Monday, April 15, 2019

Types Of Quartz: A Guide To Quartz Crystals

In this post I will be discussing all types of quartz crystals. I will share with you the properties, meaning, and uses of each type of quartz as well as how you can use them in your every day life. So let's get started.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the most commonly known type of quartz crystal. It's a clear rock that can be cloudy, but it can also be so clear that it looks like glass. Clear quartz properties include: amplification, energy, manifestation, healing, clarity, and wisdom.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz looks a lot like clear quartz except it's got a grayish color. It has slightly different meanings. Smoky quartz is used for: grounding, stability, clearing negativity, stress, anxiety, depression, protection.

Quartz Point

A quartz point is a clear quartz that has it's natural point intact. Quartz grows points naturally. Sometimes those points are chipped off or get damaged. But you can find perfect clear quartz points as well. The uses of quartz point are: amplification, energy, manifestation, healing, clarity, and wisdom.

Phantom Quartz

A phantom quartz is another type of quartz. A crystal forms over a crystal that has already formed in nature, so it's a crystal inside of a crystal. The smaller crystal inside is called the phantom. Phantom quartz is used for: awareness, healing the past, spirituality.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz is a type of quartz that has needle-thin inclusions of a mineral called rutile. It can have a golden look about it. Rutilated quartz is used for: manifestation, healing, dreams, meditation, energy, and angels.

Tourmalinated Quartz

Tourmalinated quartz is one of my favorite crystals out of them all. It's a quartz crystal with pieces of black tourmaline inside. Tourmalinated quartz is used for: clearing negativity, healing, luck, energy, protection, detox.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a pretty popular quartz crystal. It's got a pink tint. Some rose quartz is darker pink and some is so light you can barely tell the difference unless you hold it up against a clear quartz. Rose quartz is used for: romance, broken heart, love, forgiveness, emotional healing.

Green Quartz

Green quartz is exactly like rose quartz except it's green. It's a see-through green colored quartz. Green quartz is used for: money, abundance, luck, empathy, healing.

Blue Quartz

Blue quartz is a different sort of quartz, as it's not see-through at all like the others. It's a more opaque stone that has a light blue color. Blue quartz is used for: organization, responsibility, communication, and work.

Yellow Quartz

Yellow quartz is a bright yellow stone that isn't really see-through either. Yellow quartz is used for: positivity, creativity, happiness, clarity.

Double Terminated Quartz

Double terminated quartz is a quartz that has two points, one on each end. This is a super special stone. Double terminated quartz is used for directing energy and sending energy. It is also used for: amplification, energy, manifestation, healing, clarity, wisdom.

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