Thursday, November 14, 2019

How To Do Reiki Healing On Others

This is a how-to guide for giving reiki healing. I'm going to explain how you can give reiki healing to another person, even if you have never done it before. So let's begin.


Before you begin the session, you will want to make sure that you are ready. Meditate for at least 10-20 minutes to help open up your chakras. You can do a guided meditation for the chakras. There are plenty of really good ones online for free. Just listen to the meditation and follow along.

After your meditation, prep your hand chakras. There are small chakras in the palm of each hand. You will want these chakras to be open and for energy to be flowing through them.

Take a small crystal and hold it in your hands at the palms. Let the palms face each other with the crystal in between. Hold it there for some minutes until you feel energy.

You may need to remove the crystal in order to know whether or not you feel energy yet. If you can feel any of the following sensations in your hands, then you are ready:
  • Tingling
  • Pressure
  • Heat/cold
  • Pulsating

Introduce Your Client

Hopefully your client will already know what reiki healing is, but if they don't then give them a brief overview of what it is. You don't want to scare anyone or have them lying there in confusion.

Ask them to lay down and get comfortable. If they are unable to lay down for some reason, then it's okay for them to sit in a chair or do whatever is most comfortable for them.

Call In Help

If you believe in angels, then you may want to speak with your angels for help with the healing. If you believe in prayer, then that is fine too. This is for protection, and to add to the experience.

If you want to burn sage or palo santo, make sure to ask the client first. Some people really do not like the smell of burning sage. Sage and palo santo are highly protective and will be very good tools to use for cleansing a person's aura.

Hand Placement

When you are performing reiki energy healing, I think it's best to keep your hands at a distance. Have at least 3 inches between your hands and the person's skin.

A good way to start is to take your hands and go all over the person's body until you find an area that feels discordant. Then you will want to stay there and send energy until it feels integrated with the rest of the body's energy.

If the person has a known problem area, you can go there and place your hands above the area. Send energy for a long time. You will feel when it is time to move on.

One thing I like to do is sit at the person's crown and feed energy into it. This will help relax them.

Working on the main 7 chakras is also a great way to help someone. Look up a chart of the chakras so that you know where they are. Hold your hands above each one. Move from the root up to the crown.

Always Remember

Reiki healing can be hard on the healer and the person on the receiving end. For the healer, it can be draining and taxing on the body. For the person receiving, it can be overwhelming and hard to integrate the new energies.

There are ways to combat these problems. If you are a reiki healer who is feeling drained after healing sessions, make sure that your crown is open and that you are channeling energy properly to the client. Also, wear crystals and use them in the session. They will give you more energy and help you out a lot.

If the client feels overwhelmed, go slow. Make the sessions shorter. Don't do so much at once. Give them time to recalibrate before doing any more. Let them go home and take a warm epsom salt bath.


I've already mentioned some popular reiki tools, but I wanted to go over them in more detail. There are plenty of tools people use during reiki sessions.

Crystals-are used for helping bring more healing energy into the session. Selenite wands are very popular for these purposes.

Sage-both sage and palo santo can be burned. The smoke is used to purify the air and purify a person's aura.

Incense-incense is great for creating a relaxing environment.

Essential oils-lavender essential oil can make the atmosphere more pleasant and relaxing. You can use others as well. Clove and Frankincense are also really good to use for reiki.

Sounds-using relaxing music, meditation music, or any other music you feel is best can really help.

Singing bowls-singing bowls utilize sound healing. You will need to know what you are doing to use these, but they can be a very great tool.

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