Saturday, January 12, 2019

Which Crystal Is For You?

I created this quiz to help you find the right crystal for you. This will let you know what crystal you need to use that will help you along in life. Some questions you may have more than one answer to, but just pick the one that best suits you. As you answer the questions, keep track of your points. Then find out which crystal is yours.

1. In social situations, I'm usually:
A. Hoping no one looks in my direction. (1 point)
B. Chatting and interacting, but putting on a persona/not really engaging or connecting with others. (2 points)
C. Bouncing off the walls/Life of the party. (3 points)
D. Watching others/Very cautious and looking out for myself. (4 points)

2. After dating someone for a year, they suddenly decide to breakup with you thru text without giving much of a reason. You:
A. There's so much I want to say to them, but I keep quiet and hold it in. (1 point)
B. Find a way to blame myself/Fall into a deep depression. (2 points)
C. Fly into a rage/Tell them off (3 points)
D. Wonder if they cheated or did you wrong in some way/Feeling distrustful. (4 points)

3. Your friend has betrayed your trust. You:
A. Let them run over you without really saying how you feel. (1 point)
B. Continue being friends, but never trust them again. (2 points)
C. Tell them exactly how you feel/Let them have it. (3 points)
D. Get rid of the friend. They never had your best interest in mind anyway. (4 points)

4. You are getting ready to date again after a major heartbreak. You:
A. End up dating someone who treats you badly, just like your ex. (1 point)
B. Are very closed to love/Only want casual things. (2 points)
C. Are a social butterfly and date a lot. (3 points)
D. Date, but you're always feeling like that person is going to cheat or do you wrong. (4 points)

5. You are going on a camping trip with family. You:
A. Are kind of scared of camping. (1 point)
B. Dread being in close quarters with everyone. (2 points)
C. You're very excited. (3 points)
D. Are upset that your negative cousin will be there, as she always makes your energy feel low. (4 points)

6. You tend to attract friends that:
A. Run all over me/Boss me around. (1 point)
B. Are superficial and fake. (2 points)
C. Are loud-mouths, just like me. (3 points)
D. Are always negative, or do bad things like stealing from you. (4 points)

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Tally up your points and see which crystal fits you best.

6 to 11 points: I think you would benefit from using tigereye. Tigereye is a stone of courage, confidence, and strength. It can help you with these things are you navigate life.

12 to 15 points: Rose quartz would be beneficial to you. Rose quartz is about being able to love and connect with others, and allowing them to love you and connect to you.

16 to 20 points: You need some calming blue lace agate. It will help being you to a place of inner calmness and keep you from losing your mind.

21 to 24 points: You are in need of the protection of obsidian. Obsidian stone helps you with grounding and protection from others' harmful energies.

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