Friday, October 4, 2019

The Different Types of Soul Connections

If you've been a part of a spiritual group for any length of time, I'm sure you've heard of soul connections or twin flames. This post will be discussing the types of soul connections, signs you have met your twin flame, and what all of this means.

What Is A Soul Connection?

A soul connection is a deep, instant connection between two people. The word instant is in italics because this is important. Any two souls can form a bond over time spent together. That is a completely different thing than a soul connection. With a soul connection, you feel it the moment you meet. Usually it's the eye contact that really begins everything.

These connections exist without you having to do anything because they are pre-existing connections from other lifetimes. When you have this type of connection with someone, you have spent time with them in other lives, in other realms.

Types of Soul Connections

If you want to know how many types of connections there are and what they mean, you'll get a different answer from everyone you ask. Just browse the internet for a moment and you'll see many differing and conflicting opinions on the matter. This can be a little overwhelming for someone who is wanting to learn about twin flames.

Basically, there are two main types of connections: soulmates and twin flames. People make a distinction between soulmates and twin flames. The twin flame is supposed to be your highest connection and the other half of your soul. Soulmates are a secondary (lesser) connection, but a connection none-the-less. This is the most accepted view of soul connections out there. But I'm going to talk about my opinions on these views.

I will say that I know first hand that soul connections 1000% exist, and they are definitely as supernatural as people claim they are. They can be downright freaky with the synchronicities, telepathy, etc. But I won't say that I know for fact that we all have that one special twin flame that is our other half of our soul.

I personally believe we all have a lot of soulmates and the connection with each one will wax and wane, depending on what we are supposed to be experiencing and learning at the time. It is possible that you have spent significantly more lives with one other soul, making them your strongest connection of all. That is very much possible, but you wouldn't know that unless you have regressed and learned about your other lives and the details there. So I would be very cautious in labeling anyone as your "twin flame." You very well may meet someone next year whose connection completely trumps the current one you are labeling twin flame. Then you'll be left confused and probably aggravated with yourself for fixating so much on that one person.

Purpose Of A Soul Connection

So what's the purpose of these connections? Answering that question is like answering "What's the purpose of life?"

The purpose is to grow, experience, and learn. We are here to learn and soul connections help us do that by steering us in the direction of our highest learning. Have you ever moved to a new location because you loved someone and they lived there? Had that love connection not been there, you would have never thought of moving to a new city and having all those new experiences. In the same way, connections drive us to live life and have new experiences that we need for our soul's growth.

They are not always good experiences. Sometimes they are very painful experiences. The specific reasoning is different for everyone. Each of our souls is on a different mission here.

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