Friday, July 5, 2019

Pick A Card Reading: General Advice

Today's Pick A Card reading is about general life advice. Take a look at the photo and pick the stack that calls to you. Then scroll down for the reading.

Stack 1

It's time to consider saving a little money if you can. You never know when you may need it. Try to cut out excessive spending or try to find ways to earn extra money on the side that you can put back. Having a savings "just in case" is very responsible and handy. Reassess your relationship with money and practice gratitude so that you can be rewarded with more.

Something from your past is resurfacing or is about to resurface in your life. This would be a positive thing from the past, not a negative thing. Perhaps you are seeing family that you haven't seen in many years, reconnecting with childhood friends, or a former lover is coming back into the picture. Whatever the case may be, the cards say this is not a negative thing. It's a positive feeling of nostalgia and remembering good times.

Stack 2

It's time to stop dreaming and start planning. If there was something you've been thinking about doing, but have not acted on it, make a plan of action now. Ask yourself what steps you can take to get to where you want to go. It's important to take time in planning before making any moves so that things go smoothly.

The cards indicate that it won't be easy to make it to your goals. You will have to work for what you want. But anything worth having takes time and effort. With each test you become stronger and wiser and a better person. You can do this.

Stack 3

You are in a bit of a dark place right now. You may feel trapped or feel like you can't do anything to change your current circumstances. This is a time of hopelessness for you. Your thoughts are perpetuating your reality by making you feel even more upset about your circumstances.

This may be causing some conflicts between you and other people in your life. Take a moment to write down everything you are grateful for, no matter how small, each day. Do your best to be positive. You can take yourself out of this situation. It may seem like all hope is lost, but it's not. Just don't give up. Things can and will turn around if you believe and try.

Stack 4

You may have recently suffered a loss, or been betrayed by a loved one. It hurts right now, like a deep wound. These things are a part of life, and good times will come back. Just be patient.

The cards say a new opportunity is right around the corner. You may even already be seeing signs of everything turning around. You may experience a new job, new relationship, or just a positive change in your current situation. It's already coming to you.

Stack 5

Right now, you are working hard toward achieving what you want in life. You are taking action and all the necessary steps to get things done. This is a big goal that you are trying to get to. Know that your hard work will pay off.

A new love relationship is coming to you soon. Be on the lookout for that. This will really turn your life upside down in a good way.

Stack 6

You are working alongside others for a purpose or to complete a goal. This could be anyone: friends, family, coworkers, teammates. Whatever the case is, the cards are saying there is a positive collaboration taking place. This card points to success.

You will go on to work even more on improving yourself and your skills. This could be about school or work. Maybe you are heading back to school or getting an internship. Your success is coming, but the cards say you will be working for a while, completing tasks and getting experience.

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