Monday, January 28, 2019

Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign: Week 1/28/19 to 2/3/19

Here are the crystals that will be most beneficial for each zodiac sign this week. You don't have to use all crystals for a section, just a few of them will be fine. Use the ones you have at the moment.


You'll be experiencing more chances to be social earlier on in the week. Midweek you may have some difficult decisions to make regarding work/goals. You can use  these crystals for decision making: Fluorite and azurite. You may be feeling a bit rebellious, and it may get you in trouble. Quell your temper Aries. Use these crystals to calm down: snow quartz, smoky quartz, ocean jasper, jet, unakite.


You may get a chance to share your ideas and move forward in goals. To give you more confidence, use tigereye, red jasper, and red tigereye. Continue to be open-minded at this time when ideas are presented to you. The end of the week will be hard and there will be some negative emotions to work through. Use green aventurine, yellow quartz, red jasper, dalmation jasper, fuscite, goldstone, blue goldstone, or rhyolite.


New opportunities for experiences are coming your way. To increase this aspect, use tigereye, turquoise, petrified wood. This feels like a time of transition for you. Toward the end of the week, you will need to use some crystals to clear negativity. Use smoky quartz, tourmalinated quartz, obsidian, tigereye, selenite, howlite, peridot.


You may experience some conflict. To smooth over any interactions with others, use these crystals: dalmation jasper, green aventurine, emerald, malachite, goldstone, peridot, rhodonite. These problems won't last for long, so just hold tight.


The doors are opening for new life experiences. Use some lucky crystals to enhance this: tourmalinated quartz, green quartz, jade, pyrite, amazonite, turquoise. Release some tensions and relax more. Use smoky quartz, petrified wood, lepidolite, black tourmaline, green aventurine. You may need to get rid of some negativity if you start butting heads with someone this week. To get rid of negativity, use smoky quartz, obsidian, tigereye.


Give any difficult situation you encounter a few days to work itself out. Listen to others and use your creativity. Stones for creativity include: yellow jasper, sodalite, apatite, magnesite, pyrite and ametrine. You may be looking into some self improvement also. Use some crystals for motivation: red jasper, citrine, mookaite, sunstone, apatite, bronzite, goldstone, blue goldstone, rhyolite.


You may be seeing a new love interest. To increase this aspect use rose quartz, ruby, and rhodochrosite. You may be feeling like you need to spend more time working on your own needs. Use fluorite and pyrite.


You need some crystals to smooth over communication, because you may be clashing with someone right now. Use blue quartz, sodalite, blue lace agate, howlite, aquamarine, prasiolite, amazonite, and blue chalcedony. You need to be open to change at this time. Use green aventurine, dalmation jasper, emerald, goldstone.


Socializing could be the key to bring more happiness and resolve. If you run into a disagreement, just be calm and collected. Use smoky quartz, black tourmaline, blue lace agate, snow quartz, angelite.


You may see improvements in finances. To help you out with ideas, use yellow quartz, carnelian, desert jasper, sodalite, pyrite, goldstone, ametrine. Smooth over disagreements with howlite, emerald, and ocean jasper.


You may be feeling a bit social right now. Use red tigereye, carnelian, turquoise, blue goldstone. You may find that at this time you really just need some clarity. Use quartz, fluorite, amethyst, hematite, serpentine.


Don't say no to socializing right now. It could be a very good thing. Protect yourself at this time from others. Use smoky quartz, jade, garnet, angelite, black kyanite. There is a chance of love later in the week, so use rose quartz, ruby, and rhodochrosite.

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