Monday, July 1, 2019

Crystals You Need For The Eclipse July 2nd

There will be a total solar eclipse July 2nd. Depending on where you live, you may only see a partial eclipse. There is also a new moon in Cancer. Things are a bit crazy right now.

So hold onto your crystals, because this might get a little crazy. But which crystals should you hold onto the most? I'm gonna tell you.

New Moon And Solar Eclipse Meaning

A new moon is all about new beginnings. You may be leaving behind the old and making way for the new right now. You can expect beginnings, but also endings. Emotions will be shaken up a bit as things shift. You may been feeling a lot of different and weird energy symptoms as well.

Which Crystals Do You Need?

With endings and beginnings come emotions, especially with the water sign Cancer being involved. Let yourself feel whatever emotions arise at this time. You may feel vulnerable. Some things from the past that you thought you cleared may come back up.

Tourmalinated quartz is a good stone for clearing out old negative energy and getting your whole energy system moving again. If you don't have tourmalinated quartz, you can use black tourmaline. The effects are slightly different, but it will still help with clearing out negative energy that may come up.

Some more great stones for clearing out negative and old, stuck energy are opalite and obsidian.

I recommend jade during this time to give you some luck for the new beginnings that are coming. You want to focus on what you are thankful for and keep a lucky stone around to help bring in good and positive changes.

What To Do If You Feel Overwhelmed

If you are feeling some overwhelming energy and need to get rid of some of that, use red jasper, tigereye, and blue lace agate. This is a mixture of calming and grounding stones which can bring relief to anyone experiencing too much energy flow at the time.

You can also sit in meditation. Grounding meditations are very useful right now. Keeping yourself connected to the earth will help ground out any energy that you can't handle.

Be careful about who you spend your time with right now as well. Some people are just energy drainers and we know this from being around them. They can only make you feel worse at this time. Take care of yourself first.

A nice epsom salt or sea salt bath will help you feel more centered and calm.

How Long Does The Energy Last?

Most people will feel the energy of an eclipse and new moon for a few days before and after the event. Plan on this energy sticking around for at least a week. During this time, stay in tune with your body and what you are feeling. Take breaks and time for self care as needed.

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