Saturday, March 2, 2019

Crystals For Happiness

Today I want to talk about crystals that increase happiness. The crystals for happiness include:

  • Yellow quartz
  • Dalmation jasper
  • Turquoise
  • Citrine
  • Sunstone
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhyolite
Light colors, especially yellow tend to represent happiness, but there are many colors represented in this list of crystals. You don't have to use every crystal from this list to benefit. Just pick one or a few if you have them.

All of these crystals have other properties as well. If you want more benefits than just happiness, then choose a crystal that will give you other benefits you would enjoy as well.

Citrine is a stone of money and abundance. Rhodochrosite can help you attract love. Turquoise is a good luck and abundance stone.

If you have a lot of sadness, you will want to cleanse these crystals regularly. This is because the crystals will soak up some of the sadness and negative energy and you will want to get that out of there so that the crystal can be light and clear again.

You can place them in the sun to cleanse them. Some people choose to use moonlight, especially the full moon. I personally choose the sun, although the sun has been known to cause some crystals colors to fade. What I've learned is that you don't have to place them outside for hours and hours. Even just a few minutes in direct sunlight will work. That isn't enough to really damage a stone.

After cleansing your stones, meditate with the stone. In the meditation, you will want to ask yourself where is the sadness. You might start to feel a certain body part or sense that the sadness is located in a certain place on your body. Then you will want to clear that area of sadness and send light to that area.

Holding these crystals during your meditation will increase your happiness and help you replace your sadness with good feelings.

Saying the following affirmation daily will help bring you more happiness in life: "I am happy."

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