Saturday, June 29, 2019

How To Raise Your Vibration

In this post, I will be discussing how you can raise your vibration.


Having positive emotions is a pretty big part of raising your vibration. Negative emotions bring your vibration down. Positive emotions will bring your vibration up.

Some of the highest vibrational emotions you can feel are love and gratitude. Having a thankful heart is a great way to increase vibration and feel happier. Think about it. You can't be too sad about anything if you are feeling truly grateful.

The key to feeling so grateful is to remember what it's like to not have the things that you have now. You can always find something small to be thankful for in life.


An activity that can really help you to feel good emotions is to visualize good things.

Did you know that your mind can't tell the difference between a vivid visualization and reality? In this sense, we can use visualization to our advantage and visualize the things we like or the things we want in life that make us happy.

Visualizing can help you to feel good emotions which raises your vibration.


Some crystals can help with raising vibration as well. All crystals have different properties. Each one works to raise the vibration in a different way. Some crystals remove negative energy, some increase happiness. There are crystals for balancing the chakras, which can raise vibration.

If you want to see which crystals are good for various purposes, check out this page.

Follow Your Heart

In western spirituality, there is often a major focus on the upper chakras, especially the third eye. But did you know the energy field around the heart is much larger than the energy field around the brain?

Your heart chakra can be a powerhouse if you allow it to open. Most people have a pretty closed off heart chakra. Many things in life can cause your heart chakra to close to be dysfunctional.

A heartbreak, being neglected as a child, being rejected by people, feeling left out, feeling betrayed, having anger and unforgiveness toward anyone can all cause a closed off heart chakra.

If you want to raise your vibration, work on healing these things and opening up your heart chakra. For many people, this work is an ongoing thing that could take your whole life, but taking time to work on it every day can bring you results.

Once your heart chakra opens up more, you will raise your vibration.

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