Monday, April 29, 2019

Black Tourmaline Meaning and Properties

Today we are going to be talking about black tourmaline meanings and properties, and how you can use black tourmaline to help you in your every day life.

The benefits of black tourmaline are:

  • Protection
  • Anxiety
  • Self confidence
  • Grounding
  • Healing
  • Stress
Most black stones are great for protection and grounding. Black tourmaline has a few more specific benefits such as helping out with confidence and stress. I will get more into detail about these specific benefits.


One of the properties of black tourmaline is protection. As a stone of protection, you can expect that black tourmaline will block and remove negative energy. If you feel "unlucky" or as if things don't always go your way, it could be because of negative energy changing your aura.

Black tourmaline will remove those things and protect you from harmful energy. If you are holding onto negative emotions, black tourmaline helps to get rid of those so that you can be protected from all negativity.

Wearing a black tourmaline pendant will help you throughout your day. If you have to deal with negative people daily, wear a black tourmaline necklace so help give you some added protection against their bad vibes.

People often direct their anger and negativity toward us, especially when their life isn't going great. Protecting yourself from those negative projections is important.


Stress and anxiety tend to go hand in hand. They aren't quite the same, but they are definitely related to each other. Stress can cause anxiety, and anxiety can cause stress too.

Do you have a stressful job? Keep a black tourmaline in your work space. It will help you handle the large amount of stress that is being placed on your at your job. If you have a desk, place a small black tourmaline stone on the desk.

If you suffer from anxiety and stress, holding a black tourmaline in your hand during that time will help you get rid of it. Black tourmaline absorbs negative emotions and takes them out of us. It removes those negative things in our energy field. Holding a black tourmaline will help you get rid of those bad feelings.

It can be hard to go through stress, but hang onto your black tourmaline stone for comfort during hard times.

Self Confidence

Another black tourmaline property is self confidence. If you are feeling low, use a black tourmaline stone to help pick you back up again.

You can also use the following affirmations:
  • I am confident.
  • I love myself.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I am successful.
Saying these affirmations while holding your black tourmaline will increase the amount of confidence you receive. If you do this daily, it will help you build up a lot of self confidence. Try it out. I promise you will have amazing results.

If you have certain times when you tend to feel insecure, wear a black tourmaline. You can wear a black tourmaline pendant at school, work, or anywhere else that you tend to feel that way.


One of black tourmaline's benefits is grounding. Black stones are known for helping you ground. If you are feeling overwhelmed with energy, then grounding may be a solution for that.

Connecting to the Earth will help you to ground out excess energy that may be running through your chakras. Grounding also help you to connect to the here and now. If you are too busy day dreaming to concentrate on life, then try grounding.

Taking your shoes off and placing the soles of your feet directly on the Earth is a quick and easy way to ground.

You can do that grounding exercise while holding a black tourmaline stone to help you with grounding.

Once you are grounded, you will feel more calm and centered. You will be able to concentrate better.


Black tourmaline is a stone of overall healing. If you feel like you have energy blockages, black tourmaline can help. It gets rid of the negativity and blocks it from harming you so that you can heal yourself.

Blocking negative energy will raise your vibration to help you get into a state of healing.

Using Black Tourmaline

You can use black tourmaline by simply buying a black tourmaline pendant and wearing it throughout the day. There are also other pieces of jewelry with black tourmaline such as bracelets and rings.

You can also buy pieces of tumbled or raw black tourmaline and keep those pieces of stone around you all day in your pocket or near you.

You can hold black tourmaline in your hands and meditate in order to get further benefits from black tourmaline.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

How To Dig Your Own Crystals

When we were kids, we all kinda wanted to be archaeologists right? Or was that just me? Well, you actually can dig your own crystals. In this post I'm going to explain ways you can dig your own crystals.

What Is Crystal Digging?

Crystal digging, aka rockhounding, is where you go out in nature and find your own crystals and gemstones. It can be every bit as exciting as it sounds. To find your own crystals in nature is a great activity. It can also be a bit challenging. I'm here to talk about all that. But first I want to talk about the two ways you can dig for crystals. I've done both.

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The Tourist Way

When looking for places that offer crystal digging, you can get caught up in these places that will offer you to dig your own crystals. When you get there, it won't quite be the same as digging your own crystals in nature.

They claim to have gathered dirt from a mine nearby and you pay for a bucket of this dirt that has already been dug for you. You never see the mine. You just see buckets of dirt for sale. The bigger the bucket, the more it costs. These are usually not priced unreasonably.

Then you will go over to a stream of water and you are given a tool to dig. You are also given a bowl to place anything you find of worth.

And you will find a lot of things. The dirt seems to be unnaturally saturated with beautiful gemstones, some don't even exist in that area of the world. There is a reason for that. Those gemstones were cherry picked and placed in a bucket of dirt. It's not a real example of dirt from a mine, because if it were then you would definitely not get that many stones or that much variety.

Now, I don't want to discourage anyone from doing this. It can be a lot of fun, especially for kids and it's definitely a good value for the amount of crystals you get. What I'm trying to do is make you aware of what is going on. Because if you do this activity and think you are actually mining crystals, you aren't. This person ordered bulk untumbled (rough) natural crystals online from somewhere and placed them in a bucket with dirt.

Again, it's a super fun activity. It's just not real, true rockhounding and I don't want anyone to think it is.

Real Rockhounding

In order to do real rockhounding, you have to do some solid research. Crystals only exist in nature in certain areas and parts of the world. You may have to do some traveling in order to dig your own crystals, sometimes up to 2-3 hours from your hometown to find these areas.

There are laws that you must follow. If someone owns the land, obviously don't go on it and dig. Please follow safe digging practices. If you will be digging a lot, "call before you dig". This refers to calling 811 to make sure that you are not disturbing any underground pipe or structures that have been put into place there.

Each state has it's own set of rocks that are available in that state. These gemstones naturally formed over time and can be found in certain land formations, rivers, mountains, and other areas.

To find areas in your state where rockhounding is permitted, go to this site. You will see what type of stones can be found there. There are also pictures of what the rough stones look like. It's important to remember when rockhounding that rough stones often look very different from the tumbled polished stones you buy in crystal shops. You need to know what they look like in nature so that you will recognize them when you see them on the ground. Sometimes it's not as obvious that you are staring at a gemstone

Take Precautions

When going about a real rockhounding adventure, you will be in rugged conditions usually. Make sure you carry water and beware of the weather forecast. Bundle up if it's cold and wear sunscreen if it's hot. Have food available such as trail mix or other items that do not need refrigeration.

If you will be out at dusk or out in high grass where ticks tend to be, wear some bug spray for protection. If you will be camping out there, have everything you need on a checklist and make sure you don't leave without anything. Be aware of your surroundings and be safe.

Polishing Your Findings

If you want your findings to look like the rocks found in crystal shops, you will need to purchase a rock tumbler. A rock tumbler allows you to place rocks inside. It often takes hours to polish the rocks, but they come out looking beautiful, just like at the crystal shops.

There are some rocks that you may not want to polish because you may ruin the nature structures of the rock, so be sure to check if you can polish certain stones before doing so.

I hope this article is helpful for digging your own crystals.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Obsidian Meaning, Properties And Uses

In today's post we will be exploring obsidian's properties and meanings, and how you can use obsidian in your every day life.

Obsidian stone is used for:

  • Protection
  • Clearing negativity
  • Grounding
This is a great stone of protection. If you need protection and removal of negative energy, give obsidian a try.

What Is Obsidian?

The lava from a volcano cools very quickly and forms these black rocks called obsidian. Besides black obsidian, there is also rainbow and snowflake obsidian.

Cleansing From Negativity

Cleanse your aura of negative energy by meditating while holding an obsidian stone.

Obsidian arrowheads are a popular pendant for necklaces, and can be worn in case you need protection from negativity.

Sometimes when we have had close relations with a negative person, we can feel like that vibe is still affecting us and our lives. If you need to cut cords with someone, you can use obsidian to do so. Obsidian will break the bond you may still have with past lovers and friends that have now turned bad.

We connect with anyone we have been close to and that is especially true for romantic relationships. If you have an ex that you really need to cut ties with, use obsidian stone to help you. This is one of obsidian's best properties.

Other Ways To Cleanse

Another great way to cleanse a room that has negative energy is to burn sage. Get a bundle of white sage and light the tip on fire. Let the smoke go all around the room. It will purify the air. This is to be used in addition to the obsidian.

Himalayan salt lamps are also excellent air purification devices.


Protecting yourself from the negativity of others is a daily thing. Having an obsidian stone will help you a lot with this. Obsidian is often used in everyday protection.

If you harbor negative emotions, use obsidian to help you clear those out of your aura. Negative emotions can stop the flow of energy in your body and cause many problems. You do not want to harbor anger, resentment, sadness, or fear for very long. Holding onto those emotions will harm you.

Praying while holding an obsidian stone can increase the protection you receive.


Another obsidian property is the ability to help you ground. Black stones in general tend to help with grounding energy. If you feel like you've been spaced out lately, use black obsidian to help you ground.

A grounding exercise you can try is to sit with your legs crossed on the bare ground. Place both of your hands on the ground to really connect yourself to the ground. This always works to quickly ground energy when you are feeling overwhelmed. You will suddenly be able to handle all the emotions and energies.

Obsidian is great for everyday grounding. Just wearing an obsidian stone necklace can help you with grounding each day. If you often have trouble with daydreaming, try wearing an obsidian necklace or bracelet.


Some affirmations you can use with obsidian while holding an obsidian stone:

  • I am grounded.
  • I am protected.
Affirmations can be said daily to help you.

If any of these obsidian benefits sound like something you need, consider buying your own obsidian stone.

Obsidian Meditation

Meditating with obsidian will unlock it's benefits and properties. Sit down in a chair and place one obsidian in each hand. Relax and meditate for at least 10 minutes. Putting on some relaxing meditation music will help you with this.

For those who are new to meditation, perhaps using a guided meditation would be helpful for you. You can search for guided meditations for protection and find some really good ones to use. You will be pleased with the results.

Other Stones For Cleansing Negativity

There are some other stones you can use that help you in cleansing negative energy. Those stones are:
  • Smoky quartz
  • Tourmalinated quartz
  • Tigereye
  • Amethyst
  • Garnet
  • Selenite
  • Hematite
  • Howlite
  • Moss agate
  • Aquamarine
  • Fuscite
  • Apache tears
  • Prasiolite
  • Shungite
  • Amazonite
  • Peridot
  • Aragonite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Jet
Use any of those stones if you need to clear negativity from your aura or your room/house. You can use obsidian with one of these stones to increase the obsidian properties.

Using clear quartz with obsidian will also increase all of the properties of obsidian. This is because clear quartz is an amplifier. It will amplify any crystal that you pair it with.

When To Use Obsidian?

There are certain times when you need obsidian. I will give you some examples of when you would need to use obsidian stone.
  • You just got out of an abusive relationship and want to cut ties.
  • You feel anger, sadness, or grief.
  • You can't concentrate and you day dream way too much.
  • You feel overwhelmed with energy and emotions
  • You are around someone who doesn't have your best interest in mind.
If you find yourself in any of these situations, use obsidian to help you through it.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Tourmalinated Quartz Meaning And Benefits

Tourmalinated Quartz is my favorite crystal. It's a quartz that has pieces of black tourmaline in it. Today I will be discussing the meaning and benefits of tourmalinated quartz.

Tourmalinated quartz benefits include:

  • Clearing negativity
  • Healing
  • Luck
  • Energy
  • Protection
We will discuss each benefit further and how you can use tourmalinated quartz in every day life.

Clearing Negativity

Negative energy can exists within us, as well as in our surroundings. A room or house can have stagnant energy that needs to be cleared. A person can be harboring negative energy in the form of addictions and negative emotions. Those can effect you a lot, so it's good to work on clearing those out. It takes time to heal, but tourmalinated quartz can help you with that.


Since tourmalinated quartz helps to remove stagnant and negative energies, it assists in healing you. You can use tourmalinated quartz to help heal your energy and improve it.


Tourmalinated quartz also brings luck. If you feel like you've had trouble in life and things just don't go your way, carry a tourmalinated quartz with you at all times and see if things turn around for the better.


If you are feeling drained and having problems with low energy, tourmalinated quartz can help with that. This is because low energy can be a sign of negativity, and black tourmaline clears out the negativity.


Tourmalinated quartz is a great stone of protection. It utilizes the protective qualities of black tourmaline and is amplified by the clear quartz. If you feel like you need protection, use black tourmaline.

How To Use Tourmalinated Quartz

To use tourmalinated quartz, you can wear it as jewelry or meditate with it. I've seen some very beautiful tourmalinated quartz rings. You can also find necklaces.

Meditate with a stone in each hand every day. This will increase the benefits of using tourmalinated quartz.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Types Of Quartz: A Guide To Quartz Crystals

In this post I will be discussing all types of quartz crystals. I will share with you the properties, meaning, and uses of each type of quartz as well as how you can use them in your every day life. So let's get started.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the most commonly known type of quartz crystal. It's a clear rock that can be cloudy, but it can also be so clear that it looks like glass. Clear quartz properties include: amplification, energy, manifestation, healing, clarity, and wisdom.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz looks a lot like clear quartz except it's got a grayish color. It has slightly different meanings. Smoky quartz is used for: grounding, stability, clearing negativity, stress, anxiety, depression, protection.

Quartz Point

A quartz point is a clear quartz that has it's natural point intact. Quartz grows points naturally. Sometimes those points are chipped off or get damaged. But you can find perfect clear quartz points as well. The uses of quartz point are: amplification, energy, manifestation, healing, clarity, and wisdom.

Phantom Quartz

A phantom quartz is another type of quartz. A crystal forms over a crystal that has already formed in nature, so it's a crystal inside of a crystal. The smaller crystal inside is called the phantom. Phantom quartz is used for: awareness, healing the past, spirituality.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz is a type of quartz that has needle-thin inclusions of a mineral called rutile. It can have a golden look about it. Rutilated quartz is used for: manifestation, healing, dreams, meditation, energy, and angels.

Tourmalinated Quartz

Tourmalinated quartz is one of my favorite crystals out of them all. It's a quartz crystal with pieces of black tourmaline inside. Tourmalinated quartz is used for: clearing negativity, healing, luck, energy, protection, detox.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a pretty popular quartz crystal. It's got a pink tint. Some rose quartz is darker pink and some is so light you can barely tell the difference unless you hold it up against a clear quartz. Rose quartz is used for: romance, broken heart, love, forgiveness, emotional healing.

Green Quartz

Green quartz is exactly like rose quartz except it's green. It's a see-through green colored quartz. Green quartz is used for: money, abundance, luck, empathy, healing.

Blue Quartz

Blue quartz is a different sort of quartz, as it's not see-through at all like the others. It's a more opaque stone that has a light blue color. Blue quartz is used for: organization, responsibility, communication, and work.

Yellow Quartz

Yellow quartz is a bright yellow stone that isn't really see-through either. Yellow quartz is used for: positivity, creativity, happiness, clarity.

Double Terminated Quartz

Double terminated quartz is a quartz that has two points, one on each end. This is a super special stone. Double terminated quartz is used for directing energy and sending energy. It is also used for: amplification, energy, manifestation, healing, clarity, wisdom.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Crystals And Gemstones For Amplification

In this post we will be talking about crystals and gemstones for amplification. The stones you can use for amplification are:

  • Clear quartz
  • Quartz point
  • Banded amethyst
Clear quartz and quartz points are the main stones used for amplification. But what is amplification?

Amplification Stones

Amplification stones actually increase the benefits of other stones. When paired with another stone, the amplification stone will make that stone more beneficial to you. So if you pair a clear quartz with a tigereye, then the benefits of the tigereye will be increased.

Clear quartz does have it's own benefits as well on top of being a stone for amplification. Clear quartz is a stone for purification and memory.

Banded amethyst

Banded amethyst is a special kind of amplification stone. Banded amethyst is a mixture between amethyst and clear quartz. If you look at the stone, you can see it has quartz crystal in it. A banded amethyst combines the abilities of clear quartz and amethyst, and it amplifies those abilities at the same time.

It's the exact same as if you take a clear quartz and an amethyst stone and use them together. That's the effect you get from banded amethyst.

How To Use Amplification Stones

You will first need to choose which stones or qualities you want to amplify. This page has a list of stones that are used for different things. There are stones for confidence, protection, luck, etc. Just click on what you are interested in.

Let's use an example. You are using a jade stone for luck. If you want to amplify the effect of the stone and therefore attract more luck, then use clear quartz with jade.

You can meditate with them both or you can wear them both in a necklace. I would suggest putting them side by side or as close to each other as possible.

You can also purchase a small velvet stone pouch and place the stones in the pouch. You can keep the pouch with you in your pocket or anywhere. Velvet pouches are extremely popular for storing crystals and gemstones.

Meditating For Amplification

You can meditate with the stones by placing them in your hands. Put the two stones (jade and quartz) in your left hand and meditate. You can also get two of each stone and place them in each hand, so that you are holding a total of 4 stones at once.

Crystal Grid

Crystal grids are known to amplify crystals. We often use quartz points in crystal grid to direct and amplify the stones energy. Place the stones along the grid pattern, placing clear quartz points between the stones. Point the stones toward the center of the crystal grid. Try to use stone that relate to each other.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

How To Meditate With Crystals And Gemstones

Meditating with crystals and gemstones can enhance your meditations and increase the benefits. In this post I want to explain how you can use crystals in your meditations.

What Is Crystal Meditation

Crystal meditation is when you meditate with crystals. Meditation can come in a variety of flavors. Some people use music when they meditate. Others meditate without music. Some people will hum or sing "Om" as they meditate. Some will listen to rain or nature sounds. There are binauaral beats that you can meditate with and there are guided meditations. So there are many options for meditating!

Using crystals with meditation enhance your meditation and increase the benefits you will receive. Once you begin meditating with crystals, you will see just what I mean when I say this because you will feel the effects for yourself.

When To Meditate

I suggest meditating at least once per day each day. Many people have a hard time finding the time for meditation, but I assure you that you can at least squeeze a 10-15 minute meditation into any day no matter how busy.

The best time to meditate is when you are not sleepy, but also not too energetic and awake. If you meditate while you are too awake, then you will have racing thoughts and you won't be able to reach a point of relaxation. If you meditate while you are too sleepy, then you risk the possibility of falling asleep during your meditation. So an in-between state is the best place to start a meditation.

Which Crystals To Use

You should use crystals that help you accomplish the goal you are trying to reach. There are many crystals that help with many things. You can find crystals for protection, love, success, luck, health, confidence, etc. You just need to decide which crystals you need.

To help you, I have a page that has lists of crystals for different uses. You can go there and click on whatever you want to read about and find the crystals that are right for you. There is a crystal for everyone and everything.

Where To Meditate With Crystals

To meditate with crystals just hold the crystals or place them on or near your body while meditating. Holding a crystal in each hand really helps, as there are energy centers in the hands which can absorb and expel energy.

You can also place the crystals on different energy centers on the body. It helps if you lay down so that they crystals can be placed on the body and stay there during the meditation. If you are sitting up, you won't be able to do this.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

How To Store Your Crystals And Gemstones Safely

If you want to take good care of your crystals, it's important to store them safely to avoid any damage that may occur. Safe handling of your crystals allows you to enjoy them for many years. In this post I want to give tips and ideas for how you can best store your crystals and gemstones.

Separate Your Crystals

It's important to separate certain crystals from each other. Here is how I separate my own crystals:

Soft Stones (like Selenite)

Keep your soft crystals by themselves. That would be stones like selenite. These crystals have a lower hardness level than most other crystals, which means they are vulnerable to getting scratched or harmed if they are stored near the other crystals.

I personally don't even let these crystals touch each other. I keep them all separate and try to protect them. I have my selenite in a small draw string bag away from all other stones.

Rough/Natural Stones

Rough/natural crystals can be stored together. They typically will not damage each other if they are just sitting in a box together. If you are going to be traveling with the stones, it's best not to have them all touching each other, because the vibrations from driving will certainly cause some friction and they may end up damaging each other.

Crystal Points

The points of crystals can possibly be damaged by other stones. I tend to store my crystal points with each other, but you could store them separately for added protection. Points typically break off in nature before we even mine the stones, so to have a crystal point in tact is a lucky thing. I would protect the crystal point as much as you can.

Tumbled Stones

It's perfectly fine to store all your tumbled stones together. I would not store them with any crystal points or rough/natural stones because of the fact that they will scratch and damage your polished stones eventually. It may not happen at first, but over time damage will occur. Tumbled stones that are perfectly smooth can all be stored in the same box together.

Crystal Clusters

These can easily be damaged by any other stones or by each other. The points on top of the crystal clusters can be bumped and broken off. Sometimes this will happen anyway, even if you are very careful, but we want to try to avoid this as much as possible.

Since crystal clusters are a display piece, you can keep them on shelves and tables by themselves, as long as there's no risk of them falling or getting knocked off the tables. If you have children, it's probably best not to store them out. Otherwise, keep them in containers by themselves so that the points don't get knocked off or damaged by other crystals.

Crystal Jewelry

Crystal jewelry can be stored just like regular jewelry. People tend to have jewelry organizers which they use to store bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. You can store your crystal jewelry that way and it will preserve it just fine.

I personally like to hang my crystal necklaces so that I know they will not be damaged by anything. It has worked for me so far.

Crystal Wands

Polished crystal wands can be stored together. They will typically not cause damage to each other. Selenite wands are extremely popular tools. They should be stored differently than other wands.

If you have a selenite wand, store it by itself in a protected container. As stated before, selenite is a softer stone than most other stones and will succumb to damage more easily. It needs to be protected away from other crystals and stones.

Chipped/Damaged Stones

If you have any tumbled stones that are damaged or have rough edges, it's important to not store them with other tumbled stones. They could potentially damage your other stones, so store them away from each other.

An Easy Crystal Storage Trick

A very easy crystal storage trick is to take a craft organizer box and place your crystals in there. These are plastic boxes that have smaller storage areas inside the box which are separated by plastic dividers. You can place one crystal per storage area in the box.

This works great with small to medium stones, but your larger stones likely won't fit. I also like to use larger plastic storage containers to place my stones. I place some stones in separate plastic bags or draw string bags to keep them from touching the rest of the stones.

Traveling With Crystals

When traveling with crystals, it's important that you don't let the crystals touch each other. The vibrations from driving can cause the stones to knock against each other and damage each other. To best preserve and protect your crystals, store them in a way that they can't hit each other during the trip. You may place them in cloths or other soft materials or place them in separate plastic bags from each other.

You can also place them in a plastic bag and fold over the excess part of the bag that doesn't have any stones in it, making the stones fit tightly together in the bag. That way, they will not even move at all during transit. This is the way stones are typically shipped when you order online, and this trick works pretty well.

I hope this article gives you many ideas for how to store your own crystal collection.

Monday, April 1, 2019

How To Use Crystals And Gemstones For Well-Being

Crystals can be used to enhance one's life and bring about so many positive changes. In this post I will teach you in depth how you can get started using crystals in your every day life.

Why Use Crystals?

Crystals are a tool that can help us achieve something more quickly, or help us to do something we may have not been able to do on our own. Sometimes we need that boost or that help in life. Crystals are ancient and come from deep in the earth. They emit high vibrations. Each has a different vibration that can help with different things.

Besides being able to help you, crystals are absolutely stunning and beautiful creations of earth. They are so nice to collect and display around the home. I always say you can never have enough crystals! Each one is so unique and beautiful. Even two stones of the same kind aren't exactly the same.

What Are Crystals Used For?

Crystals are used for a variety of things. People use them to bring good luck and protection. People use them for healing heartbreak and sadness. They can be used for prosperity, stress relief, focus, communication, confidence, etc. You can find a crystal to help you with just about anything.

Which Crystal To Use

As I said, there is a crystal for everything! Some of the main reasons people use crystals are protection, luck, love, and health. Here I'm going to share with you the most popular crystals to use for those reasons.

Crystals For Love:

  • Rose quartz, unakite, apricot agate, emerald, ruby, malachite, moss agate, fuscite, prehnite, prasiolite, chrysocolla, rhodochrosite

Crystals For Protection:

  • Smoky quartz, tourmalinated quartz, obsidian, black tourmaline, black kyanite, red tigereye, tigereye, bloodstone, turquoise, picture jasper, angelite, mookaite, jade, garnet, ruby, malachite, lapis lazuli, petrified wood, onyx, leopardskin jasper, labradorite, shungite, mahogany obsidian, bronzite, jet

Crystals For Luck:

  • Green quartz, tourmalinated quartz, red tigereye, turquoise, snow quartz, jade, pyrite, amazonite, jet

Crystals For Health:

  • Green quartz, green aventurine, quartz point, clear quartz, tourmalinated quartz, black tourmaline, blue kyanite, bloodstone, turquoise, amethyst, angelite, jade, garnet, selenite, aragonite, petrified wood, rutilated quartz, leopardskin jasper, labradorite, fuscite, mahogany obsidian, tree agate, serpentine
You don't need to get every crystal in the list in order to benefit. You can have even just one of the crystals from the list. If you want to see more list of crystals you can use for various things, check out this page.

Crystals In Many Forms

Crystals come in many forms. Crystals have been mined for a long time and are carved, made into jewelry, statues, and other objects for use. Here I will talk about some of the main forms of crystals there are available for use.

Crystals Pendant Necklaces

Crystal pendant necklaces are extremely popular. I have pictured above a Moldavite pendant. Crystals can be found in many different types of jewelry. There are rings, bracelets, earrings, and of course necklaces. Necklaces have to be the most popular crystal jewelry you can find. I highly recommend the crystal pendants that are sold on Etsy.

Crystal pendants are easy to use because you just have to wear them. It's pretty simple to benefit from these crystals when all you have to do is put it over your head and wear it all day. Plus you get lots of compliments and others who like crystals will comment on it as well. You can make new friends this way.

Crystal Animal Totems

You can also find crystals in the form of carved animals. These are really fun to work with, because it gives more life to the crystal. You can look into the eyes of the animal and really feel like you have a little friend with you. You can talk to the animal as well.

They are also very beautiful and fun to show around. They really add a lot to your personal collection. I got my very first carved crystal animal last year and I'm very happy with it. If you are looking for a little crystal friend, you may want to search for a carved crystal animal.

Worry Stones

Worry stones are great for those who fidget and worry a lot. As the name states, a worry stone is used to get rid of your worries. There is a small indention on the stone. You hold the stone between your index finger and thumb, placing your thumb on the indention. Your thumb will naturally fit there. Then you rub your thumb over the stone.

These stones work by using something called reflexology. There are certain pressure points on our hands that can relieve problems. The pressure point to relieve worry is right there on the thumb, the part that is rubbed on the stone. If you feel you could benefit from a worry stone, I highly suggest getting one.

Tumbled/Rough Stones

A great way to use crystals is to just use them by themselves, in either tumbled or rough form. Crystals can be carried in your pocket, held in your hands, placed on various parts of the body, etc. You can even use these to make your own crystal necklaces. The crystal necklace will have more meaning since you are the one who made it.

You can buy variety packs of tumbled stones where you get many different types of stones for one bulk price. This is great for those who are looking to start a crystal collection on a budget. These can be found on Ebay or Etsy if you type in "bulk" or "wholesale" crystals.

Carved Shapes

You can find crystals in various carved shapes. I have my own rose quartz in the shape of a heart. You can find pyramids, stars, and other geometrical shapes. If you have a certain shape in mind that gives you meaning, then this may be something you consider adding to your crystal collection.

The shapes definitely add something special to the stone.

Crystal Balls

Crystal balls are so well-known, even by people who are not interested in crystals. Crystal balls are usually linked to psychics and card readers. You can find large crystal balls, but you can also find small ones that fit in your hand. I have a crystal ball that is tiny that fits right in my palm.

You probably remember a movie where a psychic is looking into a crystal ball like it's showing them the future. This is actually called scrying and some people do practice it. Light colored or clear crystal balls tend to be better for scrying, but you could use any crystal ball.

Crystal Wands

If you've ever heard of reiki or crystal healing, then you may know something about crystal wands. They are typically used in energy healing for directing energy. The wand shape helps a person pinpoint energy to one area of the body as they are clearing the aura.

These can be held in your hand and placed on various parts of the body to add or remove energy. Selenite wands are extremely popular, as selenite is a very good crystal for energy healing.


Geodes are pretty cool because they look like regular stones on the outside, but on the inside a crystal has formed. You would never know that pretty crystal was inside if you didn't break open the geode. Many shops have "break your own" geodes where you can buy it unbroken and take it home and break it yourself. This is a great project for kids because they will love seeing the beautiful stones inside the geodes.

Crystal Towers

Crystal towers can be used for display or they can be used as a center piece for a crystal grid. These are tall crystal towers that have a point at the top and a flat bottom. So if you were to place them on a table they would sit flat on the table with the crystal point pointing upward.

As I said, these are great for use in crystal grids where you surround the crystal tower with smaller crystals. These pieces are usually 8 to 12 inches tall, so they can be quite heavy and costly. I have found some for as low as $20 at a local crystal shop.

Crystal Cathedrals

These are the big mamas. Crystal cathedrals are usually made of amethyst. They are these huge hollowed out crystals where the outside just looks like regular stone but the inside is all this pretty crystal. They are typically a few hundred bucks (yikes) and you will definitely need help bringing it home and setting it up. They are heavy duty.

Picking Out Your Crystals

If you are getting ready to buy some crystals, you will want to look at what kind of benefits you want to get from the crystals. Then look up crystals that match those benefits. If I am trying to increase my dreaming, I would look up "crystals for dreaming."

Besides looking up the benefits of a stone, you will want to feel the stone. Hold it in your hands and see how it feels to you. You will usually know when a crystal wants to come home with you and be a part of your life. You can just feel it, so always take a moment and try to connect with your stone before purchasing it. Don't worry about looking stupid. People do this all the time in crystal shops. It's how we shop for crystals!

If you are purchasing online, you have that added barrier of not being able to pick up the stone before buying it. You just have to trust your gut and know what's right. There are many amazing stones that can be bought online. Sometimes that is your only choice, because crystal shops don't exist everywhere. Many people have to order online.

Meditating With Crystals

I personally speak a lot about meditation on this blog. That is because I know firsthand the benefits of meditation and I want to promote it to others. I think everyone can benefit from meditation.

Meditation increases the benefits of the crystals as well. You can use the two together to get an amazing effect. The way people typically do this is they hold the crystals in their hands and meditate or they will lie down and place the crystals on different areas of the body.

Using music during your meditations can also give an added effect of calming you down and helping you reach a nice state of relaxation. If you have never meditated before, I highly encourage it.

Cleansing Your Crystals

Every so often, your crystals will feel like they just aren't working as well as they did when you first started using them. If you notice this, it's time to cleanse your crystals.

Crystals do so much work that they tend to get bogged down. And since crystals come from nature, they tend to regenerate their energy in nature as well. So we use the Sun, Moon, and ground to cleanse our crystals.

I like to place crystals out in direct sunlight for about 5 or 10 minutes. If the sunlight is shining directly on the crystals, that is all that's needed. Try not to leave crystals out in the sun for too long because it can fade the color on some crystals.

Some people love to use the full Moon to cleanse their crystals. They typically place the crystals outside all night during the full Moon.

Some people will also bury their crystals in order to use the earth energy. I personally don't do this because it would make the crystal dirty and there are some crystals you aren't allowed to clean with water. So I just don't mess around with that.

You will notice your crystals working as good as new once you do these things.


Crystals are amazing and easy to use. It doesn't have to be complicated. Let your senses guide you on how best to use your crystals. I hope this post teaches you something and also inspires you to go out and get more crystals. After all, we can never have too many crystals.