Thursday, October 3, 2019

How To Tell If You Are Cursed

The topic of curses is a scary topic for most people. Curses are so common and widespread that it does need to be talked about among spiritual communities. In this post, I will be discussing all about curses, how you can tell if you are cursed, and what you can do to fight back. So let's get started.

What Is A Curse?

A curse is a type of energetic attack placed on a person. It's always someone that you know, or someone who knows you that has placed a curse on you. Another name for a curse is a hex. This attack can cause many bad things to occur in your life.

A curse can last anywhere from less than a day to whole decades of your life. Yes, curses can last for a very long time. It's always sad to hear about someone who has been suffering for years and never really did anything to deserve it.

What Causes A Curse?

A curse can be caused in a few ways. The first way is that someone thinks or feels negative feelings towards you. In many cultures this is called the evil eye. It's usually caused by jealousy, but it can be caused by other negative emotions as well.

When someone thinks about wanting to harm you, or when someone feels angry and spiteful toward you, this sends an energy to you which can attack you. This type of curse is usually not that strong, but it also depends on how much power the person sending the negative thoughts has.

If you know that person has dabbled in witchcraft or is into dark and morbid things, then the curse will be much worse. Those people often have negative entities hanging around them that like them and once the curse energy is sent, those negative entities will participate in making the curse worse.

Another way that you could be cursed is by having or possessing an object that has been cursed. We accumulate things that are not new all the time-from items that have been passed down in the family, to things we found at a second hand shop or garage sale. If you didn't buy something brand new, then you have no idea who owned it before you and what they may have done with the item. It could be cursed. If you purchase a cursed item, then the curse energy will be around you causing problems in your life.

What Are The Signs That You Have Been Cursed?

You will know that you have been cursed because literally everything in life starts to go wrong. All aspects of your life will suffer. Your money/job, relationships, friendships, and health will all be spiraling out of control.

You may experience a wide range of things. A few examples are your car breaks down, your girlfriend/boyfriend breaks up with you, you get fired from your job or no one wants to hire you, your friends start ignoring you, random people are rude to you, you get in a car accident. The list goes on.

You will know that you were cursed because it's not just one thing that goes wrong. It's normal to occasionally have bad things happen in life. Everyone experiences that from time to time. But life is supposed to be a mixture of good, bad, and in between. If you are experiencing bad thing after bad thing for a long period of time, then you know it was a curse that caused it.

What Makes A Curse Worse?

A curse can be made much worse if you have out of control negative emotions. Things like anxiety, depression, anger issues, and ungratefulness are all feelings that can make the curse energy more powerful.

I know it's hard to have positive feelings in a time when you are being attacked and everything is wrong. Most people will feel very sad and down on their luck if they are cursed, and those feelings will feed the energy and make it worse.

How To Get Rid Of A Curse

There are a few things you can do to get rid of a curse. I have actually written a few articles about cleansing your aura and your home of negative energies. I will link those articles below, but I'll give you a few tips here as well.

If you feel that you have been cursed, the first thing to do is to use the tips above to cleanse your home of negative entities. Shew them right out the door. Let them know they are not welcome.

Then you need to cleanse your body and aura. I love to use epsom salt baths for cleansing my aura and body. Place 2 cups of epsom salt in a warm bath and stay in there for at least 20 minutes. Light a white candle for protection.

The next thing you should do is remove the source of the curse from your life. If you know a person placed a curse on you, then you must meditate and visualize yourself cutting the cords between you so that they can no longer reach your energy. Revoke their access to you and your energy.

If you don't know who it is specifically, then do the same meditation but imagine yourself cutting all unhealthy cords that are no longer needed. (Note: You don't want to cut good cords to people that you love at this time, so be careful. Only intend to cut bad cords.)

If it was an object that caused the curse, such as a doll, some playing cards, or a crystal, then you should get rid of the item. Throw it away, burn it, give it away. Do whatever you have to do to get it far away from you.

The last step is probably the most important one of all. You need to believe that you are protected. Do whatever you have to do to instill that belief inside of you. If you have to pray every day, chant, or carry around a protective crystal, then do those things which make you feel the most protected. Ask yourself what can I do to feel more protected today? Do something each and every day so that you feel a little bit safer and a little more protected.

You may need to repeat steps of this process. It depends on how bad your situation is.

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