Friday, February 8, 2019

Rose Quartz Properties

It is the month of February, and today I'm going to talk about the crystal of love: Rose quartz. Rose quartz is a light pink colored crystal which is usually see-through. This crystal has many properties is known to represent all things involving love and the heart.

Rose Quartz properties include:

  • Romance
  • Mending a broken heart
  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Emotional healing

Closed Heart

The heart is a powerful place. It tends to close down when we are angry, hurt, or resentful. Have you ever felt a heavy feeling in your chest when someone you loved broke your heart? That is the feeling of your heart closing. It's an awful and painful feeling. That is because we are meant to live our lives with open hearts.

To keep your heart open, you need to love like a child. A child is easy to forgive and quick to love others. This is how you keep a healthy heart.

Rose Quartz Opens Hearts

Rose quartz can help you with this as well. Rose quartz represents unconditional love. It can refer to loving yourself or loving others.

Rose quartz properties also include helping you gain new friendships and love interests. The way it works is that rose quartz opens your heart again, so this attracts new love into your life. If you have recently had a breakup or cannot seem to get over someone, rose quartz is the stone to try.

Healing A Broken Heart With Rose Quartz

Rose quartz helps in mending broken hearts. It helps us to forgive the past so that we can look forward to the future. Have you ever heard that you need to let go of the past in order to make way for something new in life? That's what rose quartz helps you do.

If your heart has been closed off for some time, you should try wearing a rose quartz pendant right over your heart. Wearing a rose quartz pendant near the center of your chest at all times is a very good way to receive the benefits of this stone. You can also meditate with a rose quartz placed on your chest or in your hands.

Remember that the world is actually full of love even if it looks dark at times. You just have to know where to look.

Find time to care for yourself, but also teach yourself how to love others and let others in again. Making sure that you are loving others in a healthy and unconditional way is important after being hurt. It's so easy to do to others what has been done to you. But you have to rise above the abuse and pain you went through.

Rose Quartz Tips

A rose quartz crystal that has been carved into the shape of a heart is especially effective at healing a broken heart and attracting new love into your life. These are often called rose quartz puffy hearts.

Rose quartz represents femininity and motherhood.

Fear is a main reason for the heart chakra to close off, and rose quartz gets rid of fear. After we are hurt by someone, we are often fearful that it could happen again, so our body will prevent us from connecting with another person in order to prevent future pain. But this also prevents future love, because we are so closed off. Remember that not everyone will be like the people from your past. There are still good people out there that can love you.

Rose quartz is a very important stones for relationships, keeping the bond between two people strong over the years. Oftentimes people will break up or divorce because over time they feel like they have drifted apart. They did not keep the bond with each other, and it faded over time. It takes work and effort to keep the bond. Rose quartz can help with this.

Rose quartz also represents physical beauty and anti-aging. This stone can literally make you more beautiful.

Rose quartz works to clear the body of any negative emotions it may be holding onto. Negative emotions are often at the root of a lot of our problems. We don't let these emotions go as we should. They have to be cleared, because holding onto them only hurts you-not the other person.

I hope you enjoyed these rose quartz properties. To check out other crystal properties, meanings, and uses, you can check out this page.

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