Thursday, April 18, 2019

Tourmalinated Quartz Meaning And Benefits

Tourmalinated Quartz is my favorite crystal. It's a quartz that has pieces of black tourmaline in it. Today I will be discussing the meaning and benefits of tourmalinated quartz.

Tourmalinated quartz benefits include:

  • Clearing negativity
  • Healing
  • Luck
  • Energy
  • Protection
We will discuss each benefit further and how you can use tourmalinated quartz in every day life.

Clearing Negativity

Negative energy can exists within us, as well as in our surroundings. A room or house can have stagnant energy that needs to be cleared. A person can be harboring negative energy in the form of addictions and negative emotions. Those can effect you a lot, so it's good to work on clearing those out. It takes time to heal, but tourmalinated quartz can help you with that.


Since tourmalinated quartz helps to remove stagnant and negative energies, it assists in healing you. You can use tourmalinated quartz to help heal your energy and improve it.


Tourmalinated quartz also brings luck. If you feel like you've had trouble in life and things just don't go your way, carry a tourmalinated quartz with you at all times and see if things turn around for the better.


If you are feeling drained and having problems with low energy, tourmalinated quartz can help with that. This is because low energy can be a sign of negativity, and black tourmaline clears out the negativity.


Tourmalinated quartz is a great stone of protection. It utilizes the protective qualities of black tourmaline and is amplified by the clear quartz. If you feel like you need protection, use black tourmaline.

How To Use Tourmalinated Quartz

To use tourmalinated quartz, you can wear it as jewelry or meditate with it. I've seen some very beautiful tourmalinated quartz rings. You can also find necklaces.

Meditate with a stone in each hand every day. This will increase the benefits of using tourmalinated quartz.

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