Monday, March 4, 2019

Crystals For Clarity

Today we will discuss some crystals you can use for bringing clarity to your life. Crystals for clarity include:

  • Yellow quartz
  • Quartz point
  • Fluorite
  • Amethyst
  • Mookaite
  • Azurite
  • Hematite
  • Tree agate
  • Dumortierite
  • Serpentine
You can pick and choose which ones you use from the list. If you only have one crystal from the list, that's perfectly fine. You don't have to go out and buy all of these crystals. As you can see, I personally have 6 of the crystals listed, so I don't even have all of them.

Clarity is clear thinking. It can be very helpful in all matters of life. People use crystals to bring clarity when there is confusion.

Maybe you have a big decision to make and you don't know which decision would be the best for you. Meditating with a stone that brings clarity can help shed light on which decision is the right one.

These stones can also be used to help you during a test. If you are a student, you know that having a clear mind and clear thinking during a test can help you out a lot. When you are distracted in school, it tends to lead to poor grades.

Sometimes we want answers to life's questions and these stones can help bring clarity into those situations as well. You are not always allowed to know the answers to your questions in life, because part of life is not knowing. But when you are able to know, these stones can help bring that about.

Having clarity can help you make sound decisions, help you focus better, and help you plan out your life so that you aren't too scattered. It has many uses.

Using these crystals to meditate daily will help increase your clarity. Make sure you hold the crystals in your hands when you meditate and clear your mind of any distractions. You don't have to meditate perfectly in order to benefit from meditation, so it's okay to mess up. That's why it's called a "meditation practice." You are just practicing.

During your meditation, information may come up about what decisions you should make or what you may need to know at this time. Let the information flow to you.

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