Friday, May 24, 2019

How To See A Crystal's Aura

In this post, I will be describing how you can actually see a crystal's aura. Anyone can learn to do this with some practice. All you need is a white background and a crystal. So let's get started.

1. Try doing this in front of a white wall. A white wall provides the best background for seeing auras if you are new to it. In the future, and with enough practice, you will be able to see auras with any background. So your first step is to establish a wall that you can use.

2. Find the crystal you want to use. Any crystal will work. They all have auras. In fact, I suggest getting a few crystals so that you can see the difference between each one.

3. Hold the crystal with your two fingers in front of the white wall.

4. You should not be looking at the crystal. You have to be focusing on the area around the crystal. Your eyes should not focus on the wall behind the crystal either. If you are looking at these physical things, then it will be hard to see any energy.

You are essentially focusing your eyes at looking at the air that surrounds the crystal, without focusing on the crystal. Try to look around the edge of the crystal.

5. At first you may just see a clear barrier around the crystal. If you see that, then it's a good sign that you will be able to see the color soon. It just takes time and practice. That clear barrier is the aura of the crystal, but once you advance, the clear will turn into color.

What Is An Aura?

An aura is the energy field that's around every living thing. All of us have energy systems that flow in and around our bodies all day long. When you see an aura, you are looking at the crystal's unique energy. It can come in a variety of colors.

What Does The Crystal's Aura Mean?

Each aura around a crystal means something different, just like each crystal has a unique meaning and properties. The aura is a reflection of what type of energy that crystal contains.

You can see the color of the energy that the crystal emits, as well as any negative energy the crystal may have picked up. Some crystals absorb negative energy that is around them very quickly. You will notice this with stones like opalite. These crystals will need to be cleansed often, because they can get clogged up with all that negative energy.

Some other crystals will never get bogged down by negative energy and will never need cleansing. Being able to see the aura of the crystal will help you know when and if your crystals need a good cleansing, so it's a very useful skill. Plus it's really fun to look at auras.

When Will I See The Color?

Depending on your abilities, some people will see the aura's color right away. They may not even see clear at first. For some others, it will take a few minutes of trying. You can try other crystals as well. Be sure to give your eyes a rest and try not to strain them while doing this.

You can put the crystals down and try again later if you aren't able to see the color. The more you practice and try, the closer you will be to seeing the color. Eventually, you will see the color straight away.

Soon, with enough practice, you won't even need the white background. And later on, once you really advance with seeing auras, you will just see them automatically on everyone and everything without even having to try.

Don't get frustrated with yourself. It does take some time to develop these things. Most of us weren't born being told that everything has an aura. Be patient with yourself.

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