Saturday, June 22, 2019

How To Open Your Third Eye

In this post, I want to talk about opening the third eye. I hope this article is helpful to anyone who wants to open their third eye and work with it.

What Is Your Third Eye?

Your third eye is a chakra located in the middle of the forehead, in the brow area. It is often called the brow chakra.

Chakras are energy centers in our bodies that allow energy to flow through. Each chakra has a different meaning and purpose in our body.

The third eye chakra's purpose is to give us a sixth sense. This is our ability to see visions and feel things that we wouldn't normally be able to perceive.

Our third eye chakras help us with intuition, dreams, and visions. Sometimes this chakra can get blocked. If your third eye is blocked, you may not have access to many of these extra senses.

Benefits Of Opening Your Third Eye

The benefits of opening your third eye are increases in psychic experiences. You will experience increased intuition, more visions, more dreams and even lucid dreams. You will have more awareness overall.

You may start to feel other people's emotions or know what someone is thinking without them saying it. You may also know someone's past. You could also sense if someone is a good or bad person simply by looking at them. You might find that you have the ability to read people and their intentions.

How To Open Your Third Eye

The best way to open the third eye is through various forms of meditation. I am going to explain some of the different meditations you can do to open this chakra.

The first meditation is one where all you do is sit in silence and stare into a flame. The best way to do this is to light a candle, place it on a safe surface (don't have anything around the candle). Now sit and stare into the candle flame.

If you notice your vision starting to unfocus a bit, that is fine. You may start to see visions and different things while doing this.

Another meditation to open your third eye is one where you are chanting "Om." If you have never chanted, it may be best to find an "Om Meditation" on Youtube or online to assist you. You can chant along with someone who is trained and knows how to chant.

How To Exercise Your Third Eye

Once your third eye is open, the work isn't done. It has just begun, in fact. Now you need to exercise your third eye.

Guided meditations help with exercising the third eye, because they force you to use your third eye. If you want to run a marathon, you practice running every day. Likewise if you want to keep your third eye open, you exercise it every day.

Guided meditations are meditations where a speaker is telling you to visualize a number of things. They may tell you to visualize yourself in a field or on a seashore. You are walking and going across stepping stones or down stairs.

You have to use your third eye to visualize all of these things. In doing so, you make your third eye stronger. If you do this every day, your third eye will be open all of the time and it will be strong.

What Results Can You Expect?

With an open third eye, you will have an increase in all of your psychic abilities. You will experience many synchronicities. You will experience telepathy with those around you. You will become empathic. You will dream prophetic dreams or very meaningful and vivid dreams.

Each person's gifts are unique, so what you experience will be different according to your soul mission and what you are meant to do.

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