Sunday, July 21, 2019

Do Subliminals Work?

So today I'm going to talk a little bit about subliminals and how you can use them to enhance the law of attraction.

What Causes The Law Of Attraction To Fail?

Actually, it could be a few things that cause you to fail with the law of attraction and I'll write more about that later, but right now I want to focus on limiting beliefs.

We all have limiting beliefs. These are subconscious beliefs that we can't have or do a certain thing. These beliefs are usually learned throughout our lifetime, and especially in childhood. If you grew up poor, you may have a limiting belief that you can't have lots of money for example.

These limiting beliefs will sabotage any efforts you make with manifestation. You can try and try to manifest something, but if your core beliefs are limiting you, it will stop you every single time. This is a very hard pattern to come out of.

But there is a solution.

I spoke about affirmations before, and they are a solution to changing your beliefs but they may not work for everyone.

You see, there are certain people that are not easily manipulated or hypnotized. Those people would find it hard to use affirmations because there is a barrier there. We have to find a way to get past that. And that's where subliminals come along.

What Are Subliminals?

Subliminals are audio or visuals that are just below our perception level. So you wouldn't necessarily hear or see it. The audio is too low to consciously notice, and the images flash so quickly that you don't even see it. But your brain still perceives it on a subconscious level.

Now I'm not going to get too far into the science because I am definitely not a scientist, but I have read about subliminals and used them myself.

They have the ability to change the way you think. You can use subliminals to make positive changes to your life and get rid of negative beliefs that are holding you back from the things you want.

Are Subliminals Safe?

Well, they can be safe or unsafe depending on the content of the subliminal. You have to trust the creator of the subliminal.

There are a lot of audio subliminal recordings available online for free on Youtube. But it's best to be very careful of who you trust, as some of these people that upload this content may not be trustworthy. You really don't know what's in a subliminal.

I ran into this issue myself. I don't remember the channel name, but I remember it was a big thing where people were experiencing demonic things and very deranged thought patterns after listening to the subliminals on that channel. Then some other people came out and exposed them for having hidden evil messages. All I'm saying is these things do happen.

The best thing you can do is look at all the content and try to feel out the vibe of the channel. Is there any questionable content on the channel? Are there many comments from people that experienced bad things after listening? Then take precautions.

Another option is to actually buy subliminal audios from a reputable company. When you pay for something, the person selling it is much more likely to give you a good quality product that isn't full of some weird, evil stuff. So keep that in mind as an option.

Plus, if you are buying the subliminal, you can ask them to customize messages just for you so you can be as specific as you need to be.

Do I Recommend Subliminals?

I most certainly encourage you to use them if you are trying to manifest things but keep running into a brick wall. It can help you get over your disbelief and get you to a place where you are able to manifest the things you want better.

Keep in mind that it takes discipline. You have to listen to subliminals day after day, several times per day. This is not a quick fix. It can take a few months for results to start to show up.

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