Sunday, October 6, 2019

Crystals For Spirit Guide Contact

If you've ever wanted to talk to your guides, you'll notice how hard it can be to get in touch with them. Your guides are always with you. You are never alone, but at times it can be hard to hear them speak to you. There are some crystals you can use to give you a little boost in communication with guides, angels, and spirits. In this post we will go over which crystals you can use for that purpose.


Amethyst is a purple stone which helps to open the crown chakra. The crown chakra is your connection to the universe and other realms. Opening your crown chakra can help with channeling energy from other realms, and even messages from those who wish to speak to you.

Celestite And Angelite

Both celestite and angelite are great stones to help you contact your guides and angels. As you can tell from their names, they attract celestial and angelic energies. Both stones are the color blue which correlates with communication. You can use these stones to help you receive messages and guidance from your guardian angels.


Moldavite has a very strong vibration. It activates your spiritual abilities and helps you with development. This spiritual development is important for helping you communicate with your guides. Opening up your gifts is needed for the communication to come thru clearly and easily. Moldavite will raise your vibration and help you with this.

Daily Meditation

If you really want to develop the ability to talk with your guides and angels, it's important for you to learn to meditate daily. Practicing meditation daily allows for messages to come through more easily. When you are in a calm and meditative state of mind, the mind can receive messages better than if you are active and thinking all the time. Make time to slow down and give yourself a chance to receive energy and guidance.


Always remember to protect yourself when trying to communicate. You don't want to call on anything negative or evil. Use these protection tips to help keep your aura and space clean.

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