Thursday, April 11, 2019

Crystals And Gemstones For Amplification

In this post we will be talking about crystals and gemstones for amplification. The stones you can use for amplification are:

  • Clear quartz
  • Quartz point
  • Banded amethyst
Clear quartz and quartz points are the main stones used for amplification. But what is amplification?

Amplification Stones

Amplification stones actually increase the benefits of other stones. When paired with another stone, the amplification stone will make that stone more beneficial to you. So if you pair a clear quartz with a tigereye, then the benefits of the tigereye will be increased.

Clear quartz does have it's own benefits as well on top of being a stone for amplification. Clear quartz is a stone for purification and memory.

Banded amethyst

Banded amethyst is a special kind of amplification stone. Banded amethyst is a mixture between amethyst and clear quartz. If you look at the stone, you can see it has quartz crystal in it. A banded amethyst combines the abilities of clear quartz and amethyst, and it amplifies those abilities at the same time.

It's the exact same as if you take a clear quartz and an amethyst stone and use them together. That's the effect you get from banded amethyst.

How To Use Amplification Stones

You will first need to choose which stones or qualities you want to amplify. This page has a list of stones that are used for different things. There are stones for confidence, protection, luck, etc. Just click on what you are interested in.

Let's use an example. You are using a jade stone for luck. If you want to amplify the effect of the stone and therefore attract more luck, then use clear quartz with jade.

You can meditate with them both or you can wear them both in a necklace. I would suggest putting them side by side or as close to each other as possible.

You can also purchase a small velvet stone pouch and place the stones in the pouch. You can keep the pouch with you in your pocket or anywhere. Velvet pouches are extremely popular for storing crystals and gemstones.

Meditating For Amplification

You can meditate with the stones by placing them in your hands. Put the two stones (jade and quartz) in your left hand and meditate. You can also get two of each stone and place them in each hand, so that you are holding a total of 4 stones at once.

Crystal Grid

Crystal grids are known to amplify crystals. We often use quartz points in crystal grid to direct and amplify the stones energy. Place the stones along the grid pattern, placing clear quartz points between the stones. Point the stones toward the center of the crystal grid. Try to use stone that relate to each other.

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