Saturday, July 27, 2019

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

If you are an empath, then you understand it can be so hard sometimes just to exist. In this post, I will be discussing how you can protect yourself as an empath.

Protection Bubble

There is a visualization meditation that you can do every day which is very effective. You can visualize a protective bubble around your body which will block all negative energy from reaching you.

Do this by closing your eyes and calming down your mind. Then start to visualize a bubble that is all around your body. It would be in an oval shape at the edge of your aura. You can make it any color, but I suggest blue, iridescent, or white. Those are my favorite protection colors to use.

Anything you visualize becomes real to you. If it's an energy, then it manifests immediately. That's why this meditation works so well. Once you start to see the bubble around you, the energy forms and it becomes a barrier of protection.


Meditation in general is a great way to raise your vibration, cleanse your aura, and dissolve negative energy that may be around you. You should meditate every day for at least 20 minutes for best results.

Holding onto crystals while meditating will be even more effective. The best protection crystals are black tourmaline, tourmalinated quartz, or shungite. Holding these crystals in your hand will draw the negative energy out of your body and into the crystal.

You can even wear these crystals as necklaces or other jewelry to help bring that protection energy with you when you are around others.


Smudging is a great way to clear a space of negative energy and protect yourself. The best items to use for smudging are palo santo and sage. You can purchase these items at gem shops or online.

If you want the best potency, don't just use the incense. Go for bundles or dried white sage. I feel that white sage gives the best vibrations compared to the other types of sage. This is from my own personal experience.

Sea Salt

Sea salt is a great tool for cleansing your body and your home from negative energy. Taking a salt bath is great for cleansing your whole aura. If you are interested in using salt for cleansing, I have written further information about that here.

I hope these empath protection tips help you out.

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