Monday, June 17, 2019

4 Mistakes You Make With Your Crystals

Mistakes? Yes, mistakes can be made when you are playing with crystals. It may seem very straight forward to mess around with a rock, but there are some things you need to avoid and I'll tell you what those are.

Sun Bathing

There are many stones that you can place in the Sun in order to charge them. But, there are some crystals that can't be placed in the Sun for very long.

These crystals will start to fade and lose their color over time if you leave them out in the Sun for hours and hours. You don't want the pretty color of your stones to fade away.

Some crystals that will start to fade when left out in the Sun are amethyst, ametrine, citrine, fluorite, opal, aquamarine, quartz, sapphire, rose quartz, smoky quartz.

Note: Quartz is a clear stone, so it doesn't actually fade, but it may break if you leave it out in the Sun too much so I put it in the list of stones.

A good rule is to only have limited Sun exposure for your crystals in order to keep them safe. One to Two minutes out in the Sun is enough to charge a crystal anyway.

Storing Them Wrong

Crystal storage is actually important. The way you store your crystals could cause them to break, chip, or become rough. Certain crystals should be separated from others to keep them safe.

If you want to learn more about how to store your crystals the right way, read this article.

Watering Your Crystals

Be very careful about getting your crystals wet. You may think your crystal wants a bath, but you might be placing a crystal in water that isn't actually supposed to get wet.

Some crystals are softer than others and will start to break down when placed in water. You may not see this happening before your eyes, but just be careful.

As a rule of thumb, I usually just keep all of my stones out of water just to be safe.

Using The Wrong Crystal

Different crystals have different vibrations. That means each crystal has different properties and will give you different benefits. If you have a goal in mind, you should be using the crystals that align with that goal. Otherwise, you may end up dreaming a whole lot when you only meant to ground yourself.

Looking up the meanings of different crystals will help you know which crystal is right for you right now.

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