Friday, June 28, 2019

Life Purpose Of A Lightworker

I hear so many people say they don't know their life purpose, or they wish they knew why they were on Earth.

Many of us Lightworkers feel a huge sense of purpose on Earth, but at the same time we often don't know exactly what that purpose is. I want to go into detail about what I believe our life purpose is as Lightworkers.

What Is A Lightworker?

A Lightworker is simply a person who anchors light energy into this dimension. Their auras seem to glow bright and strong. They often have spiritual abilities that are hard to explain. Many of them knew they were different as a child, and questioned life at a very young age.

If this sounds like you, then you are probably a Lightworker. I'm personally not too fond of these labels, as some people hold onto them and use them to make themselves feel better than everyone else. Let's try not to do that. Thinking you are above others is completely against what being a Lightworker is all about. Not to preach at you or anything, but I just see that so much in spiritual communities.

Getting back to the purpose of this article: The life purpose of Lightworkers.

Lightworkers' Life Purpose

You are here to be an anchor of light. Our auras hold consciousness and we are able to bring a lot of that into Earth with us.

Once you start to awaken spiritually, your light increases. The more you meditate and work on yourself, the more light you will anchor here.

What Does It Mean To Be An Anchor Of Light?

An anchor of light will have a higher vibration than others. Negative thoughts and emotions cause low vibrations. Positive thoughts and emotions cause high vibrations. That's why it's important for you to work on yourself and your past if you want to be the best Lightworker that you can be.

This means forgiving those that have hurt you and letting go of the past. Trying not to judge yourself or have regrets for things that happened in your life. Try to release any anger, hatred, or envy that you hold onto. All of these things are pretty hard to do and you may find that you are constantly having to work on yourself.

One of the best ways to increase your light is to feel gratitude. We should always humble ourselves and be thankful for the smallest things in life. If you really think about it, you have so much to be thankful for. Even if your life is "bad" in your view, you still have so many things to be thankful for. Once you realize this, your vibration will increase on a massive scale.

I always say to take the first few moments of your day right after you wake up to lay in bed and just think of a few things that you are thankful for in your life. Truly feel grateful for these things.

I hope this article has helped someone out there.

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