in your body. Opening your channel allows you to receive healing energy, which you can send to anyone or anything.

You can open your channel by meditating for at least 10 minutes. You can choose any meditation that works for you. There are various ways to meditate. You can lay down, sit, cross your legs, hold crystals, listen to music, stare into a candle flame. There are so many different ways to meditate. You pick what works best for you and do that for at least 10 minutes.

Charging Yourself

Now it's time to test and make sure that your channel is open. Take your hands and hold them up in front of you with your palms facing each other.

Soon, within a few minutes, you should start to feel energy between your hands. Energy can feel like pressure, heat, tingling, prickly, or cold. Any or all of these are correct. You may feel only one of these sensations or you may feel more than one thing at a time.

If you feel the energy generating between your hands, then you are ready to give reiki to your pet.

If you are having trouble feeling anything, grab two crystals and place them in the palms of your hands. Hold them there for a few minutes and then try the exercise all over again.

Giving Reiki Healing

If you have a very active pet, do your best to schedule the energy healing session when your pet will be relaxing and maybe even a little sleepy. Otherwise, your pet may want to get up and run around in the middle of your trying to give an energy healing session to them.

After you have done the meditation, go find your pet. Place both hands on the pet and imagine energy flowing through you and to your pet.

Breathing can help you immensely with pushing energy out. Each breath out, imagine energy being pushed out of your hands and into your pet.

The energy you are sending them is universal energy. You can get this energy from the Earth (through your feet) or from the universe (through your crown). You are bringing in energy when you breathe in from one of these sources. As you breathe out, you are pushing the energy through your hands.

It's best that you relax and not strain during energy healing. Just relax and let the energy flow through you and to your pet. Think about all the ways that you love your pet and how you are thankful for your pet. Feel love and gratitude for your pet while sending them energy. These feelings will enhance the energy session.

I hope this clears everything up. If anyone has questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Monday, June 17, 2019

4 Mistakes You Make With Your Crystals

Mistakes? Yes, mistakes can be made when you are playing with crystals. It may seem very straight forward to mess around with a rock, but there are some things you need to avoid and I'll tell you what those are.

Sun Bathing

There are many stones that you can place in the Sun in order to charge them. But, there are some crystals that can't be placed in the Sun for very long.

These crystals will start to fade and lose their color over time if you leave them out in the Sun for hours and hours. You don't want the pretty color of your stones to fade away.

Some crystals that will start to fade when left out in the Sun are amethyst, ametrine, citrine, fluorite, opal, aquamarine, quartz, sapphire, rose quartz, smoky quartz.

Note: Quartz is a clear stone, so it doesn't actually fade, but it may break if you leave it out in the Sun too much so I put it in the list of stones.

A good rule is to only have limited Sun exposure for your crystals in order to keep them safe. One to Two minutes out in the Sun is enough to charge a crystal anyway.

Storing Them Wrong

Crystal storage is actually important. The way you store your crystals could cause them to break, chip, or become rough. Certain crystals should be separated from others to keep them safe.

If you want to learn more about how to store your crystals the right way, read this article.

Watering Your Crystals

Be very careful about getting your crystals wet. You may think your crystal wants a bath, but you might be placing a crystal in water that isn't actually supposed to get wet.

Some crystals are softer than others and will start to break down when placed in water. You may not see this happening before your eyes, but just be careful.

As a rule of thumb, I usually just keep all of my stones out of water just to be safe.

Using The Wrong Crystal

Different crystals have different vibrations. That means each crystal has different properties and will give you different benefits. If you have a goal in mind, you should be using the crystals that align with that goal. Otherwise, you may end up dreaming a whole lot when you only meant to ground yourself.

Looking up the meanings of different crystals will help you know which crystal is right for you right now.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Who Is Your Best Zodiac Match?

In astrology, we have natural matches and natural enemies according to our Sun signs. You may find yourself naturally drawn to another person for either friendship or a romantic interest. In this post, I will be discussing who you would naturally be drawn to and feel romantic interest or develop a friendship with. So let's dig in.

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If you are a Capricorn, your top matches are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Capricorns are earth signs and get along with other earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo and your fellow Capricorns, because of all the similarities. Scorpio is a water sign. You'll notice a lot of similarities between you and Scorpio.


Aries gets along best with their fellow fire signs, because of all the similarities. The fire signs are Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. Any of those would be good matches for Aries. Libra is an air sign that matches well with Aries too. There is a lot of chemistry there.


Aquarius matches with Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius the most. Aquarius and Aquarius can sometimes get along but it's a little iffy. They need someone to balance out some of their personality traits and compliment them.


Gemini matches well with Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius. Aries and Leo know how to bring the best out in a Gemini. Libra has a way of charming and attracting Gemini. A Gemini will never be bored with an Aquarius around.


Taurus gets along with the other two earth signs very well. Those are Capricorn and Virgo. Earth signs tend to stick together in general. Taurus will also match with Leo and Aquarius.


Cancer matches well with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, and other Cancers. Cancers tend to get along well with others and this is why they have so many possible matches. Fellow water signs are great for Cancer, but so are Earth signs.


Leo will match will match with the other two fire signs, which are Aries and Sagittarius. Fire signs have the same energy and characteristics as each other. They also match with a couple of air signs, which are Gemini and Libra.


Libra match with the other two air signs, which are Gemini and Aquarius. They also match with Leo and Sagittarius. You'll see a lot of air and fire signs matching with each other and this is because air feeds fire and makes it brighter. The two elements go together very well.


Virgo is an earth sign. They match with the other two earth signs, which are Taurus and Capricorn. They also match with two water signs: Cancer and Scorpio.


A Scorpio will notice a lot of similarities in personality when around Capricorn. They make a great match. Scorpio also matches with Cancer and Pisces, which are the other two water signs.


Sagittarius will match with the other two fire signs: Aries and Leo. They also match with Aquarius and Libra. One thing to note about a Sagittarius is they get along with a wide variety of people, so they could potentially make with work with many different signs.


Pisces get along with their fellow water signs: Scorpio and Cancer. They also match with two earth signs: Taurus and Capricorn.

Just like fire and air tend to go well together, earth and water are usually very good together. This is just a general rule to remember in case you forget who are your exact matches. All you need to know is which signs are under which element and you will have an idea of who can match with who.

I want to say that our charts are so much more than just our Sun signs. As such, these "matches" are not always going to be true for every single person you meet. But, since the Sun signs are such a huge part of our personalities, it will be true most of the time.

There are always those people that behave very differently than their Sun sign, simply because their Moon or Rising signs are such stark contrasts to their Sun signs. We are all such a unique mix of various signs, and that's what makes our personalities so different and unique from each other.