Wednesday, June 26, 2019

How To Clear Negative Entities From Your Home With Sea Salt

Any of us who are sensitive to energy and awakening spiritually will have an issue with negative entities at some point.

Sea salt is a very good cleanser. If you have issues with negative entities or negative energy, you can use sea salt to help get rid of them. In this post I want to explain step by step how you can remove negative entities from your home and your aura with a simple ingredient: Sea salt.

How Do You Know If You Have Negative Entities?

Some of us can feel energy so we can feel these things. You may feel scared for no reason, especially in the dark. You may feel like someone is watching you. And don't freak out, but if you get this strong feeling it means they are.

You may also get bad dreams or bad visions as you are falling asleep at night. These dreams will be different from your typical bad dreams. They will be extra gruesome, extra gory, and they will invoke strong negative feelings.

Sometimes you may even see shadows at night that are moving.

If you have any of these problems, chances are you are dealing with a negative entity infestation in your home.

How To Cleanse With Sea Salt

You can do this one of two ways. You can place small dishes of sea salt in every corner, or you can just throw a pinch of sea salt in each corner.

It has to be sea salt, not iodized salt. You can use Himalayan pink salt as well.

Before you begin, say a prayer to whatever higher power you believe in. I'm not going to tell you what religion you should believe in or who to pray to. That is up to the individual reading this article. This is about you being comfortable, so go with your own beliefs.

As you are praying, let them know what you are about to do (cleanse your home) and ask for their help with it.

Start at the back of the house and work your way towards the front door. Place salt in each corner of the room and at the door facings. The last place you will cleanse is your front door.

As an added tip, you can tell the entities to leave and "get out" as you are placing the salt.

Once you are done with the front door, say another prayer of thanks for helping you get rid of these entities.

Salt Bath

Once you are done with that, it's a good time to cleanse your own aura. Draw a bath of warm water (not too hot) and put a cup of sea salt or epsom salt into the water.

Soak in the warm salt bath for at least 20 minutes. The salt will cleanse your aura of any negative energy that might be there. Trust me, you will feel amazing when you are done.

If you need to, you can take a salt bath a few times per week just to keep your aura nice and fresh.

Extra Tips

It's important that you don't panic and don't let them intimidate you. They will do their best. Stand in your strength. Let them know you aren't backing down and that you will win this. Picture them like a bully in middle school that won't leave you alone. Sometimes you have to stand up to the bully before they finally respect you and back down.

Make sure you feel strong in yourself and believe in yourself and your abilities. You can do this.

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