Saturday, October 5, 2019

How To Know You've Met A Twin Flame Online

Many articles talk mostly about signs that you've met your twin flame in person, but how do you know you've met when you are only talking online?

You can call them twin flames, twin souls, soulmates.. Whatever terminology you like to use, in this article I will explain how to know if you have met one online.


While you are messaging each other back and forth during a conversation, you will feel lots of energy coursing through you. You may have been relaxing before, but now you feel like you could jump up and run around the house or run a marathon. This is a because your energies are mingling and it's causing you to have more energy than what you had before.

It's kind of a jittery feeling, like you've just had a jolt of energy and now you are ready to do anything. It's not a subtle feeling at all and you will know if you are feeling it or not.


If you feel an energy right before they message you, this is probably a twin flame. You can feel this little buzzing feeling letting you know this person is about to send a message. Then, you look at your phone or email and see that it's true and they did just send a message. It happens literally right before they send the message.

Thinking About You

You feel energy when they are thinking about you. It's a buzzing feeling all over your body, or in the main areas of your body. This is a different feeling than the one you get when they message you. It's a stronger more constant buzz that can last a long while (however long they are thinking about you.)


If it's been a while since the two of you have talked, you will get more and more synchronicities that are reminding you of this person. The universe is trying to push you to think about them so that you will message them. You may hear a song that the two of you talked about before, or you may see an inside joke between the two of you, or you may see their name.

Number synchronicities, such as 11:11, are not always specific to that person unless you see the number paired with their name or some other symbol of them. Most all spiritual people, regardless of whether they have met a twin flame or not, will see those repeat numbers. So that is not necessarily a sign from your twin flame.


You have curious dreams about this person, even though you have never met in person before. You may be with them in another time or place. You may even look different, but you recognize the energy of that person. The dreams could also be modern style. You may have a lucid dream where you realize you are dreaming and realize what is going on, or you can sense and feel things within the dream. All are possibilities.


For those who have an open third eye, you may get visions of this person. When you are laying down to fall asleep, their face may flash in your third eye. If you are thinking of them with your eyes closed, you may get visions of them or the two of you. You may even see your past lives together. If you have had past lives with them, it is a sure fire soul connection because that's exactly what a soul connection is.

Other Signs

You may have other signs as well, but these are the main ones that I can think of at the moment. I want to stress that you shouldn't fixate on anyone and obsess about anyone. I know it's hard not to get excited or attached when you feel like you have met a soul connection, but you never have any guarantee of how long they will be in your life.

A soul connection always has a purpose in your life. It could be that they are only there for 1 hour, 1 day, or 9 months, or even the rest of your life (super rare). Each and every soul connection is here to help you learn and experience something that you were meant to do. It will only hurt you to hold onto someone who is meant to move on from your life. So enjoy them while they are here, learn the lessons, have the experiences, and if they are choosing to leave then you must let them have their free will.

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