Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Pick A Crystal: What You Need To Know Right Now About Your Love Life

What do you need to know about your love life right now?

In today's reading we are going to find out about your love life, and what you may need to know/do at this time. Even if you find this reading months after it was posted, it is still relevant to you as "what you should know right now." I hope you enjoy.

Take a look at the following picture of 4 crystals. Pick the crystal that you feel like is calling to you the most.

Pick a crystal:

Group 1: Snow Quartz

If you chose the white crystal in the top left, that is the snow quartz and this reading is for you:

The snow quartz represents luck, prosperity, calmness, meditation, purification, and peace.

The Queen of Spades means quick thinker, intelligence, stern, insightful, organization.

The Jack of Hearts represents falling in love quickly/easily, romantic, social.

The color pink represents romance and femininity.

The Star shape represents hope, wishing, wanting.


You are someone who wants to be in love so much. You may even fall in love too quickly or easily which can lead to heartbreak in the end. You are wishing and hoping for that love to come to you. Since we have the color pink in this reading, I feel that you will have some romance this month. I don't feel like it's "the one" per se, but there will be some romance and sparks going on with you and someone, whether it's texting or calling, and flirting and that sort of stuff.

I feel that you need to have that balance though. You need some of the calmness from the snow quartz to help you center into yourself. You should meditate and maybe even get yourself a snow quartz that will help you with all of this. The snow quartz and meditation can help you be more calm and insightful. It can ground you and help you make clear-minded decisions.

Group 2: Unakite

The greenish colored stone in the top right is called a unakite. If you chose the unakite stone, this reading is for you.

The unakite stone represents emotional healing, love, pregnancy, addiction recovery, stress relief.

The Joker represents potential, endings, beginnings, risk-taking, naivety.

The 8 of Hearts represents emotional detachment, leaving something you care about behind you, decisions.

The Hexagon represents harmony, balance, karma.

The color white represents purity, light, and goodness.


So, it looks like you are either leaving a relationship behind or you should be leaving a relationship behind right now. It shows that this is a karmic thing, setting the balance right in your life and their life. Endings are a part of life and that's okay.

The unakite stone is there to help you heal in this hard time. The white color is also there for healing. Take this time to evaluate the situation. If you are still in it, take stock and ask yourself if it's really right to stay. Hopefully this reading helps you.

Group 3: Tigereye

The tigereye stone is in the bottom left. It's a beautiful brown/golden color.

Tigereye means stress relief, protection, confidence, clearing negativity, success.

The 7 of Clubs means being on the defense, having convictions.

The 8 of Spades means feeling powerless, and being trapped.

The Star represents hope, wishing, wanting.

The color green represents balance, harmony, and growth.


It looks like you are having some kind of conflict in your love life. The conflict could be with yourself or with someone else. You do still have hope, as seen with the star, that things will get better and you should have that hope. Things do always get better. The color green gives you even more hope of balance coming. Right now it doesn't feel fair, but trust that balance is always coming. The bad balances out with the good and so forth.

The tigereye may give you that boost of confidence that you need in order to break free from whatever is holding you down. You need confidence right now. It will help you so much with all of this.

Group 4: Blue Quartz

The blue stone on the bottom right is a blue quartz. If you chose the blue quartz, this reading is for you.

Blue quartz represents organization, responsibility, communication, work.

The King of Spades means deep-thinker, moral, communication, stern.

The 6 of Clubs means achievement, being victorious, accomplishment.

The color black means power, fear, mystery, evil, rebellion, fear.

The heart represents love.

The triangle represents body/mind/spirit, wisdom, truth., strength.


I think it's very interesting that communication came up twice in different places here. That means that communication is pretty big for you right now. You feel a sense of responsibility. Getting the 6 of Clubs means you will achieve the goal you are setting out for.

The color black in this reading means there may be some things hidden that you don't quite know about right now. But it looks like those things are not monumental. Getting the heart and triangle are great signs for your love life.

Through proper communication and responsibility, you will achieve those goals and love will come to you through that. It may be someone who is connected to your workplace, but it doesn't have to be.

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