Saturday, January 26, 2019

5 Habits That Kill Your Crystal Meditations

In this post I want to talk about 5 habits that kill your crystal meditations and what you can do to fix them. Most people do these 5 things. It's easy to get back on track and have good productive meditations.

Not Charging Crystals

You're not properly charging your crystals. This can make them feel lack-luster. You know it's time to charge your crystals when you pick one up and don't really feel much from it. Especially if it's a crystal that you normally would feel plenty of energy from.

There are many ways to charge crystals. My favorite way is to use the Sun. Place your crystals in sunlight. I've found that as little as 30 minutes is enough as long as the sunlight is strong that day. This is just enough to get your crystals feeling right and get your meditations back on track.

Cluttered Room

A cluttered room can cause a multitude of problems for your meditations. Clutter tends to cause stagnant energy in a room. And where there is stagnation, not-so-good things lurk. It's best to keep things organized and clean, and to move furniture around every so often. If you feel your room is a bit stuffy, then you know it's time to de-clutter.


You need protection when you meditate. Some crystals do provide protection, such as black tourmaline and obsidian, but you should also be smudging your meditation room at least once a month. This will give you a good feeling and keep your meditations light.

Alternatively, you can use a Himalayan salt lamp. Himalayan salt lamps purify the air and keep the air clean. I have one of my own and it definitely helps me.

Noisy House

Noise and distractions can ruin anyone's meditation time. If you normally listen to meditation music, limit distractions by using headphones to listen to your music. That way, you won't hear anything but the meditation music and it will actually enhance your meditations.

If you meditate without sound/music then it's best to escape the noise by going out in nature. Go meditate by a stream or in the middle of the woods where you know no one is going to be loud and noisy. Meditation in nature actually has even more benefits so this is a good thing to do anyway. There is so much life out in nature and so much fresh oxygen that you just don't get enough of when you're in a stuffy home.

Too Busy

Lastly, you can really kill your crystal meditations by not making time for it. I recommend meditating at least once per day if you are serious about it. I admit, I often fall short of this. I do get pretty busy some days, and sometimes I'm just lazy. But you know what? When I do meditate, I notice I feel so much better afterwards. I feel lighter, I feel less pain in my body, I feel more positive. Just remember how good meditation makes you feel and it will help motivate you to do it more often.

I hope you enjoyed these tips for how to improve your crystal meditations.

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