Monday, June 24, 2019

Crystals For Energy

In this post, we will be discussing crystals for energy. These are crystals that can increase the energy in your aura, but they also increase your physical energy as well.

The list of crystals that can be used to increase energy is rather long. These crystals are:

These crystals increase energy in a variety of ways. They all have unique properties and are useful for different situations. I will do my best to explain how each of these crystals can be used, so that you know which ones are right for you.

Quartz point, clear quartz and rutilated quartz are used to amplify all energy around them. They can amplify your energy or other crystal's energy. They are great for increasing other crystal's properties when used together.

Tourmalinated quartz increases your energy by getting rid of negative energy. If you have negative energy in your aura that is blocking the flow of energy throughout your body, tourmalinated quartz can get rid of that energy. Once that energy is gone, you will have better energy flow which will give you more energy than what you had before. Therefore, tourmalinated quartz should be used by those who are plagued with negative energy and chakra blockages.

Kyanite, both blue and black, increases the energy by clearing and aligning all chakras. It also clears out negative energy, so it works very similar to tourmalinated quartz. You can even use kyanite to cleanse other crystals so that they function better.

Red tigereye, carnelian, ruby, garnet, goldstone and jasper stones work on the lower chakras. The lower chakras are known as an energy storage area. Any time you work on those chakras, you increase the energy in your body and aura. These crystals will help to unblock the lower chakras so that you can store more energy there.

Citrine is for your solar plexus chakra. This can be an area of intense bright energy as well, if it is taken care of. Citrine can help you clear the solar plexus so that you can bring more energy into your body.

All of these stones help to increase the energy that flows through your chakra energy system. They all have their own unique ways of doing so, but all achieve the results of better energy flow.

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