Monday, April 1, 2019

How To Use Crystals And Gemstones For Well-Being

Crystals can be used to enhance one's life and bring about so many positive changes. In this post I will teach you in depth how you can get started using crystals in your every day life.

Why Use Crystals?

Crystals are a tool that can help us achieve something more quickly, or help us to do something we may have not been able to do on our own. Sometimes we need that boost or that help in life. Crystals are ancient and come from deep in the earth. They emit high vibrations. Each has a different vibration that can help with different things.

Besides being able to help you, crystals are absolutely stunning and beautiful creations of earth. They are so nice to collect and display around the home. I always say you can never have enough crystals! Each one is so unique and beautiful. Even two stones of the same kind aren't exactly the same.

What Are Crystals Used For?

Crystals are used for a variety of things. People use them to bring good luck and protection. People use them for healing heartbreak and sadness. They can be used for prosperity, stress relief, focus, communication, confidence, etc. You can find a crystal to help you with just about anything.

Which Crystal To Use

As I said, there is a crystal for everything! Some of the main reasons people use crystals are protection, luck, love, and health. Here I'm going to share with you the most popular crystals to use for those reasons.

Crystals For Love:

  • Rose quartz, unakite, apricot agate, emerald, ruby, malachite, moss agate, fuscite, prehnite, prasiolite, chrysocolla, rhodochrosite

Crystals For Protection:

  • Smoky quartz, tourmalinated quartz, obsidian, black tourmaline, black kyanite, red tigereye, tigereye, bloodstone, turquoise, picture jasper, angelite, mookaite, jade, garnet, ruby, malachite, lapis lazuli, petrified wood, onyx, leopardskin jasper, labradorite, shungite, mahogany obsidian, bronzite, jet

Crystals For Luck:

  • Green quartz, tourmalinated quartz, red tigereye, turquoise, snow quartz, jade, pyrite, amazonite, jet

Crystals For Health:

  • Green quartz, green aventurine, quartz point, clear quartz, tourmalinated quartz, black tourmaline, blue kyanite, bloodstone, turquoise, amethyst, angelite, jade, garnet, selenite, aragonite, petrified wood, rutilated quartz, leopardskin jasper, labradorite, fuscite, mahogany obsidian, tree agate, serpentine
You don't need to get every crystal in the list in order to benefit. You can have even just one of the crystals from the list. If you want to see more list of crystals you can use for various things, check out this page.

Crystals In Many Forms

Crystals come in many forms. Crystals have been mined for a long time and are carved, made into jewelry, statues, and other objects for use. Here I will talk about some of the main forms of crystals there are available for use.

Crystals Pendant Necklaces

Crystal pendant necklaces are extremely popular. I have pictured above a Moldavite pendant. Crystals can be found in many different types of jewelry. There are rings, bracelets, earrings, and of course necklaces. Necklaces have to be the most popular crystal jewelry you can find. I highly recommend the crystal pendants that are sold on Etsy.

Crystal pendants are easy to use because you just have to wear them. It's pretty simple to benefit from these crystals when all you have to do is put it over your head and wear it all day. Plus you get lots of compliments and others who like crystals will comment on it as well. You can make new friends this way.

Crystal Animal Totems

You can also find crystals in the form of carved animals. These are really fun to work with, because it gives more life to the crystal. You can look into the eyes of the animal and really feel like you have a little friend with you. You can talk to the animal as well.

They are also very beautiful and fun to show around. They really add a lot to your personal collection. I got my very first carved crystal animal last year and I'm very happy with it. If you are looking for a little crystal friend, you may want to search for a carved crystal animal.

Worry Stones

Worry stones are great for those who fidget and worry a lot. As the name states, a worry stone is used to get rid of your worries. There is a small indention on the stone. You hold the stone between your index finger and thumb, placing your thumb on the indention. Your thumb will naturally fit there. Then you rub your thumb over the stone.

These stones work by using something called reflexology. There are certain pressure points on our hands that can relieve problems. The pressure point to relieve worry is right there on the thumb, the part that is rubbed on the stone. If you feel you could benefit from a worry stone, I highly suggest getting one.

Tumbled/Rough Stones

A great way to use crystals is to just use them by themselves, in either tumbled or rough form. Crystals can be carried in your pocket, held in your hands, placed on various parts of the body, etc. You can even use these to make your own crystal necklaces. The crystal necklace will have more meaning since you are the one who made it.

You can buy variety packs of tumbled stones where you get many different types of stones for one bulk price. This is great for those who are looking to start a crystal collection on a budget. These can be found on Ebay or Etsy if you type in "bulk" or "wholesale" crystals.

Carved Shapes

You can find crystals in various carved shapes. I have my own rose quartz in the shape of a heart. You can find pyramids, stars, and other geometrical shapes. If you have a certain shape in mind that gives you meaning, then this may be something you consider adding to your crystal collection.

The shapes definitely add something special to the stone.

Crystal Balls

Crystal balls are so well-known, even by people who are not interested in crystals. Crystal balls are usually linked to psychics and card readers. You can find large crystal balls, but you can also find small ones that fit in your hand. I have a crystal ball that is tiny that fits right in my palm.

You probably remember a movie where a psychic is looking into a crystal ball like it's showing them the future. This is actually called scrying and some people do practice it. Light colored or clear crystal balls tend to be better for scrying, but you could use any crystal ball.

Crystal Wands

If you've ever heard of reiki or crystal healing, then you may know something about crystal wands. They are typically used in energy healing for directing energy. The wand shape helps a person pinpoint energy to one area of the body as they are clearing the aura.

These can be held in your hand and placed on various parts of the body to add or remove energy. Selenite wands are extremely popular, as selenite is a very good crystal for energy healing.


Geodes are pretty cool because they look like regular stones on the outside, but on the inside a crystal has formed. You would never know that pretty crystal was inside if you didn't break open the geode. Many shops have "break your own" geodes where you can buy it unbroken and take it home and break it yourself. This is a great project for kids because they will love seeing the beautiful stones inside the geodes.

Crystal Towers

Crystal towers can be used for display or they can be used as a center piece for a crystal grid. These are tall crystal towers that have a point at the top and a flat bottom. So if you were to place them on a table they would sit flat on the table with the crystal point pointing upward.

As I said, these are great for use in crystal grids where you surround the crystal tower with smaller crystals. These pieces are usually 8 to 12 inches tall, so they can be quite heavy and costly. I have found some for as low as $20 at a local crystal shop.

Crystal Cathedrals

These are the big mamas. Crystal cathedrals are usually made of amethyst. They are these huge hollowed out crystals where the outside just looks like regular stone but the inside is all this pretty crystal. They are typically a few hundred bucks (yikes) and you will definitely need help bringing it home and setting it up. They are heavy duty.

Picking Out Your Crystals

If you are getting ready to buy some crystals, you will want to look at what kind of benefits you want to get from the crystals. Then look up crystals that match those benefits. If I am trying to increase my dreaming, I would look up "crystals for dreaming."

Besides looking up the benefits of a stone, you will want to feel the stone. Hold it in your hands and see how it feels to you. You will usually know when a crystal wants to come home with you and be a part of your life. You can just feel it, so always take a moment and try to connect with your stone before purchasing it. Don't worry about looking stupid. People do this all the time in crystal shops. It's how we shop for crystals!

If you are purchasing online, you have that added barrier of not being able to pick up the stone before buying it. You just have to trust your gut and know what's right. There are many amazing stones that can be bought online. Sometimes that is your only choice, because crystal shops don't exist everywhere. Many people have to order online.

Meditating With Crystals

I personally speak a lot about meditation on this blog. That is because I know firsthand the benefits of meditation and I want to promote it to others. I think everyone can benefit from meditation.

Meditation increases the benefits of the crystals as well. You can use the two together to get an amazing effect. The way people typically do this is they hold the crystals in their hands and meditate or they will lie down and place the crystals on different areas of the body.

Using music during your meditations can also give an added effect of calming you down and helping you reach a nice state of relaxation. If you have never meditated before, I highly encourage it.

Cleansing Your Crystals

Every so often, your crystals will feel like they just aren't working as well as they did when you first started using them. If you notice this, it's time to cleanse your crystals.

Crystals do so much work that they tend to get bogged down. And since crystals come from nature, they tend to regenerate their energy in nature as well. So we use the Sun, Moon, and ground to cleanse our crystals.

I like to place crystals out in direct sunlight for about 5 or 10 minutes. If the sunlight is shining directly on the crystals, that is all that's needed. Try not to leave crystals out in the sun for too long because it can fade the color on some crystals.

Some people love to use the full Moon to cleanse their crystals. They typically place the crystals outside all night during the full Moon.

Some people will also bury their crystals in order to use the earth energy. I personally don't do this because it would make the crystal dirty and there are some crystals you aren't allowed to clean with water. So I just don't mess around with that.

You will notice your crystals working as good as new once you do these things.


Crystals are amazing and easy to use. It doesn't have to be complicated. Let your senses guide you on how best to use your crystals. I hope this post teaches you something and also inspires you to go out and get more crystals. After all, we can never have too many crystals.

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