Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 2019 Zodiac Signs Reading

This is coming out like a week late, but I just got the idea to do a July zodiac sign forecast. Next month it'll come out earlier. But this reading is just like a little heads up for anyone who wants to check out what will be going on with their sun sign.


New ideas are coming your way. You may find a creative way to solve a problem, or come up with a new idea for how to go forward in life. These new ideas are connected with success, so it may have something to do with making money as well. You are encouraged to start a new project at this time.

At the same time, you are wallowing in the disappointment of something else you were working to achieve that didn't turn out the way you wanted. It's time to let go of the past and make room for these new ideas to come to life.


You are experiencing some financial setbacks at this time. This may be in the form of just being unhappy with your current state, or actually being in debt.

It's time to get in touch with yourself again. Start to tap into your passions and creativity to bring that spark back in your life. Once you are loving yourself and doing what you love, everything else begins to fall into place again.


New money is coming your way. This could be a new job, or a new business adventure, or someone is just giving you money. Whatever the case, you are getting some money soon.

This is a good month for you. You are experiencing a lot of courage and confidence. You will succeed in socializing and making new friends and connections. You have the determination to see your dreams through to success.


You have some hard decisions to make at this time. You may be a bit withdrawn because of these things weighing on your mind.

You may be going through a breakup and that is the decision you have to make in this month. It's important to get clarity before making any decision. Meditate and go inside yourself or get a trusted friend to help you talk it out.


You are feeling pretty exhausted lately, maybe even to the point of wanting to give up. You have pushed through a lot of hard times and difficulties.

I feel this is related to work. You are overexerting yourself in your work or studies which is leading to burn out. Take a breather, do something you love. Maybe take a weekend and just get away. You need it.


You are making a decision on whether or not to give up on something. This could be a project. It could be a relationship. It could be a problem you've been trying to solve.

There is a huge lack of direction here. You are confused about which way to go. You should trust your intuition and let it guide you through this hard decision.


It may be Cancer season, but you want some alone time. You've been living on the reckless side lately and that can be bad for your health. Take your alone time to regroup and figure yourself out. You need some rest and time to take care of yourself. It may be your birthday, but don't party too much this month.


You feel kind of overwhelmed. You may have overcommitted yourself to some responsibilities and now you are realizing that you can't juggle all of it.

It's time to ask for some help and delegate. You may know of an older woman (perhaps your mother) who can help you with some of the tasks you have taken on.


You are going thru a stage of disappointment. All is not lost, but you have suffered some form of loss. It's time to feel grateful for what you still have, and move forward.

An act of kindness goes a long way in making yourself feel better, so reach out to someone in need and show them love. It can help you feel better and also remind you of how fortunate you actually are, despite the things you have been thru.


You are getting in touch with yourself more and this is leading to a happier life. You have recently accomplished something pretty big, or you will be accomplishing something big soon. You have your family around you to celebrate with, and things are looking up for the future.


You are experiencing delays and setbacks. This can be a frustrating time as you hit walls in the way of trying to accomplish goals or complete tasks.

This could make you scared to take any action at all, for fear that you will hit another wall and have to do it over again. Don't let this fear hold you back. Remember that setbacks in life are temporary. The energy will move forward again at some point.


You are experiencing some conflict and having to pull hard on your self control to keep your cool. This could be inner conflict or conflict with others outside yourself. Take a break from being around others and meditate. Help yourself calm down and think about what's going on. Taking a break from the situation can help release the tension that is there.

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