Monday, July 1, 2019

Free Reading: What To Expect In July 2019

I'm excited to bring you this week's free reading. It's a "Pick A Crystal" reading for July. This will be a general reading letting you know what to expect for the month of July. Take a look at the photo below, pick the crystal that calls to you, and scroll down for your reading.

Group 1

It's looks like you are working hard at your goals and developing your skills. You are working hard to get somewhere. You may even be focusing on the past or having trouble letting go of something. This reading is saying that it's time to take stock. Realize what's working and what's not and abandon the things that are holding you back. You may have trouble seeing success until you do this. Reflect on what you are doing and where your time is going. Prioritize your life and let go of the things that are not helping you reach your goals right now.

You are a mature person who knows what you want in life. You cut straight to the important stuff. You value truth and people who are upfront with you. These are your strong points which will help you figure out how to achieve your goals. Getting into a daily routine to help reach your goals is important right now.

You do have potential and the energy is there for new beginnings and success to take place. But there is still work to be had. Still, be open to any opportunities that may come along at this time. There is a lot of creative energy at work in your life. You may have new ideas pop up seemingly out of nowhere this month. Write them down so that you don't forget.

I don't feel it is quite time for your dreams to take flight, but you are getting there. You need to tweak your daily routine to be more productive, set your goals, be consistent with what you are doing, and be ready for change to take place.

Cards drawn:
8 of Pentacles and 5 of Cups
Queen of Swords and Knight of Pentacles
The Fool and Knight of Cups

Group 2

If you haven't already, you really need to take a step back and relax. Put on the brakes for a bit. You may have overworked yourself recently or you may just need some time for self reflection. "Me time" and meditation are great ways to help heal this burn out. If you have been involving yourself with other people too much, you may need to take a step back from that. If people are sort of forcing you into events and things that take your energy, be strong enough to say no for your own health. You can tell when you are around the people that take your energy or make you feel drained. You gotta take a step back, especially from those people. They won't do anything but harm you right now. Meditate, draw your energy inward, and sit in your own power.

You may be going through some tough times emotionally and that's why you need to be alone right now. I just get a sense of you really needing to pull back, because of some trauma or tough emotional times that you've been facing. This reading is saying that those tough times are almost over and new beginnings are coming. You may have a new relationship or friendships right around the corner, but you need to heal first.

Staying in more will also help guard you from spending too much money. In July, you need to look at ways that you can save your money. You are kind of a spender in general, but this month you should take a step back from that. Start to spend less and save more.

Cards drawn:
4 of Swords R and 4 of Cups R
10 of Swords and Ace of Cups
4 of Pentacles and The Fool

Group 3

This month you will be walking away from a situation that no longer serves you. You may have over-committed to something and now have to take a step back from all those promises you made, or maybe you entered some kind of agreement that you are now going to back out of. It's time to look at your priorities and make sure they are in order and that you are making the healthiest decisions for yourself.

There is some success coming up for you though. This is material and worldly success. You will definitely have a time of withdrawal though. This doesn't have to be a negative thing. We sometimes have to take steps backward in order to go forward. Let your intuition guide you in this.

I do see some personal setbacks as well, so this further confirms that you are moving on from something that no longer serves you, and taking a step back. You have been overwhelmed. Don't let it get to the point where you lash out on someone when you don't mean it. It can be very hard to take back our words. So let yourself take a step back before anything like that happens.

Cards drawn:
8 of Cups and 2 of Pentacles R
King of Pentacles and 4 of Cups R
5 of Cups R and Queen of Swords R

Group 4

This reading indicates that you have been a bit moody recently. You may be having some conflicts with others and with yourself, or you may be trying hard to avoid conflict. Your relationships are strained right now.

You may be having setbacks in life as well. Things are not going as smoothly as you want or need it to go. Sudden changes at the last minute, or details you may have overlooked that caused you to miss deadlines. You may feel like life isn't moving as fast as you want it to. These delays are leading to frustration and you may be taking it out on those you love, or it's causing a strain between you and your loved ones. But this is not the end. You will eventually get to the end goal that you are pursuing. Yes, there are setbacks, but eventually you will find contentment and you'll be wondering why you let all of this get to you.

It's a time to draw on your inner power. Be bold, be creative when solving problems, have courage when faced with adversity. Don't be afraid of your inner power. These characteristics will help you in this time. You are facing challenges, so you need to be this fierce leader in your life. Don't let these things take you down. Yes, good things are coming. Don't let yourself get caught up with the negative.

Cards drawn:
Queen of Swords R and 5 of Wands R
8 of Wands R and 9 of Cups
Queen of Wands and 7 of Wands

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