Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Smoky Quartz Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Smoky quartz is similar to clear quartz, but it has a grayish look about it. Hence, the name "smoky." Today we are going to talk about smoky quartz properties, as well as smoky quartz meanings and how to use it.

Smoky quartz benefits:

  • Grounding
  • Stability
  • Clearing negativity
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Protection
Smoky quartz is well-know for it's protection qualities. It's able to clear out negative energy. As such, it can reduce negative emotions that are brought on by negative energy. It's a stable and grounding stone which can help make you feel more secure in your body.


Another smoky quartz property is grounding. Grounding is when you root yourself in the Earth energy. It tends to help if you have this floaty feeling or a feeling of disconnection. You might find yourself unable to focus on anything. If you feel those things, you definitely need to ground.

There are plenty of crystals for grounding. Smoky quartz is but one of them, but there are many more. You can also ground by simply taking off your shoes and walking or standing directly on the ground. You can increase the grounded feeling a little more by sitting on the ground and placing your hands directly on the ground. This gives you a sober feeling, like waking up to reality again.

Clearing Negativity

Negativity is around us all the time. Sometimes it's created by us, and sometimes it comes from sources outside of ourselves. Negative energy can leave us feeling drained, hopeless, anxious, and many other things. Hold a smoky quartz crystal and picture all your negative energy going into the crystal. This will help you mentally get rid of those bad feelings.

This is a pretty popular smoky quartz property. People often use this stone for clearing out the negativity in a room or in themselves.

Meditation With Smoky Quartz

Meditating with smoky quartz is beneficial if you need protection, grounding, and cleansing of negativity. If you want to reap these benefits, you should meditate with at least one smoky quartz crystal every day. Hold the crystal in your hand. If you have more than one crystal, hold them in each hand. Meditate for at least 10 minutes. You can use relaxing meditation music if it helps you. If you are a beginner, you can use a guided meditation. You can find those on Youtube.

Smoky Quartz Jewelry

Wearing smoky quartz jewelry can help you throughout your day at school or at work. Wherever you may go, it can help to take along some smoky quartz. You can wear it as a necklace, bracelet, or earrings.

If you often hear negative things from others, you may consider smoky quartz earrings to block out that energy. If you have trouble with harboring negative feelings, wearing smoky quartz as a necklace can help you. If you want to transmute the negative energy in your aura, wearing a smoky quartz bracelet can help with that.

If you don't have a local crystal shop to buy these things in, I highly suggest searching for smoky quartz jewelry on Etsy. Etsy is a group of sellers that sell handmade items and their crystal jewelry is seriously the best online. There is so much talent over there.

Cleansing Smoky Quartz

Since your smoky quartz is doing so much work by getting rid of negative energy, it will need to be cleansed regularly. Leaving it out all night during a bright full Moon will cleanse your crystal. Make sure the light from the Moon is shining on the stone. You can also place it in the Sun briefly. Make sure you don't leave it out in the Sun all day, as the Sun could fade the color of your smoky quartz.

I hope this article has been helpful so that you can get all the benefits of your smoky quartz crystal.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Yellow Quartz Benefits, Meaning, Uses

Today we are going to talk about the benefits and uses of yellow quartz. Yellow quartz has many benefits to regular use. Those benefits include:

  • Positivity
  • Creativity
  • Happiness
  • Clarity
Yellow stones typically represent happiness, joy and positive energy. Yellow quartz is a good stone to promote happiness in your life. If you are having trouble being happy, you may want to buy some yellow quartz and have it around your space.

For those who need to be creative, yellow quartz is a good stone for inspiration. If you have a creative job such as a tattoo artist or graphic designer, you can use yellow quartz in your work space to help bring more creative energy into your job. If you have creative hobbies such as arts or various crafts, you can use yellow quartz in your home or wherever you typically work on those projects.

Those who have trouble with being negative all the time may use yellow quartz to help them look at the bright side. When we think of yellow, we think of the sun and we think of a new day. The color yellow can enhance your ability to be more positive in life. You have many things to be thankful for, even if you don't always realize it. Take a look around you and realize that your life could be worse. Count all the ways you are grateful every day. Use yellow quartz to help you with this if you are having trouble finding reasons to be thankful.

Yellow quartz is also useful for bringing clarity. Clarity is something that helps you make solid decisions and good choices. It also helps you figure out what is the right direction to go, or what you should do in a situation. Clarity is clear thinking. It's very good for those who often feel confused and need some direction in life.

Wearing a necklace made of yellow quartz will enhance the benefits of the stone in your life. You can also wear a bracelet, necklace, or earrings made out of the stone. Any jewelry piece will work for increasing the benefits of yellow quartz.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Green Aventurine Benefits, Meaning, and Uses

Today I want to discuss green aventurine's benefits and meaning and how you can use green aventurine in your day to day life.

Green aventurine benefits:

  • Abundance
  • Relationships
  • Stress
  • Positivity
  • Healing
As you can see, the uses of green aventurine are broad. That's why it's a very popular stone to use. There are many benenfits to green aventurine!

Green stones are often used to bring luck, prosperity, abundance, and financial help. Green aventurine is no exception. It brings you abundance if you wear it or use it regularly. Green aventurine is especially helpful in the financial department, where it can help you get more income. So if you need help there, use green aventurine.

Green aventurine is also good for relationships. If you want to keep the harmony between you and someone, whether it be a family member, lover, or friend, you can use green aventurine to help you. Green stones represent to the heart, so they can help you keep an open heart. This is why they are so good for relationships. It's important to keep our heart open and respond with love to the ones we care about.

Stress can come in many forms. If you are feeling overwhelmed, green aventurine can help you with stress. You can use green aventurine at work for a two-fold bonus. It helps you bring in more money and helps you handle any stress that may arise.

Green aventurine is also a great stone of positivity. Sometimes we feel negative and need a little help staying positive. Green aventurine helps with that a lot. Just use green aventurine when you feel overwhelmed with bad emotions and it will help turn things around.

Green is also a color for healing, so green aventurine can help you with that as well.

If you want to get the benefits of green aventurine, just wear the stone in a piece of jewelry or meditate with it. You can also have some pieces of green aventurine on a table near where you normally sit to relax. This will help you relax even more.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Blue Quartz Meaning, Uses, and Benefits

Today we are going to discuss blue quartz and it's meaning and uses.

Blue quartz is best used for those who have a busy career and spend most of their time at work. But it can also be used for school and home life, depending on what you need.

The benefits of blue quartz are:

  • Organization
  • Responsibility
  • Communication
  • Work
Those who need help with communication, regardless of whether or not they are in a professional setting, will benefit from using blue quartz because it can work in any type of communication. If you are having trouble communicating in a relationship, blue quartz can help. You can also use blue quartz to help you in social situations to communicate more effectively.

Blue quartz helps with communication at work or school especially. You can use blue quartz for helping you with communicating with your co-workers. If they have trouble understanding you sometimes, wear a blue quartz necklace.

If you need to organize your desk or home, using blue quartz can help you get up the motivation and ability to do so. Sometimes it just takes that first push to get things done, and blue quartz can provide the energy needed to get started on those things.

If you have a lot of responsibility at home, school, or work blue quartz can help you juggle those responsibilities and get things done. Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated and keep up the energy necessary to complete all our tasks. That's where blue quartz can help you.

If you need help in any of these areas, then wear a blue quartz necklace or other jewelry piece. You can also meditate with blue quartz by holding it in your hands. This will help you with all the areas of organization, responsibility, communication, and work. Meditating before a big task, project, or public speech would be an excellent idea.

I hope this article helps you understand the benefits of blue quartz and whether or not it would be helpful to you in your day to day life.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Crystals For Protection

Today we are going to be talking about what crystals can be used for protection. There is actually a long list of crystals for protection. Those crystals are:

  • Smoky quartz
  • Tourmalinated quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Black tourmaline
  • Black kyanite
  • Red tigereye
  • Tigereye
  • Bloodstone
  • Turquoise
  • Picture jasper
  • Angelite
  • Mookaite
  • Jade
  • Garnet
  • Ruby
  • Malachite
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Petrified wood
  • Onyx
  • Leopardskin jasper
  • Labradorite
  • Shungite
  • Mahogany obsidian
  • Bronzite
  • Jet
Whew! That's a lot of crystals. You can use these crystals one by one or in conjunction with each other to increase your protection.

Black tourmaline is especially helpful for protection from electronics. If you are sensitive to electronics, keep black tourmaline around.

If you believe in angels, then angelite is a really good stone of protection. Angelite encourages angels to come around and assist you. Just hold the angelite and ask the angels to come help you whenever you need it.

What Is Protection?

Protection is helping you stay safe from harmful energies. These could be from electronics, or they could be from a person who hates you or feels jealous and wants to harm you. No matter how nice you are, everyone has people that wishes evil on them because that's just how humans operate. You can live your life to please others and still not avoid having those that are against you.

Everyone needs protection. So how can you use these stones for protection?

How To Use Crystals

I would suggest wearing them as jewelry and meditating with them if you feel you need protection. This will give you the maximum protection.

While meditating, you can envision a bright light surrounding you like a barrier keeping all negative and bad things away from you. This barrier goes with you throughout your day and blocks bad things from getting to you.

You can also do a guided protection meditation. You can find those for free online. Just search on Youtube for guided protection meditation and you will find a large selection. They will often have you visualize a bubble or barrier around yourself.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Small Quartz Points Uses, Tips, And Benefits

These quartz points were hand mined in the mountains. They have many uses with other crystals. Today I'm going to tell you how to use them.

Quartz points are great when used with other crystals, because they have the ability to amplify that stone's benefits. Just like when you pour salt on food and it tastes better. You can use quartz with any other stone. It works well with all stones.

Using small quartz points to make a crystal grid is an easy way to increase the energy in that grid. The base of the quartz point receives energy and the tip of the quartz point sends it out.

Place the quartz points in a line leading to and from other stones. This is how you create the grid. The grid can be a great piece on a coffee table to show off to guests. They may not fully understand the design but they will be able to appreciate it's beauty.

These stones can be placed in a window to gather sunlight which makes them have even more energy. The Sun is a great way to cleanse and charge stones, especially clear quartz. You will notice a difference in the stones after leaving them in the Sun.

You can place clear quartz under running water to cleanse the stones. This is done right after getting the stone, as you don't know where the stone has been. But you can also do it any time you feel like the stone is dirty and needs a good cleansing.

Place the stone under the running water. Gently brush away any dust, dirt, or debris. Then let the stone dry out in the Sun or in a window. This is a great way to bring extra energy to the stone and make it look new again.

Quartz points are used in healing. When we want to add energy to the body, we point the stone toward us. When we want to take away a negative energy from the body, we point the stone away from that area of the body. In this way you can direct energy to go however you need it to go.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

How To Cleanse a Crystal

Today's post is going to be a guide on how to cleanse a crystal. If you want to learn what crystal cleansing is and how to do it, continue reading.

What is Crystal Cleansing?

When you use crystals regularly, a lot of times they will get bogged down with negative energy. Those who actually have the ability to feel crystal energy will feel that they aren't as strong as they once were. You can pick them up in your hand and tell that they aren't working very well. Then you know it's time for a cleanse.

Cleansing a crystal gets rid of that negative energy and helps the crystal become new again so that it can do all that it's meant to do.

Some people will need to cleanse their crystals more than others. It depends on how much you use them and how much negative energy the crystal is exposed to in your environment.

How To Cleanse Crystals


Burning a stick of sage can clear the air and remove negative energy from a person, area, or object. The sage plants are dried and bundled together with string. You just light the end on fire and the smoke will be produced. The smoke is what is used to clear areas. To use it on crystals, just allow the crystal to sit in the smoke until it is cleared.

Palo Santo

Palo Santo literally means "holy wood". They are these small pieces of wood that can be lit on fire similar to sage. The smoke removes negative energy in the same way as well. So you can use it the same way as sage and it will cleanse your crystals, body, and space.

Tibetan Singing Bowls

If you want to purchase Tibetan singing bowls, they are a great way to cleanse a space. Tibetan singing bowls emit frequency into the air and everything will vibrate at that frequency. You can find some that are related to each individual chakra as well. They are great for general healing and meditation.

Color Healing

This one I have personally not used before, but I know some people use color light for healing, cleansing, and restoration. You would use the color relating to the stone. For example, with sodalite you would use a blue light. Again, I have not tried this one so I cannot speak on experience here, but you are welcome to try it if you feel lead to.


Using the Sun and Moon is a popular way to cleanse and charge stones. You would pick one, either Sun or Moon, and let the crystals sit out in the light. Some prefer to use the full Moon since the light from the full Moon is much brighter.

If you are going to use the Sun, you should be aware that some crystals can fade if left in the Sun too much. I personally will just put the crystals in the Sun very briefly. I've learned that a little bit of direct sunlight can go a long way.

These are some of the most popular ways of cleansing crystals. I hope this helps you on your quest to cleanse your stones.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Crystals For Clearing Negativity

Today I'm going to talk about which crystals can be used to clear negativity. Negative energy and negative emotions are all around us. Sometimes they can linger and stay within our space and cause problems. We need to clear out these negative energies. Here are some crystals you can use for that:

  • Smoky quartz
  • Tourmalinated quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Tigereye
  • Amethyst
  • Garnet
  • Selenite
  • Hematite
  • Howlite
  • Moss agate
  • Aquamarine
  • Fuscite
  • Apache tears
  • Prasiolite
  • Shungite
  • Amazonite
  • Peridot
  • Aragonite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Jet
All of these stones are used for clearing negativity. You can use them in your home to help get rid of negative stuck energy that doesn't seem to want to pass. You can also use them on yourself if you feel like your energy is stuck or needs purification.

Remember that these stones have a huge burden, so they need to be cleansed regularly if you are using them. The exception here is selenite which is a self-cleansing stone. Selenite has the ability to cleanse itself of the unwanted negative energy. Some of these other stones need help, so you should do some cleansing techniques.

If you want to use sage along with these crystals, it would be a wise thing to do. Sage is a very powerful cleanser. It can clean the air in any room. Everyone should have some sage around if they are concerned about stagnant energy.

To cleanse yourself, you can meditate with these crystals in your hands. Imagine white light raining down onto you, cleansing away all the negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that have been weighing you down. You may even experience some crying or frustration as the energy is passing out of you. This is a good sign and it means you are getting rid of those negative feelings. You will want to continue until you no longer feel those bad feelings, but only feel good feelings.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Crystals For Grounding

Today we are going to discuss which crystals you can use for grounding. The crystals for grounding are:

  • Smokey quartz
  • Black tourmaline
  • Black kyanite
  • Dalmation jasper
  • Red tigereye
  • Bloodstone
  • Red jasper
  • Jasper
  • Picture jasper
  • Desert jasper
  • Garnet
  • Pyrite
  • Petrified wood
  • Hematite
  • Leopardskin jasper
  • Apache tears
  • Prehnite
  • Aragonite
  • Bronzite
What a list! You don't have to get all of these crystals in order to ground. You just need at least one crystal from the list. So let's get into what grounding is.

What Is Grounding?

Grounding is connecting your energy to the earth. We do this for a few reasons. Sometimes you can have an excess of energy that can be a bad thing, and in that case you would want to ground it out. You also need to ground at times when you feel too spacey and like you can't focus on anything. Grounding can help if you meditate often because it can bring you back to earth.

I've noticed especially air signs tend to need grounding more often. If your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant signs are air signs you may find that you need to ground a lot more than others. There are some signs you can look to in order to find out if you need to ground.

Signs that you need to ground:

  • Feeling spacey
  • Having  trouble staying focused
  • Day dreaming a lot
  • Feeling floaty
  • Trouble with taking care of life responsibilities

How To Ground

To use these crystals to ground, you just take the crystals in your hands and stand or sit on the ground. You can also wear the crystals in a necklace. A technique that I like to do is to is to sit cross-legged on the ground and place the palms of my hands on the ground. You will feel the effect almost immediately. It's a very sobering feeling. You will feel better after you do this.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Crystals For Clarity

Today we will discuss some crystals you can use for bringing clarity to your life. Crystals for clarity include:

  • Yellow quartz
  • Quartz point
  • Fluorite
  • Amethyst
  • Mookaite
  • Azurite
  • Hematite
  • Tree agate
  • Dumortierite
  • Serpentine
You can pick and choose which ones you use from the list. If you only have one crystal from the list, that's perfectly fine. You don't have to go out and buy all of these crystals. As you can see, I personally have 6 of the crystals listed, so I don't even have all of them.

Clarity is clear thinking. It can be very helpful in all matters of life. People use crystals to bring clarity when there is confusion.

Maybe you have a big decision to make and you don't know which decision would be the best for you. Meditating with a stone that brings clarity can help shed light on which decision is the right one.

These stones can also be used to help you during a test. If you are a student, you know that having a clear mind and clear thinking during a test can help you out a lot. When you are distracted in school, it tends to lead to poor grades.

Sometimes we want answers to life's questions and these stones can help bring clarity into those situations as well. You are not always allowed to know the answers to your questions in life, because part of life is not knowing. But when you are able to know, these stones can help bring that about.

Having clarity can help you make sound decisions, help you focus better, and help you plan out your life so that you aren't too scattered. It has many uses.

Using these crystals to meditate daily will help increase your clarity. Make sure you hold the crystals in your hands when you meditate and clear your mind of any distractions. You don't have to meditate perfectly in order to benefit from meditation, so it's okay to mess up. That's why it's called a "meditation practice." You are just practicing.

During your meditation, information may come up about what decisions you should make or what you may need to know at this time. Let the information flow to you.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Crystals For Happiness

Today I want to talk about crystals that increase happiness. The crystals for happiness include:

  • Yellow quartz
  • Dalmation jasper
  • Turquoise
  • Citrine
  • Sunstone
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhyolite
Light colors, especially yellow tend to represent happiness, but there are many colors represented in this list of crystals. You don't have to use every crystal from this list to benefit. Just pick one or a few if you have them.

All of these crystals have other properties as well. If you want more benefits than just happiness, then choose a crystal that will give you other benefits you would enjoy as well.

Citrine is a stone of money and abundance. Rhodochrosite can help you attract love. Turquoise is a good luck and abundance stone.

If you have a lot of sadness, you will want to cleanse these crystals regularly. This is because the crystals will soak up some of the sadness and negative energy and you will want to get that out of there so that the crystal can be light and clear again.

You can place them in the sun to cleanse them. Some people choose to use moonlight, especially the full moon. I personally choose the sun, although the sun has been known to cause some crystals colors to fade. What I've learned is that you don't have to place them outside for hours and hours. Even just a few minutes in direct sunlight will work. That isn't enough to really damage a stone.

After cleansing your stones, meditate with the stone. In the meditation, you will want to ask yourself where is the sadness. You might start to feel a certain body part or sense that the sadness is located in a certain place on your body. Then you will want to clear that area of sadness and send light to that area.

Holding these crystals during your meditation will increase your happiness and help you replace your sadness with good feelings.

Saying the following affirmation daily will help bring you more happiness in life: "I am happy."